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Posts posted by NatalieC

  1. Hey Nat, where the hell ya been? Welcome back!

    haha i took a break , quite a large one! but browsed now and then and yes its been a while!

    i noticed most familiar faces are gone but saw you and a few others still kicking. i havent kept much contact with VJ members aside from Lal.

    all is well here though my typing has gotten considerably worse!

    how are the St.'s ? its so odd being back really. i filed for my 10yr card and am not really in any particular rush, just just hanging out.

    i find it hard coming here only because my cousin, who intends to marry one of brians internet friends (from the states) has chosen to forgo the appropriate line of immigration... because it was "just too complicated" it has ticked me off to an extent, especially after she saw me go through all of it... i directed her here and offered my help to her..... still shes living in the states now and going to school (tho i dont know many ppl that go all the way to california to go to Jr college and take photography :blink: ) and she will magically get married this september and try to pretend it wasnt pre planned oO. we arent going to the wedding.

    seeing what ppl are going through on here, tho its not super difficult- a few forms, some cheques and drs visits- makes me want to call uscis and report her butt. at the moment im leaving it up to the system to hopefully catch her and boot her out for 10 years so i can say i told you so.

    so yeah, blarg!

    anyway ./wave and ill be browsing more frequently now, i feel so out of the loop not knowing many anymore

    sorry for hijacking the thread. bring all the food you desire from canada, youre gonna miss it! even plain old chips ahoy dont taste the same :(

  2. TSN needs to start realizing that some of us live here in the US, so they can stop limiting their broadband broadcasts to only connections in Canada.

    ok ill share a secret ive beeen told about by my father inlaw

    if you miss canadian coverage or your own team you can find it here:


    or really any sports- or non sports- related tv show

    youll have to watch online but man its SO nice to hear canadian coverage. you do have to look daily to see if youre games will be on and Sometimes you cant get canadian announcers but its still great.

    i noticed the week before xmas my inlaws were getting free NHL pass (it was in like channel 300s or 500s... they happened on it by accident) and it had legitimate CBC coverage of hockey games... even the COMMERCIALS were canadian. We went for dinner on saturday and and the leafs were on we didnt leave till after mid night..... it was after all double header saturday. they tried to buy the package for me for xmas but my cable provider didnt offer it :( theres came free with their regular tv package too :( -- i think they had time warner

  3. I see No High fructose corn syrup in the canuck version!!!

    i realize im digging up the past thread but i havent been here in forever, so im skimming topics.

    most american products have HFC in it rather than sugar. pop is one big thing i can think of down here made with HFC instead of the canadian regular sugar. it really makes things taste differently.

    TONS of american stuff tastes 100% different down here. fear it (i do) . when we do go to toronto we go shopping at costco and bring home bulk anything. even kraft dinner down here isnt as good as in canada. ( hey now im in my 20s. KD was my world for a bit in toronto) cheeses and milks taste and look differently to me too.

    an example thing: Lipton chicken noodle soup. the dehydrated sodium filled, yellow "chunk" of flavour with tiny noodles, packets kind that im obsessed with. the american version is horrible oO the noodles are like the microwaveable soup noodles... the packaging is nearly identical so i was fooled when i thought hey MAYBE this is the same.

    i remember making the canadian kind one day and brian had some. his first response was 'wow thats good'. i made him the left over package of the american kind one day because heck i wasnt gonna eat it. he took one bite and dumped it down the sink :x

    the other lipton products are different as well. i know i used to make the side dishes "sidekicks" in canada. the noodles or rice dishes if i needed to make a sat dinner side. i made the poor choice if picking up a few bags here that were near identical not figuring it would matter-- boy was i wrong.

    i found it quite dissappointing that things that were the same name wise or company, tasted completely different than i had experienced before. if i do see anything recognizable i wont buy it because i know im just going to get let down. brians family used to think i was crazy, so ive actually started to save labels from the canadian products to compare them with the US ones and show them they are different >< heck even popsicles taste differently downhere.

    i was in an "enthic" isle in the grocery store ( which was usually something spanish ohh tortillas are ethnic! and maybe some chinese cookies oO) and i saw something on the bottom rack... it caught my eye i bent down and looked it was a half opened case of un frozen "Mr Freeze" jumbo freezies. i LOST IT!

