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Posts posted by ameiva

  1. And I should also have added that we are still in fiancé K-1 stage, as I could not make it to the states, so we couldn't get married. I repeat, we are not married, we are fiancée K-1, approved. But if we are to be married, we would have to go through the entire process again, just to get the new stamp in the passport for me to legally enter the country.

    Right now, none of that matters. I want my personal property back, in a legal and lawful way.

    Do I need to get a lawyer? Or do I contact the local authority there? Or how do I proceed in the right manners and right way?



  2. hi Martina! Im so sorry to hear about your situation. Tell us, where are you now? In the states still? If you have tried communication with him, and it didnt work, i would try to give him some time to cool down. Are you guys not staying married or whats the situations since it turned into this? If you have proof of him threathing you, i would go to the local police and show them the proof. Messages etc. Maybe they can help you in some way. Maybe. Im sorry to hear about your situation tho. I hope you are okay and hes not threatning to hurt you too?? Big hugs from Camilla, Copenhagen! ❤️

    Hello, thanks for replying! :)

    I am currently in Sweden, and my fiancé is back home in America.

    I've tried communicating with him, but I've failed every time.

    I had my K-1 visa approved, but failed to leave Sweden before the expiration date in the passport. We thought we had the six months that the pink slip in the big package stated we had, so we though that, that was the timeframe we had to work with, the package arrived rather torn and I was afraid to make it worse, so after I opened it I read the pink page and put it back in the bag it arrived in. Thinking better not to mess with it so I tears open entirely and makes it so I can't get though customs because of that. Massive mistake on my part, one I will never do again!

    He comes to Sweden for 10 days, and we pack and clear out my apartment and so we packed both his and my suitcases with clothes and photos and all of that. We arrive at Stockholm, ARN. Had some issues, as they said that the stamp in the passport had expired, but we show them the big visa package, and get through, land in Amsterdam and they stop us there. I cannot board the plane, and have to return to Sweden alone.

    We tried to renew it, but got told that we have to go through the entire process again.

    So I returned with only a bit of my clothes but my fiancé has everything else, the paperwork, photos, jewelry, you name it, he has it. He promised not to use the items against me, but right now as soon as something doesn't go right, he threatens to throw it, burn it, or destroy it because he can't sit down and reason with me like an adult in a very nasty argument we are having. He thinks he has the right to do whatever he wants with my belongings as hostage. It's downright abusive right now, and causes me a great deal of emotional distress. I can't trust him with my personal property. I just want my belongings back so this abuse no longer can continue. He gave me a big speech about how your not allowed to talk about certain things in a relationship, and on the topics that you cannot agree on, you lie about them to not lose their partner. He also says something's are his God given right, and that what it does to me has no validity. He also questions my loyalty, because on my three month stay with him, he went through my emails, my phone, Skype contacts, Skype logs, and denied me the ability to call home, and so on. Sorry for the wall of text.

    Well, I have been nothing but loyal. I've never gone through his things. I haven't ever questioned his loyalty, but he threatens and question mine on a weekly basis, and he claims I do, but I don't. He made me stop talking to the male gendered people entirely, yet he continued on with all his female friends both online and offline. So he was caught in a four year long lie, and blames me for having to lie, he blames me for just about everything right now. I cannot reason with him on any points, because he threatens to destroy my personal belongings, and that makes me having to simply comply with everything he says, and he walks away thinking he is rightful in his anger, his lies, and think he's won the argument, because I can't say what I want to say in fear of losing my valuables. I really don't know what to do anymore. I'm at my wits end with this.

    So how does one get ones personal property back legally speaking, as I am in Sweden and he is in America.

    Some of the things aren't actually worth money per say, like the photos. And it's not what I am after, there's no replacing old family photos. So who do I contact? What do I do? How do I handle this right? By law, and rights?

    Thanks again!



  3. Hello everyone.

    I'm here on rather unpleasant business unfortunately. But I have a few questions and some answers on how to go about it or who to contact and so on, would be helpful information to me right now.

    My fiancé has a large amount of all my valuables, including old family photos to which they are the only copy, he has all my jewelry, and so on and so forth. He has just about everything that I value. He threatens to destroy, burn or throw it all away. Even after he promised he wouldn't use my personal property as a holding catch, he did, and continue to do so.

    So I need some advice on how to first of all get my belongings back in a legal way. And how to proceed if I ever do.

