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Posts posted by Mike&Gina

  1. Greetings! Hello fellow VJ'ers. We enjoy the site and so appreciate all the help we have recieved thus far on our journey. I'm just sitting here wondering, while pulling out the last hairs on my already old and balding head. What are the chances me (Petitioner) and my Fiancee Gina can get "head of the line privileges" due to our ages and "impeccable" backgrounds (ha-ha-ha)?? We are both soon to be "senior citizens" in our 50's, and thus "time running out on us" in life, unlike you young 20 year old petitioners. :D I turned 54 and Gina will enter her 5th decade of living next month in June (sorry Honey for revealing your age!). I am a retired police officer, US Navy veteran, never been married before, no criminal record, no financial/credit problems, no children problems , squeaky clean (and pure as the driven snow!)....ha-ha! Gina also "clean" - no criminal records, no credit/financial problems, good work history, widowed, and wants to marry this old 'lifelong bachelor." Why cant we move to the head of the line for processing from CSC on our petition request?? Ha-ha.....just joking kids.....(kinda).....we'll wait our turn like everyone else, and wish everyone the best of luck. God Bless Us All !!! dancin5hr.gif

  2. , Congratulations indeed! You were surprised you got it so early and wasnt expecting it to come for months. I see that you were a December filer? Can you give "us" (VJers) any tips? What's the secret, or how did you get it done so quickly?? Help from any Congress persons?? No RFE's?, Your Dad's a diplomat? Related to President Obama, You discovered the cure for cancer? hahaha, just joking........ but seriously, CONGRATS!!!!! Hope ours is that fast also. dancin5hr.gif

  3. I saw on this website earlier where a member said he got an RFE...Well, dumb old me did the same thing he did (reason for RFE), so I fully expect the RFE to be coming my way soon. It's in regards to the G-325A Biographic Information where it asks: "This form is submitted in connection with an application for:" I also typed in the "Other (Specify):" box "K-1 VISA" instead of what he was advised "I-129F." Do I wait for the RFE, or take some corrective actions now? Can I "white out" K-1 VISA, and type in I-129F myself? Do I have my fiancée Gina reprint the form again with the correction made, her sign it, and send it to me from The Philippines? Or should I just sit here and wait patiently for the RFE to come and do it all then? Has anyone on here made the same mistake I made and NOT received an RFE for it? Is it an "offense" that definitely requires correction be made, or what I think it is - not that big a deal?

  4. Is CFO for "beneficiary" only to go to in her country?? Yes, I want to be at Gina's, and her interview in Manila as well.......I need a few extra laughs on those days! Hahahahah ....seeing Philippine government at work! Hey, I waited here in line at US Post Office to mail a letter for 15 minutes and became impatient....will love and enjoy the 10 hour waits in The Philippines.

  5. Greetings! Thanks for answering the questions I asked and giving your advice/opinions.....its greatly 'preciated! Yes, its more "vacation".....just escaping the cold, harsh, frigid Ohio Winter, and making like a 'snowbird" to the wonderful warm Philippines! I still have permanate residence/castle in Ohio where Gina and I will live for the 6 warm months of the year. My mailing address will still be Ohio, and mailed picked up by family members there. I guess I will just "not" tell the agencies that I will be living (vacationing) in Cebu for 6 months. Money is no problem with the I-134c forms, as the government pays me a good monthly pension to live and vacation in exotic places! I just wonder how close to the interview should my financial records be from? I have them current to date - April 2013, is that good enough, or do I need to take them all the way to October 2013 when I leave for Cebu??? I also have a flight home from Cebu on March 31, 2014...Do you think that is okay to also buy a seat on the plane for Gina, and our POE be LA, California??? I know its hard to say at this point, but do you think we will be done with the process by then and ready to ship out OK by March 31, 2014?????? Thanks again guys and girls! You said being at her interview was great experience - really enjoyed it. Was that said "tongue in cheek" due to all the waiting around up there?! hahahaha Thanks again! Mike

  6. Hello to all! I am a "newby" going thru this process with some questions and would really appreciate some answers and/or advice. Gina and I are going thru the K-1 VISA petition process. I received the NAO1 on April 11, 2013 and going thru CSC. We are now waiting on the NAO2. I want to go to The Philippines in October 2013 to be with Gina and to live there for 6 months from October until April 2014. I also want to be there with her when she goes for her interview in Manila. First of all is any of this possible to do within the Visa processing guidelines? Will it alter or change my status in any way? And, do I tell them of my address change? Thank you, Mike & Gina

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