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Posts posted by MRK13

  1. I find this conversation interesting.

    I guess some people can't care less about the USA, just want to be a citizen for convenience and all the oath ceremony "show" is an annoying step they would love to skip, much less willing to swear to defend the country if needed, etc..

    For other people that still see this country as the land of opportunity, freedom, etc.. perhaps came escaping persecution or war in their countries, to become a citizen is very emotional and they look forward each and every part of the journey, including the end with the songs, the flags, etc..

    To each its own, but to me it looks a bit "fake" to want to be citizen, and then find annoying that they have to go through the Oath ceremony, nobody is forcing anyone to be citizen it is your choice, your GC is good enough, so if no ready to do what is required then why going through the hassle?

    FYI the same day ceremonies, like mine was, includes the speeches, the videos, the singing, etc... in my group of around 40/50 people there was no flag waiving, but some were crying and visibly emotional. It lasted about 40 minutes or so. I understand that when the ceremonies are schedule for thousands, go much longer (obviously) and can have more added "for show", as news cover them at times.

    I imagine some of you won't like my post, sorry.... but when I started my journey and it was not an easy one, I knew what it would entail and I was OK with it, no "tailoring to my preferences" needed.

  2. Congratulations ! Whatcha cooking, to celebrate ?

    Since you just went through this life changing event, one of the better ways to celebrate it here at VJ is to

    fill out yer timeline, over at




    Thanks so much, and Thanks in Advance !

    I did, not sure if right but timeline done!

  3. I just had my interview (and same day oath). As appointment letter states do not bring a lot of people with you because of the limited waiting area space, my husband stayed at the hotel, and only accompanied me to the Oath ceremony.

    My IO asked if my husband was there and I replied he stayed at the hotel for that reason, and that was it. It is a totally understandable reason if your husband can not make it due to work related issues, just be truthful and there will be no problem.

    Good luck!

  4. AOA,

    First of all "Congratulation" upon becoming USC, Allow me to ask you an outstanding quetion since you already been interviewed. The Cvic test is that based upon MCQs for an example:

    The Federalist Papers supported the passage of the U.S. Constitution. Name one of the writers.

    Choose one

    Thomas Jefferson

    George Washington

    John Adams

    James Madison


    No choise at all, IO doesn't give any option ... straight forward we are ought to record the answer? Please share the insights.


    No multiple choice, just one straight answer. You only need to give ONE answer, unless the question requires more (a couple do), so just memorize one to make it simple and avoid confusion.

  5. Thank you everyone that helped me along the 9 month journey to become citizen of this great country, without your help it would have been much more difficult with no doubt. You not only gave me great advice and support, but this site has a bottomless well of info that no matter your case, you can find similar experiences and how they managed to proceed.

    From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU MEMBERS OF THIS SITE.

    I had my interview yesterday at the St Paul MN office in the AM, I passed and was scheduled already for oath ceremony at 2pm, no need to request it. Everyone not needing a name change, took part of it. We were about 30 people from 11 countries.

    Interview took about 20 mins if that long, very nice young lady that immediately put me at easy. It was a very relaxed, cordial exchange going over my application, updating some travel information that took place after I filed. I was NOT asked to show any of the check list documents, not even those required by the "yellow letter", only my green card and passport, that were both returned to me (the green card was turned in at the oath ceremony). I was given a form to check and sign for my certificate, even before the tests. The last thing was the civics test, I was given 6 easy questions that I answered before she even finished reading, LOL (they were really easy), I was not asked to read or write anything (no waiver of any kind was requested), after that she gave me the form saying I had passed all three tests and go to the waiting room, to wait for the appointment form to come back later for the oath ceremony.

    Oath ceremony took place in a big room, with a welcome speech by the Director, our countries were called, we stood up and when everyone was standing we listened to the National Anthem, followed by the Oath, the Pledge of Alliance, our Certificates were presented, there were pictures taken, video, etc... then with a package with instructions of what to do next, including the passport application forms, we were free to go as USA CITIZENS! Yeay!

    My tips to those still in the process.

    TRY TO KEEP ALL YOUR APPOINTMENTS. Re scheduling (unless in emergencies) can lead to get lost in the system and big delays (like in my case)

    TRY WALK IN BIOMETRICS EARLY, if you can not make the appointment, better than request reschedule, most offices will do it.

