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Posts posted by JBean2014

  1. Friend of mine got a email from NVC with update of her case, the review process is taking 60 days instead of 30 days.....

    "We are currently receiving an increased number of approved petitions from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. As a result, we are experiencing increased review times for documents received.

    We expect it will be at least 60 days from the date we received your mail before we complete the review of your documents. We will notify you when we review your documents.

    We are working to reduce these processing times and we appreciate your patience.

  2. So, before I create a new request form for the new layout, any other suggestions for columns? What about calculations, did I get all of them?

    Also, question to those who did EP: are there received and scanned dates for emailed packages? Or is there basically just one date of when they received (or opened?) the email? Trying to figure out how the two columns for each package are going to work with those going through EP.

    Saylin, I dont think there is a reveived dates, all I got is the scanned dates (it can be make change by NVC anytime they want to).

    And here is the quote from nightingalejules.

    Hello, again everyone! Just checking in after my weekly call to NVC and it appears that they're more or less randomly changing dates on "mail received". Last week when I called they said they had mail logged in on june 10th or 11th and the 25th. Now they say that they have mail received on june 24th and July 4th. Neither of the dates is the same as before... Just awesome.

    On the plus side, I had a bit of a health scare this past couple of weeks but it turned out to be nothing. So that's a gigantic relief! I had visions of having gone through all of this and then having to quit the process while I had surgery or treatment in Canada.

  3. We have the same AOS scan date, my friend! :dance: We have the near identical timeline! :D

    July 29th is our 30th business day since July 4th was a holiday. :star:

    Please post something once you hear anything from NVC! :yes: I'll do the same! :thumbs:

    Hey, AustinCanda, did you do EP with your case or just regular mail?

    I tried to ask Rep on the phone about the different on review the EP and non-EP, but they didnt say a word ... :ranting:

    A VJer did it with EP (AOS/IV sent on June 3rd, one day ahead of me), and he got P4 (email with interview date) last week...

    NVC just make no sense.... :protest:

  4. Hello, again everyone! Just checking in after my weekly call to NVC and it appears that they're more or less randomly changing dates on "mail received". Last week when I called they said they had mail logged in on june 10th or 11th and the 25th. Now they say that they have mail received on june 24th and July 4th. Neither of the dates is the same as before... Just awesome.

    On the plus side, I had a bit of a health scare this past couple of weeks but it turned out to be nothing. So that's a gigantic relief! I had visions of having gone through all of this and then having to quit the process while I had surgery or treatment in Canada.

    Hi, nightingalejules.

    Can you explain why the "mail received date" keep changing, and what is that mean?

    I got different date each time I called, and Rep didnt give answer for the question why there is different date on my case.

    I did my case with EP, sent on June 4th, the scanned date was June 20th, and it changed to June 27th last night when I called.

    And the Rep told me they got three packages, but She couldnt tell me what is the third package beside AOS and IV packet...

    Wait for da 30 Biz days, thats all about it...

    I really feel frustrated with NVC's slow & unpredictable progression.

  5. I got a good news from Amenda, and I really hope she was telling me the true.

    She told me they got my files on the June 5th, and I am getting close for the AOS/IV packet review....

    That's quite different from what I told by another Rep last week, they scanned my files on the June 20th, and the review is going take 30 biz days from the 20th... :wow:

    We will see..... :clock:

  6. I have no idea. Maybe the case got in the system as of June 2nd when the EP enrolklment took plce and since they had our AOS at that point, perhaps is queued starting from the EP date. NVC agent told me that they have recieved it June 19th and that's what was confusing....like 2 weeks to open their emails?!

    June 2nd would malke a lot of sense since this is the dates they are processing now.....

    I'll cross my fingers for you! Never know!

    Yes, its a myths...

    I just called NVC and asked the same question again, but got different answer...

    They told me the "30 days" is from the scanned day last time, but now the Rep told me its the day from I email the packets...

    Who knows...@_@

    Also she didnt answer the question about the different timeline between EP and non-EP....keep saying the 30 days over and over... :clock:

  7. Just confirmed on the phone... it's CC for us! yahoooooo! :dance:

    case recieved at NVC mid-march

    IV completed sometime early June as we have a lawyer

    Send AOS documents by email May 30th

    EP enrollment confirmation June 2nd

    NVC received ("scanned") June 19th

    CC July 9th

    So EP is not following the same timeline obviously....

    Congrats! :goofy:

    Do you think the timeline just for the Canadian case w/ EP?

    According the conversation with the NVC Rep, he told me the EP and non-EP case will handle the same once it scanned into the system (queue the same as non-EP).

    My case scanned on June 20th, and its going be awesome if I can get the same timeline as yours!! :rofl:

  8. DAMN! that means they are still working on may 27!!

    EDIT: Do you know when your AOS docs were scanned?

    A VJer got the CC with scanned day of May 29 last week, but its all ramdom however....

    NVC is a myths...

    I sent AOS/IV packet on June 4th (scanned on June 20th), CC is expected on August if there is no checklist with da backlogging for now....

    No hope for us to celebrate our wedding anniversary together in September...>_< :cry:

  9. i'm doing EP, My aos took about 34ish days but I got a checklist. I emailed aos 5/20 at night, scan date was 6/11, got checklist on 6/25. emailed response 6/25.

    now just waiting for the case complete... :clock::clock::clock:

    idk how long it's gonna be....

    good luck!!! we are almost there!!

    Im stuck in the EP as well, both packet scanned by NVC on June 20th.

    There was delay for my case beacuse of the EP enrollment change, and didnt know till the beginning of June. :crying:

    Good luck to you 2, Jenny.

  10. So then there really isn't a difference then right? Some who have done EP say they wish they had done snail mail, as fif it would have gone faster. What are the pros and cons to snail mail vs. EP? Hope I'm not asking too many questions :s

    I discussed with the NVC last week about the EP and non EP case, EP is way way way backlogging.

    Send them the snail mail seems better choice for now.

  11. JPY1000, was your case enroll in the EP?

    I have a question when I checking your timeline, you got the interview appointement letter before the CC? :huh:

    Receive Instruction and Interview appointment letter : 2014-03-04 Case Completed at NVC : 2014-03-26

    Did you get the interview date from NVC or the GuangZhou Consulate?

    Thank you.

  12. Sorry to hear you can't resolve the issue with NVC. I am doing EP too and it was the worse mistake, its longer than snail mail and you don't know which day they are reviewing. Every time I call they give me the 30 business day. It is very stressful and I hope VJ people that are contemplating EP, PLEASE DON'T DO IT!

    I hope soon you get an answer and get CC. Good luck!

    I feel the same way, NVC took 2 weeks to scan my AOS/IV packet into the system with EP....

    It makes no sense,,,, :ranting:

  13. I'm a little bit confused about EP for China now.

    Do I still need to send ENROLL email and wait for new GZO number, then send AOS package through email? NO

    Or Can I just send AOS package and that will automatically ENROLL me in EP. YES

    Also, is EP much faster than mail-in process?

    It takes longer to process in NVC. And EP schedules the interview in NVC rather than in GuangZhou consulate, it can speed up about 2 months compare to regular mail however.

    One more question, NVC received my file on June 11th and when should I expect to get my case number and IIN ? About 20-30 days.

    Thank you in advance.

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