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Posts posted by Lullaby123

  1. My letter is expiring in April and my roc is still pending without rfe or anything. If I get my passport stamped next month, would I be able to travel in June and stay abroad for a few months? It will be for medical reason. I mean I'm not dying, but can't afford to see a doctor over here. I'll also be eligible to file N400 in Feb. Should I do that instead? Would it take too long to process both Roc and N400?

  2. Congrats .Ami. :)

    Hi Lullaby123,

    Did you talk to a Tier 2 officer and What exactly did they tell you? On the bright side, you can probably file for N400 at the beginning of next year and force them to adjudicate your pending I-751 if you still haven't heard anything back.

    I did. He said I shouldn't expect any news in December because the process is now taking from 9 months to a year, and I should hear back from them in Feb. I didn't mention anything about visajourney and was very polite during the call.

    I understand that I'm from a red flag country, but I think we sent out enough financial joint documents: 3 leases, 3 tax transcripts, car registration, car insurance, health insurance from my employer, checking account, and credit cards with him being authorized users (he has very bad credit so he couldn't open any). We also included airfare tickets to Asia with our names and pictures. We're both mid 20s and obviously can't afford to have any other property.

    I had to wait over 6 months after the AOS interview to be approved (and it wasn't a stokes interview), and now this ROC is taking too long. If they want more evidence, I don't know what else we could send to satisfy their need.

  3. "The status of this service request is:

    On November 16, 2016, you or your representative contacted USCIS concerning your I-751/CRI89 to notify us that you believe your case is outside of our normal processing time. Below is a summary of what we found and how the issue has been or may be resolved.

    Our records show that your I-751/CRI89 is currently pending adjudication. We regret that we are unable to provide you with a completion date at this time. We apologize for the delay.

    We hope this information is helpful and appreciate your continued patience."

    What should I do now? Is there anything that I can do at this point? My NOA1 is 4/11. It's been too long

  4. Hello everyone,

    I just got my 2-year green card a couple months ago. Its a bit early but I want to make sure I've done everything right. Im in my early 20s and my hubby is turning 25. Our income is low (around 22k) and I just applied for financial aid this semester. Someone warned me that financial aid would affect my 10-year green card application in the near future. I had waited for the 2-year green card for half a year because I think they thought our marriage wasnt legit. Im Asian and hubby is mixed hispanic/black. Well, that terrified us alot during that time. Until now, we've got a joint checking account, lease, photos, car's title with our names. 2 more things that im conerned are the electronic bills and credit cards. ComEd said they put my name under his account, but every mail shows only his name. 2 of my credit cards have him as authorized users (he messed up his credit a while ago) but they only sent me cards with his name. Nothing to prove on the web nor the statement. Any advice for me to prepare something better? We're not planning on having any child until I graduate from college.

  5. My husband (24 year old) and I (21 year old) went to the interview this morning. The officer didnt say anything about I would be approved or not but she mentioned what I will need for the interview in 2 years?!? She said our co-signer has a weird document (he has lost his documents) and she'll discuss with her supervisor later. She did ask us about how we met, when was our first date but didnt ask for any pictures. She didnt ask me any information about my husband like his name his family etc. She was nice and even said something about her life. I just dont know it feels so weird cause she didnt ask to show any pictures.

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