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Posts posted by Angel012110

  1. Hello, 

    My mother had a U-Visa and applied for adjustment of status about 3 years ago. My brother, who at the time was 16, was on the application with her. 

    She had a pro-bono immigration lawyer helping her and waived all her fees since she was under poverty guidelines when she applied. She missed an RFE on her case due to her lawyer not communicating in time and her case was denied recently. However, my brother who was also on the application was approved and he has his green card now. It's been over 10 months of sending letters to USCIS for appeal, sending RFE requested docs and requesting reopening the case to no avail. They do not respond at all. The lawyer told her to reapply but she will now have to pay all fees including lawyer fees since she has a better job now. (earning 25k a year 😞). I did all my own paperwork for my adjustment of status and citizenship and never needed a lawyer. Since she had a special visa, she had to do it with a lawyer. However, my question is, since her case was denied, can't I just file paperwork to adjust her as a parent of a U.S Citizen over the age of 21? Would the denial of adjustment due to a missed RFE impact her applying though a family member instead? By the way, the RFE was something trivial like a copy of her passport page, I say trivial because she sent it in the initial application so maybe they just lost it. I could save all the lawyer fees, do the paperwork myself and just pay the filing fees. The lawyer is quoting her about $5,000.


    Thank you in advance. 

  2. Hi!

    So I had my interview this past saturday, August 10th. My appointment was at 1:00 PM but I was actually a bit late and arrived at 1:10 PM. i checked in and there were about 3 people there before me. I waited about 10 minutes and was called in. He asked me all the normal questions on the application. "have you ever been involved in criminal activities?", "are you willing to bear arms?"....etc and then he asked me the history questions. I don't remember all of them but I believe he asked me to name one of the two longest rivers in the US,The name of the current president, if the president cannot serve who serves after the president and what countries did the US fight in WW2? He then asked me to read "When is columbus day?" on his tablet and then had me write " Columbus day is in October". The funny things is, I had just SEEN the word Columbus and I know how to spell it but i was so nervous I spelled it Colombus and he acted like nothing happened so I said nothing lol. i also forgot to bring my green card with me.............Yes, i know, I was a disaster. He took my Driver's license and made me sign a paper that I was who I said I was and said it was fine if i didn't have my green card with me. He then said "congrats, you passed!" and asked me if I would like to be scheduled to the upcoming ceremony on August 23rd. I said Yes and he said that was the end of the interview. I was out by 1:40 PM. it was very quick, the officer was very personable and actually cracked jokes during the interview and I'm already scheduled for the Oath. All in all, a great ending to this veeeeery long process! Wish you all the best of luck!

  3. I haven't been here in a while! Congrats to all the approvals! So I'm a CSC filer who's case got transferred to NSC and I also already received my 18 month ext. I'm tired of the waiting so I applied for my citizenship online today! I'm so excited to start the final step in my immigration journey! Good luck to all that are still waiting (Like me)! I'll keep you guys posted of  the process. 

  4. Hello! 

    My green card expired In May 2017, i sent my package to remove conditions In March 2017 but still have not heard anything. I also have lived in the same place for the past 3 years but have never received the extension letter. I called USCIS about 4 months after i filed and they said they cannot resend it and if i needed something as proof of extension they could put a stamp on my passport. Well I never got the stamp because i didn't need it but my grandfather passed away a couple days ago and i need to make an emergency trip to my country so i made an appointment on Jan. 18 to get the stamp and my trip is Jan 23, do you think it's ok to travel with the stamp only or would they not be able to verify and not let me back in? I'm actually so stressed right now. I'd like to know if anyone successfully used the stamp only. I'm flying from Miami to Uruguay, with a connecting flight in Panama City. Any thoughts would be great! Thank You!

  5. So I Just Received My Biometrics Letter Today, It is Scheduled for April 14th 10 AM! The Notice is Dated 03/24/17. Is it normal to receive the Biometrics letter first and then the NOA extending the permanent residence? I've heard of this happening to other people but I don't know if that's just a thing now. Anywhooo.... my card doesn't expire until the end of may so I won't start to worry about the NOA until the beginning of May.

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