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Posts posted by Bertoli

  1. On 2/18/2020 at 1:10 PM, samanthajayne33 said:

    Hey There,


    I have been a permanent resident in the USA for 12 years now, and FINALLY working on filling for my n400. However as a minor I was cautioned for shoplifting, and never went to court just a warning (on my police record )  I disclosed this during my application for spouse visa, and was approved. Apparently, it was not enough to disqualify me. Now, I'm filling out my n400 form, and it is asking if I have been charged, and the next question convicted? Do I say yes, to be on the safe side? I have no documents regarding and of my warning which the police actually called reprimanded....and I gave anything I had back to the immigration officer at my interview 12 something years ago. Will they still have that on file somewhere?


    Has anyone gone through this? I'm from the UK if that makes a difference?

    If the shoplifting happened in the UK when you were a minor, I would not bother mentioning it in the N-400. USCIS will generally look at anything you did while in the US prior to your Citizenship application and interview. If you kept a clean slate these past 12 years while being in the US then you should be fine. I wouldn't even bother to talk to a lawyer if I were you.

  2. Thank Tracy for your prompt response. i thought the same, until my sister told me that he need to pay for Interview fee and i explain to her that he does't

    A Non Immigrant Visa (NIV) cost $165 and are due the day of the interview right before appearing before the consular officer. The $165 green card fee was introduced about 2 yeas ago. Therefore your sister is not totally wrong in the sense that the DoS has instated a new fee for Immigrant Visa (IV) that never existed before. You just pay it after your visa interview is successful. For a NIV, not only you pay the fees up front but you will never get your money back if you get denied!

  3. Even if your wife gets a visa, she will have to go back home for the consular interview. Filing for adjustment of status (AOS) will be considered visa fraud. She can apply for a non immigrant visa but with a pending F2A petition, the CO will mot likely deny her for strong immigrant intent. There are rare cases where NIV are issued at consular officers' discretion.

  4. My parents and brother are american citizens through naturalization but I left the U.S. before obtaining the american citizenship myself but carried a valid green card. I traveled outside the country for more than 3 years and my green card expired. I am now over 21 years old, married and have a daughter. I know that my parents can petition for me to get a visa to reenter the states along with my spouse and child. My question is how long does the whole process take until I get my visas (for all three of us)?

    There is a possibility to get your greencard back. Check this link.

    Many U.S. lawful permanent residents (“green card holders”) who have to or choose to reside abroad are (or should be) aware that there are rules and restrictions on the time they can be outside of the U.S. and maintain their green card status. Specifically, a stay outside of the U.S. of more than one year at a time without a reentry permit would cause automatic abandonment of one’s green card. If this happens, there is still a procedure and a chance to seek to have the green card reinstated – this is the SB-1 Returning Resident application process.


  5. yeah, they took all my documents except picture and passport . In CEAC, it is under administrative now.

    How about my email that I sent request for earlier interview date, does it cause problem ?

    Thank you for your help

    Well then it's a good sign cause they took the required documents upon which they will make a decision to approve your visa. They also did not request additional documents which means your file is complete. Usually, they hand applicants a 221g form if there was a problem but yours seems to be OK. They might have not wanted you to panic so they just asked you to come back on Jan 2015 by the time they run a Security Advisory Opinion (it usually takes 3-4 weeks to complete). I am pretty sure you will get your visa issued before your medicals expire. It's okay to email the Embassy may be you'll get more details about your case but if they do not respond, don't insist. Bear in mind that holiday season is coming, Embassies may experience shortage of CO and staff, my guess is that they will try to process as many visas as they can before going on holidays. I am just guessing it could be something else. Just relax and wait you will get visa in January.

    Did they ask for any additional docs from u? There must b some reason behind that. Ur interview was scheduled for 17 Dec,as far as i know. Did u request early date? If so,ur PD is nt current for Nov,its current for Dec...its my assumption only. Let me know detail plz.

    Well if his PD will be current in Dec then it is definitely a good sign they asked him to drop his documents before his scheduled interview. They can at least start the administrative process before the holidays!

