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Posts posted by sol_enn

  1. Exactly 7 days after my interview, 2go texted me yesterday around 4.30pm saying my visa is ready for pickup. Right after i got that message i went to MOA to get our visa. Thanks God visa is on my hand now. Lol! I told my goodnews to my baby and he booked my flight right away! :) Glad he gave me an ample time to prepare, besides i still need to attend the seminar at cfo office, that would be on tuesday. Oh! can't wait to pack my bag and ready to go =)

    All the best to all especially k1 members.

    Thanks again VJ's <3


  2. I feel great today, i can say one of the best days happened in my life.. God answered prayers really.. Visa approved! Yay! :)

    Best of luck to those members of vj who will be interviewed soon! Just be positive.. confident, honest and real and sure you'll be fine.. :)

    Thank you to all vj members who helped me on this process, your experiences, informations and ideas did help me a lot, till next time.. =)

    Thanks guys



  3. Since i cant wait to call st. Lukes, (scheduled aug.4), i tried to call them today. Luckily i was able to talk to a lady, i asked her if the result is ready, she said yes, asking me to bring passport, receipt, 2x2 pics and the letter and go to the clinic on Aug. 5. I asked her if its for iimmunization already and she told me, they are not allowed to give the result :( I really wanted to know coz i have a daughter (K2) and she still have one pending vaccine to get. Do you think my result is good to go and NEGATIVE. Now i get anxious again, and need to wait 4 days to get to st. Lukes. God please give me a negative result. I keep praying and hoping for this.

  4. It's 8 weeks and 1 day now, glad im done with the 2 months waiting with no calls receive from SLEC, I cant wait to call them on monday for the result. I know they will not give the ex@ct result but still wishing they could :) and hoping its NEGATIVE!

  5. Hi vj peeps,

    This coming wednesday is my 8th week of waiting for my sputum culture, and was asked to call next week for the result, no calls receive from 3 to 7th weeks and thats made me happy and feel confident that test is Negative, but yeh, there is still a little worried coz 2 months is not done yet, and if i call still no exact result via phone. Do you think this long weeks wait, my result can be Negative. I really cant wait to get this medical clear. I really cant wait to be with him Do you think Is it ok if i call on wednesday that exact 8 week, my schedule to call st. Lukes is on monday next week.

    Hoping and praying for a negative result.

  6. Hi,

    I read this topic from start to the last reply, same as what you have experienced, I too, experiencing this 2 months waiting now, i feel very happy when i got negative result on my sputum smear test. But I think this 8 weeks waiting is the longest waiting on my entire life, wishing and hoping for the negative result of that culture.

  7. I went back to St. Lukes last June 6 for the result of my 3 days sputum test done last June 2, 3 and 4. I was really feel happy when the doctor said that the result were all negative. But, still need to wait for 2 months for sputum culture, and so another waiting :( Hoping and praying that the result of that culture is negative as well. I really can't wait to be with my fiance. I'm almost there! <3

  8. Thankyou elsiever for sharing your experience, you just made me feel more confident and more positive to face this situation. I pray that everthing goes well.

    Thanks EVERYONE really! =)

  9. I had history of tb way back highschool (1993) because I was exposed with tb patients those days.. but I'm pretty sure that I'm cured already and had taken this 6 months medication..

    My worried now is that I already gathered most of documents needed for my interview, and these documents has also expirations, particularly the cenomar and police clearance do i need to get a new one if these documents expires or i can still use this for my interview..imsorry ihave a lot of questions..but VJ people here are so helpful and i really appreciated every informations i get :)

  10. Thank you AI422 and Hanks for your inputs, really such a big help! we were really kinda worried about the 4 months expiration. And this sputum test really delaying the process, but praying and hoping that everything goes well.. thank you again.

  11. We went to St. Luke's last May 14 for medical, even I didn't get any appointment letter from embassy yet, they did accept the Nvc letter even without appointment letter, thanks VJ. And May 16, second day, my daughter had her immunizations and me, since I had scar on my lungs, I have to undergo sputum test.. so the nurse scheduled me June 2, 3 and 4, sad that I have to wait another 2 weeks just for this test. And 2 months for culture test. My question is, my fiance k1 petition will expire on july, since the petition is only 4 months? Do my fiance need to inform cnsulate for an extention of the petition? Please I really need your input on this, my 2 months wait for culture test is on august.. Another question is, I haven't pay my visa fee yet, do I need to pay the visa fee after the result of my test or I need to pay the visa fee anytime. Really appreciate your inputs. Thanks!

  12. My fiance has history of tb, she got that when she was in highschool as she was exposed with tb patients, that was 1993 a decade already from then every time she took xray scan, scar always show, and asked for a repeat xray called Apico view, but every time A pico done always get a result 'normal' So most probably, that scar will show again if she will undergo xray at st. Luke's, she kept every xrays she got, just in case she need a proof in the future, Are the st. Luke's will honor previous results of xrays, I've read that on the list of requirements to bring, one stated there you can bring xray result 3 months before your medical. Also, having said she has tb before is she gonna undergo culture test that means automatic 2 months delay just because she has tb before

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