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Status Updates posted by nawalel

  1. Hana did your husband got his social security number? if so what kind of document they ask? i'm planning to go next week with him before my vacation so he can apply for one.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nawalel


      No Hana i don't think the social gonna come in mail, the green card yes, I googled yesterday about the people that checked the box yes for the social in the form ds230, they waited a month and nothing they finally went to the social security office and applied for one, i'm thinking to go this thursday with my husband to apply for one. but when i called the social security office they told me they need 2 identifiction i told them he has a passport they said they need a second identific...

    3. nawalel


      identification like a green card or an ID i told him that he's waiting for the green card but he already has the stamp in his passport and the officer said no they need the actual green card. i'm going to call Monday the social security office and see what's going on.

    4. Hana&Reda


      Sorry for the late reply we have been going places. We finally went today to apply for a SS card and everything you said is right. Literally when we went up to the window it took only 5 minutes we filled the form used his passport and his visa in his passport as his identification and now it will take two weeks to arrive.

  2. My husband is coming today can't wait to pick him up this evening yay :)

    1. Hana&Reda


      Nawal!! How are you??? Did your hubby arrive safely??

    2. nawalel


      i"m doing fine okhti how about you? my husband arrived safely i'm so happy next week i start my vacation we are heading to west palm beach inchaallah :)

  3. 1 more day and my husband will be in America sooooo excited :)

    1. Ayman___


      congrats ....wishing you both a beautiful life

    2. nawalel


      thank you sister :)

  4. $165 immigrant visa fee paid today.

  5. 6 more days until i see my husband :)

    1. Hana&Reda


      Your almost there!! I bet you are as excited as me.

    2. nawalel


      i'm so excited i cannot wait Omg lol

  6. My husband is coming November 21st. POE Orlando yay :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nawalel


      yes Hana i'm so happy, it's Lufthansa, he's doing Morocco Germany then Germany Orlando, tickets are so expensive after the 25th my husband told me it jumped to 300 dollars extra. so he booked the ticket on the 21st. Soon your husband will be here, i'm sure you are counting the days okhti :)

    3. Hana&Reda


      That is even better because his port of entry will be in Orlando and wont have to worry about catching another flight. Oh just you wait, when the days start getting closer you get so impatient lol Im so happy for you okhti :)

    4. TOTOEMY


      yay in shaa allah safe trip to you so happy for you both

  7. visa in hand :) soooo happpyyyyy

    1. Hana&Reda


      Omg Yay!! Congrats nawal!

    2. TOTOEMY


      hamdolilah!!! so happy for you both!

  8. Thank you VJ for all the help and support :)

  9. visa issued sooooo haaaappppyyyyy :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Hana&Reda


      Aww that is so sweet! Were you able to book that hotel that you wanted?? I already shopped for everything all I am trying to finish up is the cleaning. Yea I was wondering why you left it until the 27th but it definitely makes sense. I think we might go to west palm beach lol you gave me an idea to go there haha

    3. nawalel


      yes Hana, i'm gonna book the same hotel i told you its a very nice one here is the name if you want to look at it: palm beach shores resort and vacation villas, i'm just worried about the weather i hope it won't be that cold lol

    4. Hana&Reda


      Ooooh Thankss I am going to check it out right now! Actually, the weather as been pretty nice lately here in Florida. Hopefully its not too cold by the 27th

  10. good luck on your interview :)

    1. Happytobe


      Thank you, nawalel!

  11. here is an update on what happen: he's not on AP anymore i'm so so so haaaaaaappppppppyyyyyy, the reason he was on AP is because he needed to translate the mariage certificate, he already have it translate it but i translated for him here in the us

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. nawalel


      Thank you Hana i was so stressed yesterday but alhamdoulillah, i'm happy for you too hbiba allah ijibo ala khir :)

    3. nawalel


      Totoemy, November 27th inchaallah is the day :)

    4. TOTOEMY


      in shaa allah hbiba :)

  12. wide awake, so nervous. it's 5 am our time and 9 am moroccan time i'm waiting for the phone call lol

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Happytobe


      Don't get too freaked out my dear.... It's AP, not a denial. You're going to make it. And maybe it's only documents. It will be ok.... Hang in there

    3. Hana&Reda


      Aww don't cry nawal, like happytobe said it could be that he needs some documents. Stay strong okhti

    4. TOTOEMY


      stay strong hbiba will be ok..wait to talk to your husband to see what is needed..i feel your stress though..keep positive!