    Any help and information would be helpful.

    Thank you in advance,



  4. Hi hello again! =)

    I have a few more questions, this time it's about medical history journals, as I prepare for my interview and medical exam.

    Do I need to bring those with me to the interview and medical exam? I have completed all the vaccinations, and got the yellow card, that's not what I'm after here.

    I've run into a lot of problems in trying to obtain my own medical history journals from the local hospitals and care centers.

    Any Swede out there that has some answers, advice or tips on how obtain one's medical journals?

  5. :lol: Well I did mean way north of Minneapolis... I think we are going to be about 5 hours north of Mpls?

    I'm not sure how I'm going to handle being that far from an Ikea...New York, Denmark, here, I've always been close to one. *faints*

    Well the people I visited and my future husband calls it 'Midwest', and I have no clue as to why.

    Maybe someone here can explain it to me? In reality, it's very much North East, so I'm confused.

    But 5 hours north of Minneapolis, not far from bordering Canada? You're right, that is far north.

    You win, and Oh! Do you have to go through border patrol crossing into Canada from the US?

    Mwhaha, IKEA, yeah.. it's something to be missed. No more quick mending with homeland foods,

    oh dear, actually.. I'll miss that too. Never thought I'd catch myself say that.. ever.. :o:lol:

  6. <----Just learned there is an Austin in Minnesota. I just keeping thinking Texas though.

    We are way way up north from there. My husband likes it and I like it, so I think it will be good.

    Bah, forgot to mention that I use Minneapolis and Minnesota state as pinpoint, it's very much north if you take all the states and the whole country into account, lol. Sorry.

    I forget how big it is sometimes.

    But yeah, north is good imho B-)

  7. I'm not going to claim to know everything, but there have been a few threads lately about people misunderstanding the transfers - you don't submit your petition to TSC, you submit it to the lockbox (which is also in Texas). As such it could be that your petition was never at TSC. See this topic for more on what I mean: http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/494524-timeline-you-are-doing-it-wrong/

    This might not be the case for you, but it's worth checking to make sure that the timelines are as accurate as possible. :)

    Filed in Lewisville, Texas. Got the first notifications from TSC. :huh:

    But of course, just to be sure, I will triple check and update accordingly. I don't want to contribute to incorrect data.

    And yep, read it through. Thanks for the repeat, it's a really good thread, and more people should read it. Learned lots.

    *Nargh, spelling errors*

  8. Yep, your new center on the timeline would be CSC, I believe.

    Whereabouts in Minnesota are you? We are closing on our house in Minnesota in a month, bought with the help of our Danish realtor. :lol:

    Yes. Awesome, good, just making sure I don't make a terrible mistake, phew.

    Southwest? Kinda, we're Austin to be exact.

    Sounds like a congratulations are in order, hooray and go you! :thumbs:

  9. Nowhere too big or too small. I come from a small town, and like to visit the big city's on occasions.

    Went to see Minnesota in the middle of winter, and loved it. I tend to do better in colder climates, so I'm aiming for north. *shrugs*

    Not lived through a Minnesotan summer yet though, so I don't know what its going to be like.

    I'd like to go live in Minneapolis for a while, but I don't think we'll be able to for a long time.

    Oh well, we can still visit, and there's so many places I want to go see. ;)

  10. The 1980s. :huh:
    You are a larger than life, ambitious person. You believe that you should live big or go home. You appreciate the bold days of the 1980s, when no one ever toned it down. You believe in working hard and playing hard. You can't help but love money and nice things. You are a bit ruthless and power hungry. The one who dies with the most toys wins, right?
  11. Through an online mmorpg game, called eveonline.

    Not really looking for love either one of us, but a year and a half down the road as friends, something drew us together, and we fell in love.

    We met in person for the first time april 2013 in Sweden, and again in novemeber 2013 til february 2014, in America. It was a good trip bothways, we met family and got along great.

    Now we are just started on a K-1 visa process, and can't wait to get back there. =)

  12. Hello, I just wanted to introduce myself, and my fiance, as we just registered and got started on our long visa journey.

    Petitioner's Name: Caleb (American Citizen)

    Beneficiary's Name: Martina (Swedish Citizen)

    We're so glad we found this site and forum, it has been a little bit of a mind boggling journey before this.

    But here we are, and we really appreciate and are grateful for all the information on here, many time it all servers to ease's both our minds.

    So thank you guys!

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