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Posts posted by ViviT

  1. I know sometimes they just sneak everything up on us after all the time waiting and dealing with frustrations. Honestly, don't make the mistake of not providing original documents if that is what they ask for. They will give them back when the process is completed so don't mess this up by thinking that scanning it will work when they want originals. Use express mailing service, I know it can be expensive but it is worth it in the long shot. Don't jeopardize this for you guys, it's better that you actually even got a reply for a date that is so soon some people are still waiting to hear back who've been waiting longer than you have. Just do what you have to do to get it done because this is what it is unless you want to wait another 3-5 months which is usually the case when you want to reschedule. Just send the originals!

  2. So my medical is tomorrow and I think I have everything gathered but now I'm looking the list over and double checking that I have everything to put in my bag and it's saying Completed Medical Form ( mailed with appointment letter) ...... but I never got one. Isn't that the questionnaire thing that you fill out at the doctor's office to see if you do drugs or have pre-existing conditions or stuff like that ??? I'm kind of freaking out right now because I have no such form and I've already waited 2years to get this far, I can't afford any screw ups on my part at this point. Someone please let me know how this goes. Seriously. :clock::unsure:

  3. Just a heads up, since you already have a checklist and all that I don't recommend you expedite. Even though you think it will help it might set you back because you might have to resubmit everything again at this stage that you are at if they don't feel like going back to find all your stuff again, essentially putting you back at the back of the line delaying you before you are actually approved to be expedited. Make sure to check this out thoroughly before you expedite, just a thought, I've heard this happening before. I hope that made sense.

    Good luck.

  4. Since you aren't in a hurry, give them 5 business days. They should have it by then. Be warned though, the phone lines have been testing people's patients for weeks now, you will probably have to call 20-40 times none stop before actually being able to speak to a human.

    I myself am really fed up right now because I've been calling for weeks and unable to even get past the options area and all I want to do is check if my case is complete at this point.

  5. The phone call doesn't even go through for me anymore and I've been calling for weeks, wee hours of the morning, midnight, it doesn't matter when I call, it's the same thing and if it doesn't even "ring" you never get pass the options area, it just goes blank. I'm tired of this bullcrap. I just want to know if they've completed my case now. It's been since October and then they requested a stupid checklist and I sent that off since the first week of January. I just wanna go home and they don't even wanna answer the phone to let is know why is happening. It's just been one frustration and disappointment after another. For two years I haven't been able to see my mom because of their stupid timeline, it's so slow and it doesn't make any sense and even when you wait patiently they still want to stretch everything out.

    I just want my case completed so it can be at the embassy and I don't have to deal with all these issues anymore. :(. Why is it so hard. :(.

  6. I'm still waiting to get my case completed for the second time after they messe up in December. It's been a month and a half already and I'm so tired of all this already. I just want to go home.

    They take forever to do everything. It's disturbing. Haven't seen my mom in two years. :(.

    Just try to stay patient that's all you can do because they suck. And call them from time to time to keep updated.

  7. They received my checklist on Jan/9/15 and I'm just waiting now, crunching time. When I got that stupid checklist after already waiting 60days from Oct/10 - Dec/12, I was devastated. They killed my Christmas. I just hope they don't take forever and that it is completed and on it's way. It just feels like now that we are on the last part of our journeys they have to DRAAAAAAGGGGG it out as much as possible to suit themselves. It's devious. Anyways, I'm waiting.

  8. I also got a checklist. A page was missing but when we called the woman said to resend the WHOLE document. I think it's also the best choice and if you got two that asks you for information that one doesn't, I think it's best to just provide all the information than to have some possibly missing, again. P.S Make sure you include the barcodes and triple check everything.

  9. It's really frustrating and they never actually give you any REAL updates, just some generic bullshit that they tell everyone. :[ I miss my mom. I'm her only kid, this is just tearing families apart, they have no conscience I swear. It's been a year and a half and counting that this whole aggravating process is taking now add to that what NVC is doing or should I say not doing. I'm just waiting for them to finally complete my case and they are taking millenniums -__-. Heartless people they are.

  10. They have until the 20th of this month to get back to me before I start calling and getting crazy because they think this whole process is a joke.

