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Everything posted by howjltx

  1. VP will not allow me to correct so I will try this way: I am taking some assumptions you are referring to a U4U I-134 and not the fiancé' visa in your profile? Due to you posting your response to my comments, or at least VP BOT alerted me to this. I am no expert, but I suggest you start over with a new I-134 with the correct information. Unfortunately, there are no good guidelines on what to do in case of errors. I messed up by not including my granddaughter in law as a group member to my daughter-in law. I took the lawyers advise in one of the previous posting by a VJ member and had to start a second I-134 for my in-law's daughter, I just did this on Friday so waiting myself now. Hopefully some VJ expert will correct me on this advise if it is wrong. Through the secured email on my USCIS account I asked a question more than two weeks ago and have not received a response. If you are referring to the Fiancé Visa, I suggest you bring them over on this U4U (United for Ukraine) program
  2. I am no expert, but I suggest you start over with a new I-134 with the correct information. Unfortunately, there are no good guidelines on what to do in case of errors. I messed up by not including my granddaughter in law as a group member to my daughter-in law. I took the lawyers advise in one of the previous posting by a VJ member and had to start a second I-134 for my in-law's daughter, I just did this on Friday so waiting myself now. Hopefully some VJ expert will correct me on this advise if it is wrong. Through the secured email on my USCIS account I asked a question more than two weeks ago and have not received a response
  3. Prior to the approval, both my I-134 submission account and the beneficiary's account had the option to add a group member. Once the case was approved both these options went away. So, I had to start over with a new I-134 with me as the grandparent being the financial sponsor. Once this is approved, I plan to have the beneficiaries tied together with the group member option. I am hoping for that this will work.
  4. Same issue with my case is now closed. Does this mean to submit a new I-134 for my Ukraine under-age grandchild, then once her mother receives this notice to create her child an account, she is to add herself (the mother) as a member of the group under "Add Travel Group Member" and mother repeats the attestation on grandchild?
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