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Posts posted by sj3112

  1. Hey Leute. Ich hab gestern erfahren dass mein Stiefvater mit 49 Jahren gestorben ist. Wir sind alle durch den Wind. Ich will zu meiner Mama fliegen. Ich hab den Flug sogar schon gebucht.

    Ich hab meine 10 Jahre GC und meinen deutschen Reisepass. Ist das alles was ich brauche? Wenn ich zurück in die Staaten fliege, muss ich ESTA ausfüllen? Darf ich in die Citizen/resident Warteschleife rein wenn ich im Flughafen ankomme? Was muss ich sonst noch beachten?

    Es kam alles viel zu schnell und ich komme grad nicht so richtig klar :(

    Zuerst einmal mein herzliches Beileid. Schoen das du aber zu deiner Mama fliegen kannst, das hilft bestimmt ein bisschen.

    Bin vor einer Woche grad vom Besuch zurueck gekommen. Brauchst auf jeden Fall beides und kein ESTA mehr. Und wo du dich anstellst, kommt dann ganz auf den Flughafen drauf an. Ich war in Atlanta, da gehst du zu den Citizens in die Reihe. Normalerweise ist das immer ausgeschildert. Also alles ganz einfach :)

  2. Good luck at the interview!!

    As I understand it, we all have to register to have the visa delivered via courier, and have a copy of that paperwork in hand at the Consulate. Here in Canada we use Loomis and only have to register online to arrange the delivery of our passport/visa.

    I'm fairly certain that traveldocs thing is so they can mail you your passport with visa stuff inside after the interview.

    Ahhh I figured it out.. thanks guys.. it was basically just a confirmation page you need to bring out with the delivery address, but just hard to find on the website.. but now i can relax.

  3. I have my interview tomrrow and im going through everything right now.

    I got an email from the Embassy in Frankfurt a couple of days ago:

    This office has received and reviewed your application. Please note that the following documents are missing and should be presented at the time of your visa interview:

    - Original Birth Certificate

    - Registration with the free of charge visa delivery service at www.ustraveldocs.com.

    I got my original birth certificate, thats no problem. But I just went on that link and im a little confused right now. I know that i pay the fee of 165 $ AFTER the interview, so do they really just mean to have me register there? Im not sure what they want me to do and what to bring.

    Hope anyone can help me out with this.. thanks in advance :)

  4. Hallo zusammen,

    ich habe in paar Wochen meinen Interview Termin in Frankfurt. Hab mir jetzt eben mal dieses pdf von Frankfurt angeschaut und da steht das man 400 $ zahlen muss, wenn man es nicht schon getan hat. Weiss jemand worauf sich diese Gebuehr bezieht?

    Ich hab das CR-1 Visum beantragt, musste beim NVC einmal die 88 und einmal die 230 $ zahlen, hat das damit was zu tun? Oder sind das nochmal andere Kosten?

    Ausserdem stimmt das, dass man zum Interview nochmal neue Bilder mitbringen muss obwohl ich ja grade erst fuer die Civil Documents 2 Bilder an das NVC schicken musste? Ich dachte das wird nach Pruefung alles weitergeleitet.

    Danke euch schon mal!

  5. So many beautiful story's.. I wanna share mine as well.

    After I graduated high school in Germany I went to Chicago for a year as an Au Pair. I did competitive Cheerleading in Germany so I wanted to look for a gym in the US so I could keep doing Cheerleading and also meet Americans and not just other Au Pairs. My husband was coaching at that gym, so when I went there the first time he was there as well. We stunted around a bit and when I was about to got back home that day he invited me to go with him and some other people to Six Flags the next day because it was Labour Day. We became great friends after that and fell in love after a couple of months.

    After another 6 months it was time for me to go back to Germany, so I could start college. He decided to come with me, because he just graduated college in the US. So in Summer 2009 we both went to Germany, he found a civilian job on an Army Base and automatically got a permit residence with that. We lived together in Germany for three years until he decided to join the US Air Force. He left Germany in March 2012.