    So far though (FOR ME) NVC has been decent with their timing, I'm trying to be patient until my calender deadline is reached before I get crazy because USCIS was just so terrible for me. A year and a half of my life wasted by those people.

    -____- #######.

  11. Very. I'm not the same category as you are but the good thing is you've got the letter.

    I just payed the AOS Bill invoice and we are waiting for the package to send what's needed.

    We also sent in the COA (DS-261 Form)

    Last time I checked,it should be about 18 days before they send it from the time payment is received. Sit tight. I am too.

  12. I don't get it thou...why did you have to go back home to process your documents...you were a minor when you came here I don't think you needed to go back home....I brought my son here as a minor and and even though he ended up being here illegally I filed for him and certain criteria was waived because he was a minor when he came here...I hope things work out for you very soon...I know this must be very hard on you

    This is what layers told us since I had no point of entry and it is also not my mother who is filing. It is my step dad. All in all, this is what many lawyers told us, that I needed to leave otherwise I had no future there even though I lived my whole life there, went to school and had just graduated ( well I was about to, but I never got to attend because I needed to leave before I was 18 they said), otherwise I would be a criminal with no future. :[

  13. I have spoken to a lawyer and I'm actually Jamaica right now and nobody told me about the I-601 , I only herd about it after I had left.

    Because my step father is filling for me even having known the situation this is what all the lawyers have told me and the lawyer handling my case.

    I really wish it wasn't like this and so frustrating but things are so far gone now that I'm only thinking of how I can make it better. Hearing that an I-130 might not get me in is really discouraging and I know you don't mean it in that way but I literally have no other options because of the way ALL OF THIS has played out. :[

    I don't know what to do anymore, how to feel about the whole thing.

  14. Have you contacted your representative or senator? How about sending something directly to the CSC director and asking for progress report? You are out of their normal processing windows, you should be able open a case. Lots of the monthly I-130 filer threads have good information on other member's experiences and what they did.

    Good luck!

    I am really new to this whole thing and don't quite now how to go about all those things.

    I am out of the country at this time so I'm not sure how that would work but I will give it a shot by contacting some people.
    I've tried calling before since my case is out of the normal processing time but I keep getting a machine.
    How about sending something directly to the CSC director and asking for progress report? - How exactly do I go about that ?
  15. I see you submitted your I-130 in September and were approved in 5 months. It took us 9 months to get approved.

    You got an interview date last Friday. We are still waiting for our NVC number to be assigned.

    I find it pretty amusing that you had "times of frustration" that resulted in "multiple inquiries". :D As far as I can tell, everything is happening pretty fast in your case. Sure, share the file (there are many free file hosting services online), but I would just like to remind you of how lucky you were. Be happy. :)

    I too am still waiting and it's been 9 months - 10 on the 21st of this month and I am seriously trying very hard everyday not to break down and cry. I want to visit my friend in Denmark and the best way would be to transit through the U.S and I can't even do that without a visa which is almost impossible to get if you have a case pending. It's like I'm in a box and no one will let me out. No one will even put a cut out so I can get some air. I am just hoping like you though I get a reply by this month which will make 10 months. This is just ridiculous :[

    My case was transferred to California on January 31st. That's the last I hear.

    Did your case get transferred ?

    How long did you wait after it being transferred ?

  16. Okay, I don't know if I put this in the right section but here goes.

    I left the country before I was 18 June ( It's been 10 months since I've seen my mom, it really sucks, pains my heart, I am her only child. ). And my petition was filled in July and NOA1 received on the 21st. It is an i130, its been 9 months pending ( 10 on the 21st of April ) and still no answer from them. No NOA2. The last thing I know is that my case was transferred to California on January 31st. I am being filled for by my US Citizen Step Father that married my mom when I was 16, I am now 18 and still waiting. Currently in JA, no opportunities so I've basically sat in the same room staring at the same walls for 10 months. It also doesn't help that I've been assaulted so I just stay inside. I want to go to Denmark to see a friend but the cheapest and quickest way would be a connected flight in the U.S. I want to know if that is a problem and why if you can, is my petition taking so long.

    Anyway, if you can answer my questions the best way you could that would be great. :)

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