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Posts posted by Luk

  1. Danas sam kupio kartu za BiH, i odmah sam i za zenu kupio preko iste ove agencije. Znaci za mene oba pravca, za nju samo jedan naravno hehe...

    Ali ovo me sad zanima, prvi put cujem tako nesto...HIBRIDNI SEGMENT.

    U zene mi na krati ( mislim e ticket) to stavili, znaci dolazi ovamo, sve u redu...recimo ovdje je 20 aprila, a na karti stoji kao da se vraca za London 25 aprila.

    Pitao sam osobu koja je uposlena u toj agenciji, i kaze da je to zbog toga da karta bude jeftinija ? Zanima me jel iko imao slicno iskustvo, posto svaki me detalj brine u vezi nje, i dolaska ovamo.

    Ovako mi pise u mailu kojeg sam dobio.

    Bitna napomena: Hibridni segment na karti gospodje.....je ubacen radi snizenja cijena i bice ponisten nakon njenog odlaska.

    Sve mi je to jasno, al da li ce ako joj na POE gledali karte i sve zbuniti ove amere to ?

  2. I have called today after a week, and the lady was very rude telling me I have to wait 30 days first and then told me 8 weeks before an inquiry (which on the approval notice says 30 days) if you haven't heard anything from NVC.

    She was about to hang up when I said, "Thank You, and Merry Christmas", then her tone of voice changed drastically and said marry xmas more gently to me.

    I was laughing so hard after that....Irony I believe.

    Good luck on your phone calls, I hope you have a better rep on the line.

    Since i'm paying these people i'll be more rude to them when i call again. Who they think they are ?

    I had a rude one too, but i'm learning so i'll be the one who is rude from now on.

  3. Just got off the phone after waiting for like 25 minutes. This lady was rude as ........ She was like do you have your approval notice, i was like yes i do...and what is the date on it, i said Dec 7...she was like can you read down where it says give us 30 days....i'm like yes i see that, i'm just calling because i know it can take a week, two or a month.

    Then she goes, you are calling the right number sir, but it can take up to 8 weeks before we get your petition.I'm like ok whatever....

    So instead of me wasting time and calling, when would you guys suggest that i should start calling NVC ?

  4. Is Original Employment letter required by NVC, or just tax transcripts and pay stubs ?

    The reason i'm asking is because i have two jobs. One is with the company that i'm working for 5-6 years now, and the other is for myself.

    First job i really don't need anymore, but i'm not sure what to do because at my second job i get paid in cash. So there is no any kind of records what i make etc...but it's more then my first job so....and it's kind of too much to work at both places.

    I already made over $25.000 this year, no children, nothing, just myself, and i was thinking to just work until the end of this month and quit.

    But if they do require original employment, and latest pay stubs i'm gonna have to change my mind...

  5. One more thing...these forms DS-230 PART I & II

    I understand my wife (beneficiary) will have to fill them out. Are they electronic or ?

    If not then, is it better for me to send these to her, or is it ok is she print them out over there and send them tome or NVC ? The reason i'm asking is because of paper size in Europe and here, our G-325 forms where different size. USCIS didnt mind i guess, i dont know about NVC so that's why im asking.

    Also, is there anything else she needs to sign, so i can have her do that or is it just DS-230 PART I ? Why does it say....Completed and unsigned form DS-230 Part II by the beneficiary ?

    I have all other documents when i went to Europe last month except two pic's and this DS-230 part 1&2 forms.

  6. I just got the hard copy of NOA2.

    It states, we have sent the original visa petition to the Department of State National Visa Center..address and so on...

    It also states you should allow a minimum of 30 days for NVC to process before contacting them.

    Now i heard stories like USCIS didn't send petitions to NVC in like a month etc... So my question is, did they really send it, or do they just say that on (everybody's) NOA2 for whatever reason.

    I was confused when they transferred me week ago saying my petition went in ''local office'' but it was actually in CSC.

    Also, should i give them 30 days or start calling like next week ?

  7. Hi everyone, i have like 500 pics with my fiancé in differents countries seasons and time, i select 100, is that a lot?

    I send 3, and was approved. Send only what they ask, if it was me there i would not go thru all those pic's, neither would you. Skype and email, they don't read those....unless they are bored.

  8. @ PerditaD

    Razumijem sta tu pise, ali kako ce ovi u NVC znati o kom se dokumentu radi ?

    Translation Requirements

    All documents not written in English, or in the official language of the country in which application for a visa is being made, must be accompanied by certified translations and submitted to the NVC. The translation must include a statement signed by the translator stating that the:

    • Translation is accurate, and
    • Translator is competent to translate.
    • Evo i ovde tako pise unsure.png

    Jel ima ko da nije prevodio ove dokumente kao recimo uvjerenje od MUPA/suda/policije ? I da li je proslo bez problema ?

  9. Odlicno, puno mi je sad ovo jasnije. Bas ti hvala Mino :)

    Znaci mogu i ja tu formu (DS-261) ispuniti za nju i poslati. A ima li gdje da se potpise osoba, tj ona na toj elektronskoj formi ?

    Posto sam pokusao da pogledam istu, bas ono u detalje al' je ne mogu nigdje naci. Ako nema nigdje da se treba potpisati, onda mogu i ja to uraditi za nju pretpostavljam.

    Hvala jos jednom :)

  10. Hvala Mina :)

    Evo objasnila si u vezi rodnog lista :)

    Sad me zanima ova forma DS-261, jer ja cu slati sve papire za zenu odavde. Znaci ona meni, ja za NVC. Jos nisam dobio ''hard copy'' za NOA2, i nisam zvao NVC. A razumijem da je ovo elektronska forma (DS-261), i zanima me kad moja zena moze da ispuni istu i posalje u NVC. Jel kad oni dobiju nasu peticiju ili ona to moze odmah sad poslati.

    Taj Choice of Address and agent.... jer ona kao treba u toj formi da mene ovlasti da dostavljam potrebnu dokumentaciju u NVC itd.

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