    We saw each oh her the next time over Christmas 2012 in Chicago at his parents house, he proposed to me and we decided to get married the next day.. Since then we are waiting for me to be finally able to move. We will probably have more times apart in the next couple of years because of his job but I just can't wait to at least have a home together again.

  6. Received false checklist about missing civil documents earlier (I sent them on April 1st and know they received them on the 14th).. so I called NVC and said I think i received a false checklist.. he checked everything said to wait another 30 business days.. bla bla bla

    BUT.. he also told me AOS Package was accepted today :) so happy because i was driving my husband insane to do everything correct so we dont get a checklist lol.. so im very proud of him :D

    He also told me that checklist get generated automatically when they accept the AOS package.. good to know :)

  7. Hi everyone, I just have a question about the availability of tax transcripts. My husband just filed his taxes this week since he just came back from deployment. I was wondering how long will it take for the 2013 tax transcripts to be available from the IRS for the AOS packet. Thank you.

    My husband filed his taxes around March 19th and he just received his return yesterday.. so for the AOS we just used copies of everything he filed in 2013.

  8. Hi,

    While we are filling out the online form DS-260, we realize that under the tab "Work/Education/Training" (one of the blue tabs on the left hand side), our form only has two items: "Present" and "Additional". The item "Previous" is missing. Without the "Previous", we are not able to input any previous jobs and educations information to the form.

    I called NVC about this problem. They login to our DS-260 form and they also see the item "Previous" is missing. They said that the item "Previous" should be there under that tab, but they keep telling me that NVC is not able to fix this problem and they do not know who can fix this.

    Does anyone has this same problem? Anyone knows how to solve this problem?

    Thank you,

    I had the same issue.. Went back and forth but it wasn't there so I figured they either changed it or I also heard that It could be different bc of your country.. What country are you immigrating from?

    Sooo.. I wasn't too worried about it until now.. I hope they didn't screw up and I get a checklist for it.. On the other side I printed everything out so you can see that the question was not even available

  9. I came on the VWP and got married.. but like someone mentioned above my husband and I actually didnt plan this.. hes in the military so it was more like why not just do it tomorrow lol

    I think the problem is that when i was questioned by the officer at the airport about what im doing i said visiting my boyfriend over the holdidays and i didnt lie because thats what i was going to do.. but when they catch you lying at the airport youll be in big trouble.

  10. So i finally sent out the IV Package today and was also able to fill out DS-260.. it was super easy and only took me around 40 minutes i would say as i prepared everything beforehand with the 2014 screen shots that someone posted.

    Also not sure if this it country specific, but i only had to fill in my present employer and job information and they also didnt ask for my education background, so pretty easy on that part. I didnt take new screen shots, but like i said it was pretty much like the other 2014 ones.

    i have to say that after all the wait for a case number it only took my husband and i another week to pay everything and send everything in, so it looks like nvc is working their butts off which i appriciate a lot.. now praying and waiting for no checklists and a case complete this month.

  11. Wo hast du das auf der NVC Seite gelesen? Ich hab dort nämlich nichts gefunden. Ich hab meine ganzen Dokumente schon zu meinem Mann geschickt und da ist jetzt keine Bestätigung des Einwohnermeldeamts dabei. Ich hab nur noch eine Kopie meines J1 Visums und des damaligen DS-2019 mit dazu gelegt. Hier ist eine Liste, die vom Konsulat zusammengestellt wurde. Da ist jetzt nicht anderes dabei, als was man so typisch mitschicken muss.http://photos.state.gov/libraries/frankfurt/9318/consular_pdf/Instructions%20for%20Immigrant%20Visa%20Applicants.pdf

    Danke dir erstmal für die Antwort. Hatte das hier gelesen http://travel.state.gov/content/visas/english/fees/reciprocity-by-country/GM.html

    Allerdings glaube ich das heißt einfach nur, dass man das bekommen kann.

