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Posts posted by cheeky^Wolf

  1. I never watched much TV in the UK. The soaps if I was around, but other than that, there was nothing I HAD to watch. Used to love Nighty Night though! Hilarious.

    Since I've been here Dave's got me watching Life on Mars (excellent), Dr Who (agree with Mags, worth it just for John Barrowman phwoar!), I watched Bad Girls for the first time ever this week, that was pretty good.

    House is my new favourite show! We watched 4 hrs of it on Saturday night. I read this weekend that Stephen Fry is making a guest appearance in the next series too, can't wait to see him and Hugh Laurie together.

    I miss Louis Theroux documentaries, the guys a genius. But I just found the box set on UK Nova so that's downloading slowly.

  2. Lets get back to "square".

    The OP, who has a boyfriend in the USA, wants to petition another person, from NZ for marriage. Further, she is interested in using the US boyfriend for the sponsor.

    Anything wrong here? If you are paying attention, everyrhing is wrong here!!!!

    But then again, this is an international forum..we never know.

    Isn't that why she's here? She knows it's not a run of the mill case. No need to state the bloody obvious.

    If you don't agree with her predicament, why are you still posting in the thread? Let it be, it's not your life, you won't be affected. I'm sure she will go through as much red tape as you did, if not more.

    And if you are under the impression that every couple ever issued a visa are in a monogamous marriage, I think you might be disappointed.

    Nice. You had my respect before, but if you support this, then you have lost my respect. Does that matter? Not really. Offline, my respect means quite a lot, personally and professionally. No problem for you.

    You lost any respect I may have had for you with your first post on this thread. As I don't know you offline, or online for that matter, you're correct, it doesn't matter to me.

    But as you seem so hung up on respect.. perhaps you should show some for the OP. In my opinion, you are behaving in a very disrespectful manner which is bordering on childish over this whole thing.

  3. Lets get back to "square".

    The OP, who has a boyfriend in the USA, wants to petition another person, from NZ for marriage. Further, she is interested in using the US boyfriend for the sponsor.

    Anything wrong here? If you are paying attention, everyrhing is wrong here!!!!

    But then again, this is an international forum..we never know.

    Isn't that why she's here? She knows it's not a run of the mill case. No need to state the bloody obvious.

    If you don't agree with her predicament, why are you still posting in the thread? Let it be, it's not your life, you won't be affected. I'm sure she will go through as much red tape as you did, if not more.

    And if you are under the impression that every couple ever issued a visa are in a monogamous marriage, I think you might be disappointed.

  4. Shop n Save around the Pittsburgh area have Heinz baked beans made in Middlesex! They also have Ryvita made in the UK.

    Aldi does sell good chocolate. Better than Hershey's anyway.

    I have the worst craving for pickled onions and a lump of strong cheddar right now. I'm even considering learning how to pickle them.

    Ahhh 7 more weeks and all the cravings can be fulfilled.

  5. I've always liked country more than any other genre (blame my parents) and Dave's always been into all kinds, but mainly rock.

    When we first met, he would text me lines from songs, which I'm sure was his way of getting me to listen to them. It worked! We now like some of the same music and made a deal that whoever's driving gets to choose the radio station.

    Our song is Gerry Raferty - Right Down The Line. The words just mean so much to both of us.

  6. I just got back from Walmart and had an encounter at the deli which I thought might amuse the brits.

    There were 2 women next to me in line, I ordered my stuff, heard them whispering to eachother and heard the word accent, so turned and smiled.

    Her: Where are you from, you have such a pretty accent

    Me: England

    Her: OMGGGGG I could listen to you all day etc etc etc

    Me: Thanks

    Her: I just got back from Disneyworld and my family thought it was so funny cos I was going up to English families and saying (in a poor british accent) "Alright, hows it going?" and they were asking where I was from and I was laughing saying Pittsburgh!!!

    Can you imagine how annoying this would be??! I'm surprised she didn't get punched.

  7. I got a good one on Saturday night. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt as alcohol was involved..

    Me: We don't really celebrate St Patricks Day in the UK, it's not as big as here

    Her: Is that because no Irish live there?

    Me: I'm not warranting that with a response

    I heard on Radio 2 once about a woman who moved to Texas. Her new neighbour came over to introduce themselves. He asked where she was from, she said United Kingdom. He said wow, your english is real good!

  8. I too am an Essex Girl (Collier Row, Romford) and my US husband laughs at some of my favourite little sayings below (with translations!):

    "awright?" (hello)

    "is he aving a giraffe?" (is that gentleman trying to be funny with that outrageous thing he is doing)

    "you can stick that up yer bum" (I really am not happy with that suggestion)

    "bow locks to that" (no im sorry i will not do that)

    "it was proper nice" (it was really really lovely)

    "muppet" (idiot)

    "face like a bag o' spanners" (he/she was not aesthetically pleasing in my opinion)

    "donut" (idiot but likeable)

    and my daily one....

    "wot babe?" (sorry darling could you repeat that please)

    hahahaha those are great. I was born in Romford and had forgotten half of the local lingo, thanks for the reminders!

  9. Hi

    We had our AOS interview back in October and I received my green card back then too. Last week I received my EAD card which is valid from September 2006 to September 2007.

    I've not worked since I've been here and have no plans to. Do I have to get my EAD card renewed or can I just let it run out?

    Seems pointless to pay another $260 to renew it unless I have to. I wasn't sure if it made up part of the green card and the two had to run concurrently.



  10. Don't know if this will help you at all


    I think you really need his name before you contact the school board. I'd hate for you to have been given the wrong information and he's NOT a sex offender.

    My personal opinion is these people don't deserve a second chance, a leopard doesn't change it's spots and I personally wouldn't like to take the chance with my kids. They should pay for the rest of their lives for being sick bastards.

    Good luck, I hope you get somewhere with this. If you need any more help PM me, I do voluntary work against sex offenders and I'm sure there's some contacts in Missouri who would be able to help or advise.


  11. Ohh cleaning items, my favourite subject (sad, I know)

    For hardwood floors I use Orange Glo Hardwood Floor cleaner and the pink mop thing, throw it in the washer after every mopping and it's like new.

    I use Comet on the bath.. nice and abrasive, gets rid of all the soap scum and limescale marks.

    Shout! wipes are with me at all times, great for on clothes and also on the sofa's if anything gets spilled.

    I also keep baby wipes around all the time.. cream sofa and muddy dogs don't mix!

    I'm going to buy a magic eraser tomorrow as you all speak so highly of it!

    Cilit Bang in the UK is the same as Easy Off Bam here. Barry on the commercial is on here too.

    One complaint here.. Bleach isn't as strong as UK. I love a good thick bleach!

    Last tip for all you bachelors awaiting their loved ones.. Tide Simple Pleasures Vanilla and Lavender laundry detergent and fabric softener makes your clothes and sheets smell SO nice and the smell lasts for ages. I think I'm addicted to it.

    I (L) cleaning!

  12. That's really sad that your future mother-in-law feels like that. My first husband's mother was just like that and it really got me down. If he forgot a certain date or didn't call every day, it was all my fault. Truth is, she was jealous of us and hated the fact I took away her little boy.

    You have 3000+ miles between you and her, so a little lip service will go a long way. Good idea on keeping spare mothers day cards, that way if your SO forgets, you can say "well I remembered" (she'll hate that!)

    Can't think of any other dates, I believe father's day is the same.

    ETA: It's also a good idea to get all of his family members birthday/anniversary dates and put them on a calender.. saves alot of hassle!

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