    i was on the floor digging through, they were sticky as heck (im guessing some burst) i was wiping them off and loading my cart with any that werent destroyed... i was in heaven. Brians mother who took me shopping at the time, then saw me on the floor and was just boggled at my reaction. i was depressed at the time and the freezies just made my day. we now have 4 cases under our sink from our september trip to canada >< the store here hasnt had them since

    so yes take your favourite things with you and if ppl visit get them to bring some along! sauces cereals( which are all also very different)... anything. especially if you enjoy different flavours of BBQ sauce. down here its hot... and bbq, honey bbq.... and thats about it. maybe its just because of where i live , i dunno. i hate change. i have found a few products here i enjoy but im still mourning the loss of many more.

    i guess a bright side is im not eating kraft dinner, or side kicks or even ordering pizza while living in the states because i cant stand the flavour, it will be good for my health! ill call it the immigration diet. :)

    sorry again for digging up an old thread.

  4. i've found the best is a large b or c. anything larger gets stretch marks with age

    my boobs had stretch marks at age 12, it f*cking sucks. i was and am a big tom boy and i remember being out one day playing and then i noticed later on that i had a reddish line on the side of my ####### and on my chest. i thought i had maybe ran by a bush or tree and a branch scraped me while i was playing. unfortunately it wasnt the case! ( that is unless trees attack me naked randomly with out my remembering!)

    once i have my kids' stage over and done with i intend to have a reduction. i wouldnt curse my worst enemy with large boobs. dont get me wrong, boobs rock, and brian loves them..... but i wish my genetics were 2-3 cups smaller. (and tough ####### for him. they are gonna get surgically smaller.)

    as for length i personally think better to be shorter than longer. width on the other hand.... thats where id put up an argument.

    to me there is nothing more un arousing than having some fun and saying ow cuz the freaking thing is, what feels like, poking you in the back of the throat -- and no im not referring to the act of oral sex. i feel badly sometimes having to say calm down or chill out because i feel like my uterus is about to come up my throat.( man im tired and laughing way too hard at writing that.)

    everyone is different and likes different things. i did think it was sort of sad that ppl wouldnt buy the appropriate size for themselves. maybe if they change the size system to colours or shapes lol

    "id like a square please" might make them get the proper stuff. at least at first :P

  5. Yeah most the people here meet online I can see and then meet once before filing the visa. No problem for me.. I find it quite legit, but I met my love and we were together for 4 months first (LDR just started) :( :(. I'll see her again and maybe after a year or so get engaged and start the process. But I'm scared shitless about promising to marry that quickly, I love her to death but still. Just curious about how everything is working for those who didn't know each other long and have been married for a while. It just seems like a lot would get divorces really quickly after finally getting to live together. I'm really not trying to be a downer-I strongly believe in crazy love stories... just curious

    being scared and being nervous / anxious are totally different IMO. usually saying yeah lets get married is the easy part ( if you know you should) there are always cold feet etc but usually its all ok .

    because of the paper work and all that jazz , it adds a stress factor, and can make you want to pull your hair out but i REALLY dont think it should make you question whether you want to marry someone. if it does then you are not ready(again IMO). 'i love her but wow thats alot of paperwork and it scares me' really isnt what most ppl think when they get engaged or debate it.

    again that is just my opinion, but i see a big difference between things that have been brought up.

    you saying >I'll see her again and maybe after a year or so get engaged and start the process. < is basically "after we have a relationship for a while"

    which is exactly what any couple should do :P that "while" is a different range of time for different folks. i knew immediately as did my husband that we wanted to get married, we didnt get officially engaged (ring and announcements yaddayadda) for 4 years. needed the simple things done, school, careers money, housing: all those nice things needed to live nicely and not add more stress to a situation (immigration) that would no doubt be stressful.

    i personally say, take a peek at the process , tho it is always changing, have your LDR, try to visit eachother a bit, then see how you are in that year or so, you both may not think you are right for eachother after the relationship continues.

    its always hard to see that side since nearly no one goes into a relationship thinking it isnt going to end happy.

    then again you maybe bursting at the seams in love and happy to dive right in. the move will scare you, not the thought of marriage. i just think its great you found this site and arent going to be logging on here in a year saying "OMG i didnt realize it was this silly and complicated" which happens alot.