    Ich habe mein package jetzt grade nur mit cover letter, fotos, geburtsurkunde, heiratsurkunde und führungszeugnis fertig gemacht. Falls ich dann ne Checkliste bekomme, kann ich ja noch mal bescheid geben ;)

  12. Im trying to prepare all the documents for the IV Package. Question, I went onto the country specific document site and does anyone know if I need everything that is written down? Like I know that Military or Divorce Records you only need to obtain when you have them of course. So for the German stuff it says now Certificate of Residence, which I could get, but I dont know if i need it. Is there anyone that went through Frankfurt and already sent the IV package?

  13. Going through the DS-260 right now to prepare everything and I Have a question regarding all the addresses.

    When I started the process I lived at my moms house in my hometown, so I used this address. I moved away for work but didn't change the address as this is for me still my home address and I'm going home at least twice a month. Also I'm moving back there prolly before the whole scenario is done.

    But of course I do have a different address right now where I live. In Germany we call it "second-apartment" so I'm still registered in my hometown with my moms address as my priority address.

    Do you think I should include the addresses where I live right now as well? I'm just not sure if it's confusing for them if my current address has a from date somewhere in 2012 and then my next two previous addresses are somewhere in 2013 and 2014 because I don't think Americans know they system of being registered in two cities, so having two addresses at the same time.

    Thanks in advance guys!

  14. Im going to share my story real quick as well.

    For background info: Pending I-130 at the NVC stage right now, i'm German, husbands the USC living in TX.

    I flew to the US on Feb, 27th this year to visit my husband for 10 days. I just took employment letter and translated copy of apartment lease contract.

    They looked at my passport, asked what i was doing "vivisting my husband", is he american "yes". That was it. No asking for documents or anything.

    I was pretty nervous before, but believe now that for Country that are not high fraud its no problem at all to visit. But i would still be careful with high fraud countries, but thats just my opinion.

  15. Hi,

    my I-130 was approved 03/06, so I'm still waiting for it to be transferred to NVC. But I've got a question (ok, technically it's more than one). I don't know if anyone has asked this before, I googled it and couldn't find anything...Does it matter what country you're from? Do some countries get processed faster than others? Also, I had a J1 visa 6-7 years ago (was an Au Pair after high school) and my husband is a veteran, could that affect processing (positively or negatively)?

    Ive been an Au Pair as well and my husband is Active Duty, unfortunately it doesnt do anything. Only thing i believe is that once they finally LOOKED at our petition we got approved pretty fast, i think it because the background check on my husband was pretty easy.

    I also hope that once they get at NVC to our case it will be a lil faster as they assigned a visa to me before. But will see once that is the case.

    And because of the country questions. I think they treat every case the same, so doesnt matter which country.

  16. we are on the same boat.. :'( mine is number 19 on the i-864ez

    I see so many checklists for number 19 on i-864EZ.. can anybody tell me what is actually CORRECT to put in? I thought the total amount if we use 1040 and the total gross amount of 1040EZ right? As im not very familiar with US taxes can anybody tell me the number from 1040 that we would need to use?

    Also what is correct for number 18 on the i-864EZ? If its supposed to be the current income and has nothing to do with the taxes refund, do we just look up his last pay check and multiply it by 12?

    Thank you in advance :)

    Saylin, this might be actually something to put into the FAQ.. it seems very confusing lol

  17. I have some questions regarding the Affidavit of Support, we file I-864EZ btw:

    1.) When filling I-130 i wrote "none" at the SSN field. I actually do have a SSN from when I was an Au Pair 5 years ago. We also checked with the USCIS because my husband is about to file his 2013 taxes MFJ and they said its still my number and i can use it. So now im wondering if we should use it on the I-864EZ? And if we should explain why i had "no" number before or if it doesnt matter?

    2.) Also the I-864EZ can be filed by hand right? Because there doesnt seem to be a Bar Code on there?

    Thanks in advance!

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