I hope that the justice will be served - I know that it won't bring Dawn back but at least the justice system may prevernt any future tragedy. People like this need to be kept away from the roads...
My thoughts are with Hatem and his family. Please keep us posted, Jackie!
Wow that's a very brash and insulting comment to make. I was raised Christian and found a lot of unanswered questions and contradictions in Christianity through a lot of research, reading, and talking with clergy. I didn't convert because I "lacked a backbone" I converted because Islam made more sense for me. I think being so self-righteous about your personal decision is pretty unattractive. Would you like us all to give you a round of applause? Certainly there are some people who make choices based on the relationship their in but to just assume that you're better than anyone who has converted without even the inkling of knowledge about their decision is just rude.