  6. I went to my interview yesterday but they delay it to January 8 2015 cos they were so busy to finish by time.

    They ask me come back only with picture and passport .

    Does it cause problem if I emailed them asking new earlier date cos my health check will be expired by that time?

    How about my chance to be approved in next interview?now I start feel afraid and hopeless .I really want to go and live with my mom(petitioner) f2a.

    Help me please all dears


    Did they take your civil documents and medicals from you? If yes, it means your case is most likely under Administrative Procedure. It they asked you to drop your passport and pictures on January 8th 2015, this is probably when your visa will be issued and printed. Did you check your case status on CEAC? What does it say?

  7. This is what I found on http://blog.mygcvisa.com/really interesting info:

    President Obama said once again that he won't wait on Congress to start making changes to America's immigration system. In an appearance Sunday on CBS' Face The Nation,Obama stood by his recent statements that he'll use executive action to enact changes before the end of the year, but told host Bob Schieffer that he still wants Congress to act on the issue, too.

    "I prefer and still prefer to see it done through Congress, but every day that I wait we're misallocating resources," said Obama. "We're deporting people that shouldn't be deported. We're not deporting folks that are dangerous and need to be deported."

    The president said both sides agree something has to be done on immigration. "We've been talking about it, for years now, in terms of fixing it," said Obama. "We need to be able to secure our border ... And we need to make sure that the millions of people who are here, many who've been here for a decade or more, and have American kids and for all practical purposes are part of our community, that they pay a fine, they pay any penalties, they learn English, they get to the back of the line, but they have a capacity to legalize themselves here."

    Everyone agrees, Obama said, that the U.S. doesn't have the capacity to deport 11 million people.

    Obama had said this summer that he planned to use executive action to change the immigration system. After pressure from Democrats running for re-election in heavily Republican states, as NPR's Mara Liasson reported, he later announced that he'd delay untilafter the midterm elections.

    The delay didn't seem to do much to help Democrats, as Republican candidates went on to sweep those midterms. Now, Obama is returning to his previously-announced plans for executive action.

    Republican congressional leaders aren't pleased with Obama's talk of executive action. Staff members in House Speaker John Boehner's office have warned the president against using executive orders to pursue immigration reform, calling it "executive amnesty."

    Obama Says He'll Use Executive Orders For Immigration Reform

    Looks like there is hope!

    Obama makes lots of promises when it comes to fixing the immigration system but the fact is Dems lost control of Congress and I doubt Reps will let him do everything he wanted to.

  8. Thanks a lots guys. I really appreciate for your help. I hope that my wife gets enrolled in subsidized health care plan/ Obama care on Nov 19th 2014

    thank you for all your feedback.. really helpful for us..

    I hope it works out for both of you. If anyone from your city of residence Obamacare rep tells you you don't have access to Obamacare ask him/her to present you with evidence supporting that or document the refusal with a written statement. It's not a rule but generally speaking government workers are known to expedite things especially when they speak to a foreign born customer.

  9. I want to say thanks to God and everyone on visajourney. I am so grateful. after presenting the requested document(w2) on the 221g. my visa was approved without any question at all from the consular. my status on ceac shows ISSUED. but I was told to come for my passport n visa on Wednesday Nov 19 which happens to be my birthday. thanks to God.

    Happy ending!!! Congratulation mrmyrie, now is time to reunite with your family!

  10. my mom is wanting to have an insurance, we went to a doctor's clinic asked about insurance, the lady said that helps people sign up an insurance said, she can't apply to obamacare because she is not a citizen, and if LPR she needs to be 5-yr US resident.. so can we apply her for a private insurance then?

    Your mom can definitely apply for Obamacare insurance through Marketplace as a lawful immigrant. The 5 years residency requirements is only applicable for Medicaid. As a Legal resident your mom can purchase a health insurance through Marketplace. It's a little more expensive in the sense that she will have to pay a share of the cost but but the good thing is that it covers insured with existing conditions which has not been the case before Obamacare. However, there are about 29 states in the US have decided to allow immigrants with 5 years residency or less to have certain access to Medicaid whilst other have decided not to. So it really depends where you actually reside.