  13. congratulations Mounir so happy for you :)

    1. mounir412


      Thank you so much nawalel :)

  14. 2 more days, can't wait :)

  15. all papers are up to date and translated :)

  16. medical done on the 22nd of October, elhamdoullah it was a success.

  17. CEAC status shown "READY" as of yesterday (09/05/2013)

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. nawalel


      Hana, you remember when I told you i'm going to request a day off when my husband gonna have his interview, guess what I did it I'm off on his interview I don't think i'm gonna sleep all night lol, my mom gonna be with him to support him she gonna wait outside, ya rabbi tsahhal ala jamii lmouslimin :)

    3. Hana&Reda


      Ameen hbiba no wonder your going to get the day off because you wont be able to sleep. I hope inshallah everything goes smoothly for you and NO AP! Yup my husband is going to update all Moroccan paper work including birth certificate and both police papers. Good Luck hbiba I koun khir inshallah

    4. Ismael&Blair


      Good luck and best wishes :)

  18. checked this morning CEAC status my file is on its way to the embassy casablanca, it say " IN TRANSIT" alhamdoulilah.

    1. Hana&Reda


      Mine will be behind you soon inshallah Good Luck Nawal

    2. Happytobe


      I saw that on mine today, too! I'm going to try and figure out that DHL tracking tomorrow so I know when it arrives.

  19. i have a question if u don't mind. how many months they usually give in a cr1/ir1 visa? also i received the packet 4 via email can i send it to my husband via email that way he can start on his medical or i va to wait until nvc send it to him? it's the same package right?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nawalel


      yes I received that email last week it's 4 pages, i'm gonna send it to him any suggestions on how to get doctors phone numbers please?

    3. TOTOEMY


      they have the numbers for the doctors that can perform the medical exam on this link below..hope it helps.. http://morocco.usembassy.gov/med-exam.html

    4. nawalel


      thank you Totoemy i'm going to send him to the female one I saw some review about the male doctor and it wasn't too good.

  20. i got my interview date this morning its for october 29th you need to call them and check when is yours.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ismael&Blair


      Congrats! Good luck to you two! :)

    3. nawalel


      thank you Ismael&blair Im so nervous and stressed out my husband and I are working on the interview I want him to be ready inchaallah.

    4. Ismael&Blair


      You two will be fine. I was so nervous and stressed too. I was the same like you because I also wanted him to be ready & pass and not be on AP. Everything will be well. Inshallah :)

  21. interview schedule this morning. OCTOBER 29TH 2013 AT 8:00 AM.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. nawalel


      Thank you rawas :)

    3. Hana&Reda


      MashAllah 3lik Nawal Just yesterday you were so anxious for your NOA2 to be approved. I am so happy for you :D I hope inshallah your interview goes all well Good Luck Hbiba

    4. nawalel


      thank you Rawas. thank you Hana hope your case will be completed very soon.

  22. Happytobe when is your interview? any news? i saw your case was complete on the 5th.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ismael&Blair


      Best wishes for an interview date soon Inshallah :)

    3. Happytobe


      We're praying they start scheduling this week. With the holiday on September 2nd, I'm worried it will be a repeat of around July 4th.... There was that delay of scheduling.... Thanks for the positive thoughts!

    4. Hana&Reda


      I hope my case can be completed just in time of the scheduling inshAllah Hope you guys get your interview dates soon!

  23. called NVC they said they cannot access casa embassy to check for the date thats what he said so i dont know, have to wait and see.

  24. according to NVC september interview in Casa is full, the representative told me its going to be for sure first week of october but i will call tomorrow to double check

    1. Hana&Reda


      Good Luck Nawal! I hope we hear good news inshallah

    2. TOTOEMY


      hehe maybe we wil all get oct interviews..wouldnt that be interesting! inshallah..

    3. nawalel


      Thank you Hana how about u any news?

      Totoemy, you never know that will be awesome :)

  25. my computer broke yesterday thats why i couldn't post anything, I'm using my son's I pad lol

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