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Tina and Johan

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Status Replies posted by Tina and Johan

  1. Hi Tina wondering can you help me I love in ireland and I am trying to schedule my appoiment and pay my fee when I log into the site do I go to imergrant visa or non immergant visa in order to make an appoiment I am k1 fiancee visa that has to marry with in 90 days in America katie is my fiance any help me appreciate thanks 

    1. Tina and Johan

      Tina and Johan

      I think it's considered a non-immigrant visa.  I'd ask on the K-1 board, just to be sure, but if memory serves, it falls under *non-immigrant*.  Good luck!  The Irish embassy is very friendly and hassle free.  :D  

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Interview Monday, June 9th. Positive vibes welcomed. :)

    1. Tina and Johan

      Tina and Johan

      Thank you very much. I agree with you; we'll know for sure in a few hours. :D

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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