    for our back ground, my now husband asked me if id marry him 4 days after we started to talk on the phone. my answer? sure if we get along in person :P

    we met a month later for 3 days... all was great. then met a few days each month and on college breaks. from the beginning we both knew there was a proposal for marriage but we just continued our LDR and found VJ, 3 years later we finally decided to dive deeper into VJ and get officially engaged, after having been in a LDR for a while and had multiple RL visits. we did our year of paperwork and i moved and got married in 05 i was nearly 24 he was 25 (which is incredibly young to marry bymy standards, but im weird :) heck at least brian agreed.

    the first thing we BOTH said was, if we had a the choice we would NOT begetting married immediately. we would rather i move here, have an "actual" relationship and see how we were and marry a few years after, but since thats not how immigration works, we couldnt. we werent scared of marriage (neither of us are afraid of divorce, if either of us werent happy, wed say see ya and leave) thankfully, we are doing fine :P not all couples make it obviously, so not all immigrant couples make it. it all depends on the 2 ppl involved and their situation and relationship.

    either way, enjoy your relationship, enjoy each other, just know you have about a year of paperwork, and a good amount of cash standing your way of getting together permanently. knowing now prepares you and you wont be so ticked off when the time comes :)

    welcome to VJ and hopefully when your times comes youll be one of the couples that make it :)

  6. I'm from Canada and we get the day after Christmas (commonly known as "Boxing Day") off. In all my years of working, I have NEVER had to work the day after Christmas and find this to be one of the weirdest "differences" between Canada and the U.S.

    hah my husband takes boxing day off... he says hes just being nice and trying to make me feel like im in canada... but i know he just wants the day off :)

    since its not a holiday here i didnt find it odd at all.. USA has many different holidays than canada. MLKday was one of the ones that puzzled me here ( first time i met brian in person was the MLKday weekend, he took a bus up... only reason i actually knew he had it as an actual holiday ) .. but meh, long as brians home from work i dont care the reason.

    what drives me nuts is that most ppl consider christmas eve a holiday... its not a freaking holiday! :)

    yeah some get off early, but man it screws up all of our mail and drives me crazy. grrr! no more holidays that screwup my potentially on time gifts! :) ( and yes i had a gift not arrive because of freaking christmas eve " holiday" #######. i am bitter. :)

  7. Nothing but lifeless losers in a game forum have nasty comments to say about each other.

    my husband's one of those.... (no that wasnt him in that thread) but he gladly flames people and mocks on game forums. he does it when bored at work because it gets a rise out of people... he generally just says in colourful ways how people are stupid and never really gets super offensive.

    its just a game, and most forum personas are nothing like the people in real life. you REALLY cant take what strangers, especially ones on the internet have to say about you. some people are jsut mean, a LOT of the stuff my husband says on forums is mean... i tell him to cool it often becuase alot seems uncalled for, but meh he is known for it and it passes his bored days of work by. i personally didnt see much in that thread being that bad. seemed pretty normal for most game forums.

    like others said, ive seen worse and said worse.

    heh i think i even remember someone refering to me as a mail order bride from canada . He got in a large fight on his forums about something random, it was said offensively and all he did was laugh and then threw back other comments. game forums are always full of very bored younger folks, thats always a recipe for disaster :) but again, never take anything anyone says about you on the internet offensively. you click ignore or just dont bother to respond, those people will go away. those that do get upset usually are a bit insecure about the issue before blabbed about. do your best to ignore it. havent seen it first hand, never respond it fuels them to be louder, and angrier and more offensive for absolutely no reason what soever than to bother you.

    oh and if its done by someone on an anonymous character/account / screen name, they REALLY arent worth the time. i always figure if im gonne be a jackas$, people may as well know it was me :) hiding makes no sense

  8. wow...that's interesting to know...thanks! So you can just plug it into any computer and play?

    essentially yes, thats why when i built my new game computer it was fast :) i just used a network to open the folder from my old comp dragged it over and hit wow :D i could directly play it from that comp but i wanted it to run free on this comp.

    you should be able to hook it up browse that folder and double click the exe and be fine

    taking 2-3 days off has made it impossible to catch pyoria's level, makes me sad!

  9. LOL....OMG, I totally did not understand any of what you just said. :lol:

    lol that doesnt surprise me in the least. i mostly typed it for jase since he was in a raiding environment and i figured he would know what i meant: )

    as you have seen in the wow world, my typing is barely legible so when i throw out the short forms it gets even more confusing.

    got a nice trinket today, yay madness of the betrayer! pew pew pew!

