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Posts posted by Scom

  1. Fantastic!

    OK... I have gone onto the MS highway patrol page with regards to NON-US residents applying for a US License. It is so vague and does not actually tell you if you need to retake an actual driving test.. my husband and a few of my friends visited their web page previously and could not find an answer to this which is why I called MS Highway patrol directly. I will call them again today and explain my previous call yesterday and to request confirmation that a computer test only is required. I will email you as soon as I know... fingers crossed!!!

    Thank you for the link good.gif

  2. Yay! Nice to see someone else in Mississippi.

    I am yet to move across, however I have been looking this kind of stuff up just so I know what i have to do when I get there. I have an Australian licence (I'm an Australian citizen). I looked up the DMV website for Mississippi and read that if you have a foreign licence you have to do the Learner's Permit test (the computer test), then take a driver's test in your own car that has you on the insurance. I thought it was ridiculous I would have to take a driving test after driving for 15 years which is literally half my life, but that's what it says.

    If you get confirmation of this I would be very interested in that information!

    Hello fellow Mississippian smile.png I was hoping because I spoke to someone direct at highway patrol that I would get a correct answer... I can see someone else has kindly posted a link for Mississippi so will have to check it out, what a bummer if I do have to take my driving test all over again mad.gif I will have a good look and also ring highway patrol again and keep you posted.... in the mean time I have added you to friends list so we can keep each other update good.gif

  3. It sounds like you have nothing to worry about and will breeze through the interview, I wouldn't worry about the joint assets until ROC (90 days before the expiration of the 2 year GC) and even then I don't think I would be that concerned if everything else was still in order.

    Thank you so much... your email has really reassured me dancin5hr.gif I was hoping to get EAD and SS# before my interview date so then I could be added to bank accounts and assets etc... but as of yet, no sign.

  4. This situation is my worst nightmare...I have my green card interview on March 4th and despite no red flags and a wonderful relationship with my husband and step children im terrified LOL!!! I have found joint assets so difficult to obtain as a SS# has been required for my husband bank account and credit card, which I am yet to be issued with...However, we do have a joint tenancy lease and the Manager of our apartment complex kindly wrote a letter confirming our bonifide marriage and our living arrangements etc... how as a couple we support our community and attend neighborhood watch meetings. I also managed to have my name added to the light bill and cable bill. I also included a letter from my step-children's school confirming I am listed as their step-mom and as an emergency contact, sometimes you have to think out the box. Obviously as standard all our photos, affidavits from friends, family and neighbors, 2 years of cell phone bills highlighting all our calls when we were apart (I felt sorry for whoever had to look through two years worth LOL), and all other required paperwork and documents were also included.

    I agree that an Immigration Attorney should now be the next plan of action. I have an immigration attorney from day one just to take the stress out of all paperwork and to ensure no mistakes were made and no documents were missing and I had a full picture of the process and what to expect. He is also attending my green card interview. It truly takes the stress and worry off my shoulders for the most part. But I still worry.

    You must go over and over everything that took place in your previous 2 interviews to see where the missing link is for them to call you for a third one. An immigration attorney will be able to help you.

  5. biggrin.png

    This is totally unrelated but when I visit family in the UK I refuse to drive and get cold sweats when anyone suggests it. My brother on the other hand has no qualms driving here when he visits. Is the left hand side vs right hand side switch not a problem for you? It scares me to death. sleepy.gif

    The roads here terrify me LOL!!! Everything is different to how it is in the UK.. its mind boggling wacko.png, But I do look forward to getting a US Driving License and getting back out there driving biggrin.png

  6. Hey

    You're overthinking it a bit. When you get your EAD, go get a state driver license. You'll have to sit the test but it's a piece of cake compared to ours. Really easy.

    Until then, you have no option but to drive on your UK license. I did for months, never thought twice about it. What else was I supposed to do?!

    Good luck!

    Yes LOL, its not pleasant trying to get a UK license that's for sure... I had 5 driving tests in my 20's... failed miserably and gave up... then when I hit my 30's I took up driving lessons again and passed with flying colors the first time round... but the test was in FOUR parts!!!

    1. Written test

    2. Hazard Perception test

    3. Actual driving test

    4. Tell me, show me test.

    WOW!!! dancin5hr.gif

  7. for the states that allow this 30 day stuff,

    i always read 'Visitor' to be:

    1. a B1 or B2 visa holder or

    2. someone who came in on a ESTA/VWP thingie or

    3. A Mexican or Canadien who legally crossed over the border


    never a holder of a K-1, CR-1, K-3, CR-2, IR-1, IR-2, IR-5

    But that's me.

    You ain't a visitor.

    Some folk in some states do it regardless, not getting caught, but there was a UK fella (Novembro's husband) who POE'd holding a CR-1 visa, up in Minnesota that had the same issue, got a fine, and rapidly went through the written test/driving test.

    Any one that says 'it's allowed, on an immigrant visa' is not right in the heid, IMO.