    ASK FOR TEAR 2 OFFICERS, if you feel your questions are not answered or given a run around, do not waste time waiting and waiting.

    IF YOU NEED TO TALK TO A TEAR 2, call and say you were on hold already and got disconnected, some CSRs do NOT want to connect you directly, and want to hear all your case, before deciding if they do it or not.

    BE ALWAYS PERSISTENT BUT POLITE, stay on top of things and do not settle for just keep waiting if you feel something is wrong.

    Good luck!!

    PS, my info was never entered on the March filing thread, because I tried twice and was not able to figure it out. I felt embarrassed to ask for help, so I never did. Sorry....

  6. Sorry to hear about your delays. You requested to change your name, so you are supposed to attend a judicial oath ceremony?

    I got mine done yesterday in St Paul. I was interviewed in the morning, and the oath ceremony in the same building took place at 2pm. We were around 30 people of so, from 11 different countries.

    St. Paul as you can see does same day oath, but depends on if you need to change your name or no.

    Good luck!

  7. What i meant by they are the same is that both you end up being a US citizen. The applicant didn't indicate he was changing his name that's why i didn't go I'm details. But what you said is true.

    Yes, you are right I didn't give specifics, so you were right. Both ceremonies serve the same purpose, but the clarification is helpful for those wanting to change their name. Thank you both again.

    We were in the same boat as you, Wisconsin residents. Live closer to the Milwaukee office, but assigned to St. Paul. The newest office manager, if she is still there was offering same day oaths, but only if you received your interview in the morning. Stepdaughter received an afternoon appointment so had to go back three weeks later to get that piece of paper.

    And I-94 was covered with snow, so left four hours earlier. That was a very long day, ceremony was held in the basement. Filled out the back of that oath ceremony with those 8 questions, handed that to a woman, dropped in her green card in what looked like a large trash can. Sat down, listened to some incorrect information as to what you have to do after you receive your certificate, watched a video on a 27" TV, she stood up to recite the oath, handled her certificate, but I sure read it first to make sure no errors were on it.

    Wondered why I took some very nice photos of her, just used a cheap ink jet printer for her biometrics photo that looked terrible, got her certificate, than that long drive home.

    St. Paul office does have some nice amenities, a large parking lot, public restrooms, and a drinking fountain. All of our biometric appointments, six of them were at the Milwaukee office. Senator Feingold started that monthly oath ceremonies, but for just residents of Wisconsin, heard that if you are from Minnesota, may have to wait for months. Ha, leave your Packers jacket at home.

    I also had to go to Milwaukee for biometrics, for me was another 3 hrs drive as I live in the center of WI. I guess the ceremony is not going to be an event for the press, LOL. We all can not have that "movie perfect" one that we see on the news sometimes, like those held on the 4th of July. Given my apprehension to drive with bad weather, having it done is what matter most. I am very grateful that it is possible (of curse I have to pass first).

    Thank you all again.

  8. Judicial ceremonies, are not the same as Administrative ones

    Judicial ceremonies: are the ones which are done in case of a name change.[ will be done at the fedral court]

    Administrative ones: performed by uscis staff

    Thank you for clarifying that. I do not need to change my name so I am good.

    I appreciate your input, and I should have been a bit more patient. In today's mail I got a "reminder" notice of my upcoming interview, that includes a separate note saying the the oath ceremony will take place at 2:00pm the same day of my interview (if approved of course).

    Yay! I see an end to my journey!

  9. Your best bet is to ask them for a same day oath, and you have to see if they agree with it. And they are the same oath.

    Thank you for replying, so they are the same oath, good!

    I was going to ask (and beg) to begin with, even before finding out about the same day oath possibilities. To be honest, the weather conditions have me more worried than the interview itself. I had a couple close calls already driving in bad conditions, that's why I started the process back in March hoping to be done much sooner, but hey... when you deal with the government anything can happen.

  10. I live in Wisconsin but my local field office is in St. Paul Minnesota, I will be there pretty soon for my interview. In the USCIS website I found the following:


    Naturalization Ceremonies

    The St. Paul Field Office conducts Judicial Ceremonies throughout the year in accordance with the court calendar. Same-day administrative ceremonies are conducted for western Wisconsin residents on a monthly basis.