  10. What surprises me is how these folks did the same thing as I, but they are still addicted hard core. I want to have a few 70's ready for Lich King and I enjoy playing different classes and running an instance for 1-3 hours. I would even like to raid the new stuff a few times just to see the zones, mobs and learn the strats, but I don't want WoW to become my primary recreational focus or to take that much time from my life.

    the ONE thing i like for me is that since hitting BT and hyjal... it only takes a very short amount of time to clear content. once we hit Tk we stopped SSC, once we hit hyjal we stopped Tk

    notw in hyjal and BT we clear BT in one night ( 4 hours) and then hyjal in 2 hours the next day. we COULD spread it out to like 2-3 bosses a day for a few days but like you said fast as possible is better.

    now i only have to spend tuesday and half of wednesday doing" manditory" stuff then i have 5 other days to do what i like, be it RL or wow life

    i sorta dont want sunwell to come out since that means back to a 5 day work, er i mean raid week. i also never intend to be playing when the next expansion hits. if i am ive instructed some people to kill me.

    as for pvp battle grounds being different because of gear... honestly, with arena and pvp epics.. its REALLY evened out. i can still get my butt handed to me by a couple ppl because i cant kill a certain person ( tho they shouldnt be wearing resilience gear in BGs, only in arena... ) but it still makes it fun for johnny casual. before the xpac, i could walk in ab or wsg and send 4-5 people to a graveyard and not be at 50% health.

    i was usually the target of "OMG kill that person, they have tier gear" which sorta sucked, but you could usually deal and kill them.

    NOW im still a victim of "OMG, tier 6, kill her" but i have much less of a chance of living( i have barely 9 k HP in full T6 i think 4 items of mine have 20 ish stamina, since stam is a terrible dps gear stat) and tend to just try to drain mana, killing healers and living long enough to kill a hunter pet before i lay down and die lol. like i said before, if many people hit 70 i will Q of for battle grounds on my geared character once and a while and try to get the same Bgs as you. Vent would be helpful for Qing but it would be neat :D im not sure i could PVP on a ungeared hunter. id just sit in shock here probably. mage is one class i truely am new to. i played a 60 mage in full t2 back when ranks 'meant' something in PVP. the owner had to go away and didnt want to lose rank he wanted the free rank 11 mounts. so i played his character for a weekend. i was TERRIBLE i had trinkets macroed with GG on the button and every 5 minutes i could kill someone. blew my instants and pyroed someone for 8K . after that i had to blink and run away because i had no idea what i was doing. with my mage on stormrage now almost at 30 ,i sorta understand how to live better and how to do things. hopefully its fun at 70 :) at least im a tailor so i can make the spell fire set :D

    wow really becomes more fun when you have a group of people playing ( especially for battlegrounds)

    when you have a pre made, even if youre terrible (when you cant expect much else do to gear or newness to the class), usually it is more fun.

    have fun whoever plays today i have raid at 8 so i wont be on

  11. I got added last night, I'm hoping to move through the ranks quickly. But I normally fund my alts with my main so without cash this will be interesting.

    I'm the same way. I loved twinking out alts with AH greens and blues and upgrading gear every few levels.

    ive never been a real twinker... i just like getting to 70 fast.. then the real gearing begins and no need to twink.

    my level 60 rogue, who was my 2nd and only other 60 when BC hit, was in level 26 greens.... with level 30 ish BOE green weapons... my best piece was a reward from gnomergan, the triprunner dungaroos (or something to that effect) .... LOL, even now at 70.. her gear is horrid. its whatever boes i found as upgrades or quest rewards. she did her job tho, got to 70 and made me alot of cash for my main ><

    She made the beginning of BC fun tho, every quest reward was an upgrade! haha. my hunter on the other hand who started BC in T3.... her only upgrade was the trinket from cruels intentions (horde side) leveling her was fast as heck, and i made a darn lot vedoring all rewards.

    im pretty convinced a hunter could level to 60 easily by only training growls, mend pets and only using auto shot. im tempted to do it actually. youd save a ton of money at first on skills :D lol

    as long as i have enough cash to train my skills im good and dont/ wont need outside funding.

    not feeling to awesome today so i wont be on much . i raid BT / hyjal tues/wed again for the week, but its my last raid week till the 2nd. so ill be on days and off nights once that is out of the way :) hope so see you guys when i start up again.