    Thank you good.gif I will definitely wait until I have SS# and Green card, and a US License before taking to the roads.

  8. Technically no you can't use your foreign driver's license at this stage but realistically it would be up to the officer that pulled you over if you got pulled over, personally I wouldn't risk it.

    Once you get your EAD then you can get a MS driver's license so you shouldn't have long to wait.

    Thank you! I have received my green card interview date but still waiting on EAD.. is this generally normal do you think?

    After a period of 30 days I believe that makes you a resident. I ran in to an issue with my wife here in NY. She had an Ecuadorian license and a valid NYS learners permit. Under the law after 30 days of living in NY she had to switch but the gray side she could drive by her self with a NYS learners permit and the Ecuadorian license. She did get pulled over and issued tickets because the police officer did not know the law. A simple letter to the DA and judge siting the law ( or in my case pointing them to the DMV's website) got the case dismissed and now she went on to get her USA drivers license.

    I think I will sit pretty and not take the risk then smile.png Thank you for advice.

  9. Hi Everyone

    Very random question... Mississippi Law states that as a UK driving license holder I am legally allowed to drive in America... but only if I am a "visitor". As someone who has applied for AOS and awaiting my interview date (March 4th) would I, in the eyes of the law, be recognized as a "visitor" ? I have not driven since I arrived here but I called the Mississippi Highway Patrol out of interest who confirmed this to me. (I was also informed (which is slightly better news), that once I receive my SS3 and Green card I do not need to retake my actual driving test but I do need to pass a $7 computer test .....ohhh the relief I felt LOL!!!!!!!!).

    Any thoughts and opinions greatly received on whether us lovely AOS applicants would still be deemed as a visitor. idea9dv.gif

  10. In Massachusetts you have to get a Massachusetts driver's license asap you established. I got my green card early January and in progress to get my license. I still can drive legally with my dutch license.

    What i know so far unless your in a bad traffic accident your fine driving with your uk license.

    Thank you! The term "Visitor" can seem rather vague when you are applying for AOS. I appreciate your quick response dancin5hr.gif

  11. I think that Mississippi is one of the few states where you can get a drivers licence without a social security number.

    Unfortunately not. I have to wait for my SS# and green card before I can trade my UK driving license for a US Driving license... Luckily the Mississippi Highway patrol also confirmed that I do not need to re-take my driving test, but I do need to take a computer test at a cost of $7 (Relief dancin5hr.gif )

  12. Hi Everyone

    Very random Question... Mississippi Law states that as a UK Driving license holder I am legally allowed to drive in America...but only if I am a "VISITOR". As someone who has applied for AOS and awaiting my interview date (March 4th) would I, in the eyes of law, be recognized as a visitor? My first reaction would be no, but wanted to throw the question out there and get some opinions and advice.

    (FYI - Never driven here as I never wanted to take the risk, but out of interest called Mississippi highway patrol who stated as a visitor of the united states a UK driving license holder can legally drive here)

  13. ya,, I noticed that too... Usually the "fraud" brigade would be out in full force... They are kinda quiet. Maybe the threads a few weeks ago clarifying the legality if AOS quieted them down a little bit! To the OP... I too vote for the AOS route..

    I have only been on this support site a week or two and I have had a few people quote me and make snide comments on me filing for AOS. I find it upsetting as me and my husband have been through so much to be together and I have 2 step-children to consider in this whole situation, Why would I leave my husband and stepchildren to go back to England and file, when I can stay here, file AOS and be with my family? I try not to reply to the snippy comments I have received so far LOL, but your comment did make me smile.... this particular thread has been refreshing dancin5hr.gif

  14. Stay, apply for AOS. The down side to this, you'll be stuck sitting around the house until all the paperwork is completed and you have a green card. The plus side, you'll be with your husband!

    Welcome to Tennessee, from a fellow Tennessean!

    YES!!! I so agree.. I have been sat on my butt for 14 months and got a bit chunky LOL!!! I hope my green card interview is successful so I can get back out to work and be active. Where in Tennessee are you? I live in Mississippi but on the state line! Im literally a five min drive from Graceland, and my husband works in Memphis :-)

  15. Our story is similar! I will make a new forum post though for all of your help!

    Congrats and best of luck you two!dancin5hr.gif

    I have added you to my friends list... if there is any advice you would like at all please just drop me a message.... I would love to hear your visa journey and wish you every success... AOS is the way to go... You are married now and you don't want to be apart if there is a way available to you where you can stay together. heart.gif

  16. Go directly on to the USCIS website and register. You can then opt receive updates on your status by either text, email, or both. The USCIS website will also let you see your case status on their website.

  17. You can stay as you did not enter the country with the intent to marry. I came to America from England in December 2012 to visit my fiancé for the third time and was planning to return to the UK in 90 days at the end of February 2013. We ended up getting married 2 months after I arrived on Valentines day last year and despite what some people might think this was not pre-meditated or planned. We filed the I-130 and I-485 on 6th December 2013 and I have a green card interview date of March 4th 2014.

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