    Doing a search in this forum, I found that depending on who the Director of the office is, sometimes they let you have your ceremony the same day of the interview, the statement seems to be in agreement. What I do not quite understand is the "monthly basis" part, what could it mean?

    1) They do it once a month, and if you are lucky to be there that day you can do it?

    2) They conduct once a month interviews for WI residents, so if you pass you can do it?

    3) Are Judicial ceremonies, same as Administrative? What's the difference?

    My trip to St Paul, takes 3 hrs each way. With the snow and ice covered roads, not looking forward to it. So imagine how much help would be if I do not have to come back again for the ceremony. If it was summer time I wouldn't care at all, happy to wait my turn.


  11. Well, thanks for the replies, including the list of winter travel suggestions/equip. smile.png

    I already have planned to go the day before, because if not I have to leave my home around 3 AM, and would be half sleep during my interview, plus risking something happening in the way, yes I realize "how important" to keep the appt is. Problem is the day before also could be a bad day to travel, as I said where I live roads are cleared last.

    So....nobody has gone through a similar type "emergency" they couldn't make it, and how they were able to get another interview date?

  12. I am hoping to find someone that was unable to attend their interview or oath ceremony, due to weather conditions and how problematic was too re schedule.

    I started my journey at the end of March, hoping to be done within the 5 months (more or less), of my local office's processing time, because I live in a rural area in WI, where if a snow or ice storm hits, I am unable to travel for about 2/3 days, no matter if the highways are cleared in hours.

    But...of course not! I just got my bio done (long story of problems), so now I am faced with the uncerntity of will be able or not to go to my interview (not scheduled yet) in St. Paul MN, about 3 1/2 hrs of travel each way.

    I know that you can submit petitions for re schedule if you know in advance you can not make an appt. but there is no way to do so when it's weather related. I am concerned about this, because based on my luck, it will happen and how you prove you can not make it, if the road conditions hundreds of miles away are fine? Do they believe you, can you call that same day to explain?

    That's why I am asking, if something like this happened to some of you, and how you resolved the issue.

    Thanks for your time.

  13. Thanks everyone!

    Still haven't heard anything and won't even bother calling them again. I made an INFOPASS appointment for Monday Oct 21.

    I hope everything is resolved by now, and you finally got help.

    After waiting for 7, yes... seven months and been given the run around by their "oh so helpful" customer service people, I finally got my date for biometrics, after I talked to a Tier 2 officer that actually "cared" to help me, instead of lying to me like the other one, saying that I missed my appoitment and the letter got lost in the mail, to request another date which I did, and another month and a half of nothing, so I called again to talk to another Tier 2 officer, that actually helped me.

    Those CS reps that first answer do not help, just tell you what you see yourself on their website. If you really need help you need to go "higher" and have luck of course.

    I heard of other applicants having problems when asking for the Tier 2 officers, do NOT bother asking for one you might be turn down, call the 1 800 number and say, you got disconected when being transfered, they do not ask you any questions, and conect you. That worked for me.

  14. It's really frustrating, I hope the rescheduled biometrics appointment comes in the mail soon.

    Frustrating indeed, specially when you get a CSR that in a very condescending voice, tells you...

    "Well, you have to understand you are not the only one that asked for a re scheduling, they have to find appointments for everyone in the order received, among those scheduled for the first time, and that can take a while..."

    So I said... Yes I understand, but I've been waiting since first of April, more than a while.

    To what she replied,

    "Oh since April?" That's unusual.

    So... did she listen to the 5 minutes explanation of my problem, was she looking at my case on her computer or doing her nails?

  15. Update to my 7 month journey....

    After 1 hr on the phone, Tier 2 officer today told me he is sending request for my biometric appt to be re scheduled, third request! (I did 2 in writing as instructed, and now this one),I got at least a receipt number.

    Previous Tier 2 officer, that said I missed my rescheduled appt, lost in the mail, whatever.... was total BS! So, yeah... wonderful how this agency works!

    Now.... more waiting...

  16. Glad the service worked well for you, certainly a light is coming through you will be on your way at the end of the tunnel. All the best of luck!

    Well... surprise, surprise if I am not just being played like a puppet. After this experience I should write a book, about the efficiency of the USCIS!