  12. I made a Drae Paladin. I know Pallys best (Silvermoon: Pallii) so this one I will stick with.

    leeme know the name you chose and ill add you. id level with ya to help a bit but i got bored last night and got my low hunter to 21 >< so now i have a 27 and 21 char. if i see you on and you want a leveling partner if you are going nuts i can make another.

  13. OK guild has been made and some are already in it. anyone in it has invite power, just type /ginvite and the wow character name to invite them :D

    and omg no more hunters! LOL

    if you are online in WoW, type

    /who Notice of action

    to find any of us online who can guild you. If none are on, im sure we have you in our friends list :D

  14. ok so for a guild name, since most have been pretty.... out there

    the NOA2 suggestion looks good WoW wise spelled out entirely

    <Notice of Action> could be a great guild name, i will see if it is currently registered

    it's relative to immigration for us and doesnt sound completely out of whack for the wow world :)

  15. ok so help me out here

    i know when site ownership changed over years ago we had an issue with edit time on posts( i THINK it revolved around some heated flame wars in threads and info changing) . since i havent been here in so long i think mine has been reset or VJ has bumped it up....

    its driving me nuts, is there any way to get my edit time to be extended? i think at the moment i have about 5 minutes to do it. i just hate spamming multiple posts all in a row because edit time has expired.

    if its not possible its fine, ill just keep spamming :)

  16. There are a few of us now with mid teen lvl toons :thumbs:

    awesome, i only started last night,that was why we only got our toons to about level 12, i played the hunter when brian went to bed to pass time and she just got to 11 and i stopped.

    im going to avoid westfall like the plague. i always freaking die there to the stupid buzzards and scarecrows (lol). since i havent been alliance since BC, i was going to stay in the draenei starting area until i cap out, probably level 23 ish. rewards tend to be the best in the draenie and blood elf areas and leveling is new and quicker :)

    i will however jump in a dead mines group if lots are on and im an appropriate level :D

    i took up tailoring and herbalism on the mage, brian took mining and JC. my hunter currently has alchemy, so i could use the herbs i was picking on the mage :)


    i think charters are only a few silver to make, tabards are what cost more money and dont need to be done right away, or at all.

    if we dont have 10 for a guild yet, i have multiple accounts so i can make lots of level 1s to sign :) then its easier to catch who is online :D

  17. played last night on stormrage with Brian.

    he made a hunter, named Ippon, she is level 12.

    i have a level 12 mage (Periblinkle) ,and a level 11 hunter ( PewePewe )

    there only was one VJer online and it was around 2AM eastern till about 4. other than that it has been crickets feel free to add them to friends on the server if you log in .

    gonna keep going leveling for a bit unless it fizzles out. hopefully i wont have more alts stranded on servers :)

  18. So Natalie...are you going to join us on Stormrage? more the merrier :dance:

    my guild raids BT next week, then we are "off" till jan 2nd so ill have a nice break, i will get on there asap and get levelin;) you did say alliance, correct?

    ill be Gnatalie if its not gone. a gnome rogue, or something dranae related, hunter most likely 'spacecow' or something. ill find ya!

  19. Was a raid leader and enjoyed the MC, BWL, Ony, and Outlands stuff, but around March of this year I quit. I couldn't stand the leveling treadmill, guild politics, and how all my gear was worthless and imagining going through more 2-4+ hour raids to fill out more raid gear was just something I could not handle again.

    There is just no end to WoW and the guild politics, elitism over pixel loot, backstabbing, and crazy drama was just something I didn't want to deal with anymore.

    I also remember when they had the PvP gear epics before the expansion become grind fests where everyone got the PvP stuff and even then it made some raid gear obsolete.

    agree on lots of this. once it gets un fun, i level alts or take time off. it REALLY depends on who you play with and if youre truely addicted ( suffering withdrawal actualy can happen sadly) i myself just really enjoy leveling up alts and skills. never did pre BC tho.

    blizz went out of their way to make leveling not so harsh, and at least worth it ( tonnes of cash and good rewards) it started to get stale again after 70 and they introduced dailies.. which again made things fun. even BGs are fun again...

    im not a big arena person... so i cant comment on that. heh but your thoughts on pvp gear pre BC make me think of the term 'welfare epics' from arena. it is disheartening that you can"earn" your loot by way too many hours in a raid. or just lose lots and lots of pvp games and get BETTER loot. arg.

    playing for fun should be #1, be it raiding, or just messing around.

