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Posts posted by dawrcm

  1. the translation is a certified translation by the same person who translated everything else

    last time i called and all they said was that they had no record of the birth certificate.

    i verified i was sending the right form.

    im now looking for some kind of example to see if something is missing on the form.

    Oh also this is for the Dominican Republic not certain if I got that right in the topic headd\er

  2. Good Morning Everyone And Congratulations DeeDee

    This has opened some questions for me - How long after the visa interview does it take to get the passport with visa?

    Some where I had read a long time ago 5-10 business days

    Our plan was to have me there for the interview and stay until she has her passport back and we bot fly to the USA together.... however I can not stay for an unlimited time and reading the posts it seems that getting the passport back could take quite a while.

    Right now we are at NVC with all docs submitted just waiting on them to approve and forward to the embassy.

    Where are you checking for status of the case and passport?

    Congratulations again and best wishes for the future

  3. Well it seems that the record keeping is not so great there

    1) wife has birth certificate but I sent her to get the "long one" for the visa process

    2) mothers birth date is messed up

    3) getting it corrected is going to be a 50 day process..... after we fussed around with the local office Mother had to go to Santo Domingo to make correction now we just wait 50 days

    4) grandfather gave her wrong date of her fathers birth date (I used the wrong date in my paperwork to start the visa) Father died 24 years ago

    So now we wait.....

    Anyone else have this kind of thing happen?

    Any Suggestions to speed it up?

    Oh well just frustrating........

  4. Good Morning Everyone

    I talked to my Dominican Republic Lawyer and the answer is they do not change names on marriage.

    you can have the husbands last name appended to her name as in First name Last names de husbands however that is not a part of the legal signature just something that she has done to show her marriage.

    I hope that information will help someone else in the future

    Take care and good luck to everyone

  5. google has info on flights go to google.com/flights you put in the useual things and then it will show you the various prices starting wiht the cheapest - but this is only for the major airlines.

    But on the bottom right hand side there is a little bar graph icon - click on that and it will show you the cheapest price it has for each day and you can scroll across the month - be aware that something as small and extending the trip by a day or 2 can change the price up or down so going from a 7 day to a 8 day trip might save money

    I usually find a Friday afternoon flight so my trip is 15 days rather than 14 days

    Good Luck

    Have fun

  6. Thanks for your answer that is what I thought but I still have one thought issue

    Due to the number of people going to get new cedulas she has not been able to get a new one (no time off work)

    but our understanding her new cedula will indicate that she is married and that "de zzzz" (my last name) will be appended to her last names

    do I put the "de zzzz" on the documents or just on the addendum I am attaching ?

    Thanks for the answer

  7. Hi there

    My wife has two last names yyyy xxxxx and when she goes to get new cedula (Id card) it will add my last name to the mix so it will become

    yyyy xxxx de zzzz

    She does not have a middle name

    How should I fill out all the forms as to what names should I put as her last name?

    reading online shows that the de zzzz is not officially part of her name but her ID card showing that she is married will have that.

    Also reading on line (for Spain) says that the formal last name is the firs of the last names in this case yyyy

    so her maiden name will be First yyyy xxxx

    her married name ?? First yyyy xxxx de zzzz

    Anyone have suggestions?

    of course I might be making this more complicated than it really is


  8. Hello, for to change her last name to yours, after to get marry with the married certificated and her Cédula de Identidad y Electoral (ID) she needs to go to Junta Central Electoral, Department Cedulacion. They will give her a new Id with your last name.

    More info here: http://www.dominicanaonline.org/portal/espanol/cpo_servicios01.asp

    Thanks Everyone for the information

    We have talked it over and so far she is willing to change her name to mine -

    I am wondering if that will be an issue though when we are getting all the documents for the CR1 and interview since her name will be different from all her docs...

    Appreciate the help Everyone

  9. Hi Everyone - so I got this question my GF and I are talking about getting married in March during my next trip.

    So I / we want her last name to change to mine (just like in the USA, I, male, am the US citizen and she, female, is Dominican)

    But does not seem customary for that to happen there in the DR.

    So that leads to several questions,

    1) She has 2 last names and mine would be added as de Xxxxxxx

    2) how hard is it to change her name so that it is more like mine First Middle Xxxxxx as the last name, and with her middle name coming from one of her last names?

    3) or is it better to leave well enough alone for the CR1 visa we will file later?

    4) and if we leave her name as First Last Last de Xxxxxx how do I put that down on the application?

    Yes I am still getting it figured out as to what docs I need to get married there and how to have them translated.

    I know I need my Birth Certificate with an Apostille a statement as to being single (I can get that here with an Apostille also)

    And everything else I should have, like passport / entrance visa are required for entry to the country.

    Any suggestions Ideas? Please speak up


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