    I got my hope back last month after talking to the Tier 2 officer, but now 3 weeks after requesting a new biom appt still nothing. I called today and they tell me to wait another 30 days! Seriously? I am sick and tired, what can I say. Count your blessings those of you that got it done as it should be, I guess is not in the cards for me (at least this year), seven months and counting just to get the fingerprints done. Oh yeah! No record of the 4/26 appt that I missed "due to be lost in the mail" (as I was told), so what happened to the notes that they were going to be entered on my case?

    Sorry for the rant, but I am totally frustrated, and I do NOT like my congressman (don't trust her either), so I am not too eager to go that route.

    Thanks guys, you are the only ones that understand.

  17. Is thanks to the people of this board, that I might get done with my journey, certainly not to the USCIS employees, that's why I want everyone going through the process know about my experience, so you do not waste your time, like mine was wasted, not to mention save you frustration.

    If you do not have a computer and need info, by all means call their 1800 number, the CSR will tell you what YOU could see on their website.

    If you have a problem and need answers DO NOT WASTE your time talking to the CSR, ask inmediately for a TIER 2 Officer. They can look into your case and give you answers/direction.

    I made the great mistake of believing what I was told by the CSR, and I missed my appt (that I never knew was scheduled as the letter never got to me), THREE times I was told to keep waiting that my case was still within the processing times, etc.... total waste of time!

    My whole case could be finished by now, (I started in March).

    Now I know at least who to call if I encounter more problems, and it's thanks to you guys.

  18. I guess some of us are just unlucky.

    Sorry you are also in a similar situation, were you feel you have fell through the cracks, but eventually things have to improve, at least in my case I am angry after finding out what happened, but I got hope it will get on motion again, finally!

    I got the call back, and spoke to the Tier 2 officer, that told me I had missed my re scheduled appt on April 26! SAY WHAT?!!! I of course was shocked, because I had not received any appointment letter what so ever. He verified my address that was correct, and suggested to speak to my local post office, because obviously the letter got lost. He told me to request another biometric appt inmediately, and that he would make a note on my case that I didn't received the letter, not that I didn't show up, (at least that's what he said).

    Angry? You bet! THREE times I called asking about my appt, and THREE times I was told to wait. I am just furious thinking that my whole process could have been done by now, if they could have told me about my "missed appt", the first time. The rescheduled date of 4/26 is not in the check status of their website either, so I do not know who is NOT doing their job.

    My certified letter asking for another appt is on the mail this morning, I will give updates (when I get something).

    Good luck to you too.


    When I called the customer service to inquire about my application, I asked her right away to transfer me to a Tier 2 officer and I left my number to be called back since the waiting time is about 2 hours. I already gave them a call before, a month after I haven't got anything from them and the customer service sent an request for me and I waited another two weeks to get a response from them. That's when I called them again and requested for a Tier 2 officer after nothing came in from the mail, text or email.

    When I finally got a call, I told the officer I want to know what is happening with my application since I haven't got any letter from them except the Notice of Receipt of my application (no biometrics schedule yet after two months from the time they got my application). And the officer told me that I am still okay since I am under the 3 period where they send biometrics schedule or if they need more documents from me and that I should give them a call if I receive nothing after october 11. The lady even told me that I should only get to worry if 3 months passed and I have receive nothing still.

    I know, this is so frustrating. I know how you feel and I am just praying that soon, WE will eventually get a good and favorable response from them. With all my heart, good luck my friend!!!

  19. It looks like that after all I was right... what a joke!

    I called today to talk to the Tier 2 officer, instead of choosing the option to ask general info about my case, this time I went with the one that gives info about inverviews, biometrics, etc.. The customer serv rep, said he was going to verify the processing times at my local office first and wow! he tells me that I am about 1 month pass the time, as the processing time listed on the website, 5 months is the one for my office, so yesterday when I was told that they were processing cases from January (8/9 months), was a joke!

    I was transfered to the next level to customer service (Tier 2) to hear that the waiting time was 300 minutes, and given the option to be called back, (I imagine another mistake on my part), I did because I didn't have my phone charger with me. If no response by tomorrow I will call back and wait on the line as long as it takes, I am sick and tired of this.... luckythose of you that got it done as it should be.

    I just hope that my "troubles" could help someone not to find themselves in the same boat.

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