    guild politics havent been horrible in the few guilds ive been in . lots of jerks in the guilds but we definately never pretended to get along. we show upt o raid, kill things, get our loot, and then go our seperate ways. some join guilds of raiidng, some join for chat, some choin for partying up, it really depends on what you really want out of it.'guild politics' however has crushed many before and will continue to in the future

    i swear, guys say women are drama queens.

    in teh world of warcraft... guys really show us who the true drama queens are. some of the stuff is just amazingly funny. it is jsut a game tho, if ppl are all caught up in the drama, they have issues><

    play for fun or dont play

  20. WoW is my first and will probably be my only online game i will play. i started when i moved to the states in april 05. Brian had a 60 rogue who was half way through molten core when we got married. he missed one of his first kills in there because we " had" to get married on a thursday during his raid, hahahah. brian played through beta and wow release in 04. i didnt start raiding 40 man content till i hit 60 in august 05. we both played a bit of BC beta.. i hated BC beta and was contemplating quitting. i got to level 63 in 2 months... and just said meh. when BC hit i had 2 level 60s one epic'ed raider and one really horribly geared rogue. youll see below how fast that changed.

    leveling characters now is SO rediculously easy/fast it makes me cry. all of my chars were leveled with the old ####### scaling :( my lower pally will benefit a bit from the patch change tho! woot!

    ok so characters....

    *clears throat*

    lotharPVE horde

    70 orc hunter(T6 main) --Cerqua (3rd 70 on the server :o lol only took 3 days gogo BM hunter.)

    70 BE Warlock --Cerqalicious decent gear

    70 Taur. Druid (boomkin) --Incredibull -- lazer turkeys ftw. : crafted set some good gear

    70 orc Rogue --Seizer : terribad gear

    63 orc warrior (dps) -- Banktank( bankalt ftw!)

    48 BR retadin -- Bubbalicious

    70 BE healadin -- Jorael :decent gear

    70 UD warlock -- Lotharii :crafted set some good gear

    70 Taur Warrior(prot) Pocahontas :'OK' gear

    LotharPVE Alliance

    26 gnome warrior -Gnatalie

    Ysera PVE alliance

    40 Gnome rogue-- Gnatalie

    Sargeras PVP

    61 Human Priest Maplesyrup fullT2( since she hasnt been touched since BWL lol )

    husbands chars...

    Icecrown PVE Horde

    70 orc rogue (T6 husbands main) -- Ippon

    70 orc Shaman - Joriah : 'Meh' gear

    Lothar horde

    40 taur druid Strongßare

    to make you not freak out... jorael and joriah are a friend of ours... joriah riadded with us from wows release till about december 05, he gave us the account and quit. the came back for burning crusade and made Jorael a pally... he leveled jorael to 70 himself.

    lotharii, pocahontas, joriah were all leveled 60-70 by us. 1-60 were our friends before they quit. pocahontas and maplesyrup are on the same account.

    sadly. i have leveled Cerqua, Cerqalicious, Incredibull, and Seizer to 70 myself.

    banktank is just a bank alt but leveling made me get some cash, bubbalicious is sitting on rested atm but should be 70 soon. next alt is Materialgurl a character that holds my cloth... shes a mage and is very very far from 70! like 69 levels. i have random level 12 ish alliance chars on servers friends were on but they have all been abandoned basically.

    Brian and i were both on Lothar . We bounced to ice crown in july 06 to raid Naxx when our guild disbanded. then bounced back to lothar in december 06 before BC hit.... our guild went through a 3 week slump so ippon jumped ship back to Icecrown. he joined a guild that had already cleared BT. when he left us we had just keyed for hyjal/bt

    luckily we now have bt and hyjal on farm and hes stuck on a central server LOL

    pretty crazy tho, we have 5 accounts and can(and have) run our own 5 man on lothar.... heh did keying for my kara key on an alt all by myself>< guess thats one plus if having 5 computers in the computer room.

    our mains' armories are in my signature. heh i just actually uploaded a video to divx a few hours ago of us killing a boss in BT ill link it if anyone is bored to see a 6 minute fight of stupidness. there is no sound it was only a test video since im new to fraps.

    teron gorefiend! hah i did over 2200 dps on that fight tnight with out a flask. hunters are awesome. <3

    you can see me dying in a couple clips in my profile there LOL. if you do watch it, make it fullscreen so you can see better. and yes, im an evil 'clicker'... and mocked every day for it.


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