    Lawfully Residing Immigrants with Five Years or Less US Residency

    Access to subsidized coverage will also expand under the ACA for non-elderly lawfully residing immigrants with incomes below 400 percent of the Federal Poverty Level who have been in the country five years or less. As indicated above, adults in this immigrant category with incomes below 400 percent of the FPL who do not have access to affordable employer-sponsored insurance will be eligible for subsidized coverage in the health insurance exchange; those with incomes below 138 percent of the FPL will not be eligible for Medicaid coverage (except pregnant women under the state option) but can qualify for exchange subsidies if they pay two percent of income. This cost sharing requirement may constitute a barrier to enrollment for some immigrants in this category, particularly for those with incomes below 100 percent FPL. Also, subsidies for out-of-pocket cost-sharing will provide much less generous coverage than that offered through Medicaid, so even if poor immigrant families enroll, many may delay necessary care because of cost. Although qualified immigrants are subject to the mandate, some at the lowest income bracket will be excluded. For lawfully residing immigrant children who have been in the country five years or less, their eligibility for Medicaid and CHIP will continue to depend on the state in which they live — those in the 22 states that have opted to cover these children will maintain eligibility for Medicaid and CHIP given the maintenance of effort requirement under the ACA, while other states may choose to take advantage of this coverage option under CHIPRA. As described above, increasing participation among eligible immigrant children will likely depend on addressing a range of different enrollment barriers. Lawfully residing immigrant children who have been in the country five years or less with incomes below 400 percent of the FPL who live in one of the 29 states that are not required by the MOE to continue covering them under Medicaid or CHIP, or who do not live in a state that opts to cover them with state funds, will qualify for subsidized coverage through exchange plans under the ACA, which may in turn reduce their uninsured rates.

    To find out which states expands Medicaid, visit this site

  11. Finally... Here in Los Angeles, CA.

    After all the frustrations and worries as my medical expires in the next 8 days, I did not expect it will turn out this way. I was actually preparing myself for another medical exam, but God is good. Just have a little faith. ?

    Oct 29- I got an email from US Embassy asking for my passport to be sent via 2go

    Oct 30- Sent my passport and kept checking CEAC status.

    Oct 31 (friday) Status "Issued"... then, at around 4pm, I got a call from embassy asking if I am aware that my medical will expire on the 6th. I said yes, and explain how worried I am. The lady told me to pick-up my passport at 2go on Monday instead of waiting to be delivered.

    Nov 3 (monday) -- picked up my passport at around 6pm at MOA.

    Nov 4 (tuesday) -- 2-4pm I attended PDOS

    --9pm flight MNL to LAX

    Nov 4 ( US) -- Admitted by homeland security 6:30pm, No question asked from Immigration.

    Things happens when you least expect it! Thank you guys for the words of encouragementz and advice.. Good luck to all. Godbless!

    Congratulations Zararoxy, it's good to hear this good news. I wish you all the best on your journey in the US.

  12. HI Guys,

    I am a Permanent resident and applying for my mom's visa for the first time. I have few questions and I will honestly appreciate any replies.

    My questions:

    1) How much balance should I have in my account?

    2) Do I need to book her ticket prior to the visa date?

    3) For finances, If i show my accounts back in India , would that help?

    4) Is there a list of documents My mom should take to the visa interview?

    5) is it good to show my property papers having her name which will help her to show that she is not a potential immigrant?

    5) Also, should I have an affidavit of support documents?

    Thanks in advance.

    I believe by saying applying you mean that you will probably fill out the Visa application for your mom, right? If you do so make sure you fill out the part where it says this form was prepared by ......... and sign it.

    With regards to your questions, normally there are no specific requirements for applicants to obtain a B1-B2 visa to travel to the US. All they need is fill out the visa application, 2 photos, 160.00 USD and of course a passport with at least 6 months validity. It is up to the consular officer to request additional documents if he deems it necessary, in which case he may ask your mom to provide evidences that she owns properties. However, it is always good to send your mom an invitation letter, she will take to the interview, where you will state that you will take care of all your mom's expenses during her stay in the US, including rooming, boarding...etc

    Voila, hope this helps and good luck to your Mom.

