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Posts posted by M+S

  1. I don't really see any problems with your plan. Since it's your parents' address on your forms, you'll still be able to recieve mail there, so that won't be an issue. The only thing I can think of is when your husband arrives at POE, they might notice a discrepancy between the paperwork and the new address that he will have to put on the I-94. I would just send him with a letter that explains how you've changed residence since filing your petition that he can present if he's asked about it.

    Totally agree with you ..I don't see any problm about it at all..Good Luck Kristy:)

  2. Hi my mum recieved her visitor Visa today they gave her a visa valid for 5 years with Multiple entry to USA..

    in fact I sent to My mum every single possible paper they can ask for ..

    My visa and my state ID and my husband's passport "copy" and his employement letter

    my dad passport and every thing that we own " my parents " I mean ..

    I told her to take with her my sisters and brother Brith certificate and my Marrige papers and her marrige certficate ..my dad bank statement ..

    But she told me in her interview was very easy and the CO all whatshe asked for is my dad job and how many kids my mum have and my husband copy of passpost and my copy of my visa ...and that was it

    so I think if your wife's mother is married and her husband is still together and hse has unmarried kids ..she will have no problem having the visistor visa

    by the way the CO asked my mum why she wanna come to US ..she said to see me and attend my labor and see her first grand daughter ...

    I sent to her too a paper from my doctor that says I need my mum and iam pregnant and my due date...

    so make sure to send her this papers and she willbe OK

    Good luck :)

  3. I bought my makeup from Clinique ..I liked very much the Foundation is really good and the eye shadow is great and I got 3 bags of bonus makeup stuff from them because i ent there 3 time I bought alot of stuff from there .This bag has a Kohland Mascara and Lipstick and eyeshadow and eye makeup remover ..

    they have an offfer now if you buy your anything from Clinique at YOUNKERS you get this bag this stuff ...Iamhappy I got 3 one for me and theother 2 are for my sisters ..this offer I think till the end Feb ..so Hurry :)

  4. he won't let you give them one? or....?

    No, he's Muslim so they have a set pattern. One given name, then his name, then his father's name :)

    That's weired I never heard of that ??? I am a muslim too but I never knew that Middle names are something not accepted in Islam?? are they??

  5. since Iam the non US citizen ..I was scared death I thought everything in US just like movies ..people being shot and killed in the middle of the street in the mid day ..so I scared to sit at home alone so I had to go with Mark every day to work ..one of the things I felt is the imprssive Traffic and the way cars stops aside whenever an ambulance walk though THIS IS AWESOME! Till now this is the mos impressive thing I have ever seen ..Traffic in Cairo is Pathedic!!!!and catastrophic really.

    I liked how clean and organized everything in US too..one of the things I liked but hated in the same time is The DEAD CALM in the streets here ..Cairo is very noisy I was somehow used to it ..came here it's always calm..Husssssssssssssh

    The thing I hate Cairo was always ACTIVE everything is open until 4 a.m in summer time and in winter till 1 A.M but here it closes at 9pm!!!!! HOW CRAZY IS THAT!!!!!!!!!

    I miss Cairo :(...I like US though :)

  6. Today Mark and I first time ever to be together in the Valantine I went to buy hima gift and Card and while Iam picking up card I flet there was no Card can decribe the feelingI have for him, One thing Iam sure of I love my husband more than anything in this world and he is the most precious thing in my life and I really can't live with him ....I love him to death ...I was picking the card and I had tears inmy eyes because this is thefirst time in my whole life to celebrate Valantine's day with someone and I am very happy It's MARK ...

    I love you Mark :)


    as Fayrouz says" ana le habibi we habibi elly"

    I dedicate the song "EVERYTHING of lifehouse to him and to all of you

    Happy Valantine's day :)

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