  13. F2a 22 march 13

    This is really disappointing, I remember we all had high hopes that VB will move in October by couple of months. Unfortunately, VB moved only by a month in October and so it did in November as well. One would have at least hoped that VB to move by a month in December but 22 days??? Again, I suspect the increase in fees, Ebola outbreak and recent NVC system glitch, all to be factors that may have weighed in when State department decide on VB movement.

  14. So still waiting for case number from the Nvc , decided to get ahead and start filling out my I 864 form. My situation is this, I'm filling to petition my mother from the Philippines. I'm unemployed but my husband is in the military and is going to be the sponsor.

    My question is do we need to fill out two forms? One for me indicating I'm the petitioner and unemployed and one for my husband? Or is there a different form that he needs to fill out? The form is so confusing... thanks in advance :)

    Renzo, being the petitioner for your mother therefore you will fill out an AOS form as the main sponsor even if you do not have a job. However, you will need a joint sponsor and this is when your husband comes into play and as such he will need to fill out his own AOS as a single joint sponsor.

    So bottom line, both you and your husband will need to fill out separate AOS forms. I will eventually advise you to carefully review your AOS forms before you send them to NVC when you get your case number.

  15. What if it would nt,do i need to represent same AOS with new signed date? So worried...

    What if it would nt,do i need to represent same AOS with new signed date? So worried...

    Well, it might not be possible and I actually advise you not to do so because on AOS your sponsor will report previous year income (2014) and tax transcripts.

    Make sure you keep a soft copy of your current AOS so you will only change the information pertaining to income of your sponsor, assuming that sponsor and yourself have the same address and employment information.

  16. This is so disppointing...hv been waiting for IL since March...first it caught by retro...then this slow movement. In all this,my police certificate is going to expire on 31Dec. So need to obtain new. One thing to ask u all, my sponsors hv signed I864 on 09March2014...is it need to be renewed or resigned if my interview will b in March 2015..its going to b one year of submitting sponsors. So...depressed n lost...waiting seems forever!

    Hi Sf786, I have been caught by June retrogression, I had to submit a new police certificate and new medical exams. AOS is valid for one year, I believe it will expire on its first anniversary ie March,9th 2015. If your PD becomes current before that date you may not be required to present a new AOS and new tax transcripts. Hope it will not be the case and F2A moves faster in the coming month. Keep faith!

  17. Today my wife will become US citizen :)

    Once we get the naturalization certificate we will send a copy to USCIS as I am waiting for my i 130 approvals(NOA2). My PD is feb 03 2014. As you guys advised in my previous post, the PD will remain same after upgrading my petition from f2a to IR.

    But in CR/IR category feb month process is already completed. How will this affect in my case? Will they process my case faster? or are they gonna give me a new PD? Have anyone gone through similar experience? Please Help!!!???

    Avpin, did you try to check your petition on USCIS website check your case status online ? This is the easiest way to check if your petition has been approved.

  18. The November visa bulletin released, cut off date 1 march 2013 ( mine is 17th feb 2013).But still didn't hear anything from nvc regarding interview date. :( i don't know,what will happen next after a case completion. R they gonna send us email regarding the date or they are going to send us any paper letter.what about the original documents we have send them as supporting evidence?

    Rama, did you get your IL or heard anything from NVC? Keep us posted Plz.

  19. This is outrageous they are delaying thing that is not necessary

    Phillip, I believe this delay is both wanted and unwanted. Wanted, because NVC increased fees for certain visa categories and therefore would rather get every visa applicants on the newer fee schedule. Unwanted, because the system glitch that occurred on NVC systems when they upgraded Oracle database has caused huge delays in processing all visas applications (IV and NIV) worldwide. It is pretty much impossible for them to catch up with pending applications in a short period of time.In addition to that, not all 2013 filers have obtained their visas because of those caught by June 2013 retrogression mainly caused by long AP. I have even seen filers from 2012 who have yet to obtain the holy grail.Totally agree with you that 22 days movement sucks big time but who knows may be it'll move faster around December or Jan 2015.

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