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Hamad and Chau

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Posts posted by Hamad and Chau

  1. VJ: Visajourney
    WT: Webtretho
    VD: Vietditru
    PV: Interview
    P3: Packet 3 sent
    -: Contact the Consulate

    A. HCM Interview in December

    1. WT:tiffany2906 P3: 20/8; PV: 17/12
    2. WT&VJ:bella.8x/A-T P3: 20/8; PV: 19/12
    3. VJ:MichaelQuyen P3: 24/8; PV: 20/12
    4. VJ:LuuNguyen P3: 24/8; PV: 23/12
    5. VJ:AnthonyThuy P3: 28/8; PV: 27/12

    B. HCM Interview in January

    1. WT:Nav811 P3: 30/8; PV: 16/1
    2. VJ:HaoPhong P3: 30/8; PV: 16/1
    3. VJ:W-D P3: 3/9; PV: 17/1
    4. WT:PhiLuu P3: 6/9; PV: 21/1
    5. WT:Ryanmanhnguyen P3: 9/9; PV: 23/1
    6. VJ:happyguy82 P3: 6/9; PV: 27/1

    C. HCM Waiting for Packet 4

    1. WT&VJ:Hoachuoi P3: 10/9
    2. VJ:Peter-Hieu P3: 17/9
    3. VD&WT:quyenlamvlg P3: 24/9
    4. VJ:Steven-T P3: 30/9
    5. VJ:Emily-Hau P3: 3/10
    6. WT:myhoa1990 P3: 4/10
    7. WT:TiffanyPL P3: 10/10
    8. WT:khanhbt_1989 P3: 21/10
    9. VJ:Nate-Phung P3: 22/10
    10. WT:lienhoanmy P3: 31/10
    11. VD:phantrang P3: 1/11
    12. VJ:janetnguyen P3: 3/11
    13. WT:sendabuon P3: 5/11
    14. VJ:Christian-HoaiThu P3: 5/11
    15. VD:Truonguyen P3: 5/11
    16. WT:xuannhivt P3: 11/11
    17. WT:nguyenphan P3: 13/11
    18. WT:Hiensunflower P3: 16/11
    19. VJ:EmilyFriday P3: 16/11
    20. VJ:WilliamLinh P3: 18/11
    21. WT:msgwen74 P3: 20/11
    22. VJ:BenLien P3: 23/11
    23. WT:thuydung P3: 25/11
    24. WT:Yuna.Charles P3: 26/11
    25. WT:thaolam P3: 27/11
    26. WT:Homi P3: 4/12
    27. VJ:MandyTim P3: 6/12
    28. WT:jasmine P3: 7/12
    29. WT:loanle P3: 9/12
    30. WT:miencattrang P3: 11/12

    No timeline update
    -. WT:Ha-kiwi P3: 20/8
    -. VJ:nguyenstar P3: 26/8
    -. WT:NguyenDanThu P3: 3/9
    -. VJ:ThuyQuoc P3: 3/9
    -. VJ:NathanDiem P3: 3/9
    -. WT:rachel_nguyen P3: 6/9
    -. WT:Mnhminhlinh P3: 7/9

  2. VJ: Visajourney
    WT: Webtretho
    VD: Vietditru
    PV: Interview
    P3: Packet 3 sent
    -: Contact the Consulate

    A. HCM Interview in December

    1. WT:tiffany2906 P3: 20/8; PV: 17/12
    2. WT&VJ:bella.8x/A-T P3: 20/8; PV: 19/12
    3. VJ:LuuNguyen P3: 24/8; PV: 23/12
    4. VJ:AnthonyThuy P3: 28/8; PV: 27/12
    5. WT:Camphuong1985 P3: 8/8

    B. HCM Interview in January

    1. WT:Nav811 P3: 30/8; PV: 16/1
    2. VJ:HaoPhong P3: 30/8; PV: 16/1
    3. VJ:W-D P3: 3/9; PV: 17/1
    4. WT:Ryanmanhnguyen P3: 9/9; PV: 23/1

    C. HCM Waiting for Packet 4

    -. WT:Ha-kiwi P3: 20/8
    -. VJ:MichaelQuyen P3: 24/8
    -. VJ:nguyenstar P3: 26/8
    -. WT:NguyenDanThu P3: 3/9
    -. VJ:ThuyQuoc P3: 3/9
    -. VJ:NathanDiem P3: 3/9
    -. WT:PhiLuu P3: 6/9
    -. VJ:happyguy82 P3: 6/9
    -. WT:rachel_nguyen P3: 6/9
    -. WT:Mnhminhlinh P3: 7/9
    1. WT&VJ:Hoachuoi P3: 10/9
    2. VJ:Peter-Hieu P3: 17/9
    3. VD&WT:quyenlamvlg P3: 24/9
    4. VJ:Steven-T P3: 30/9
    5. VJ:Emily-Hau P3: 3/10
    6. WT:myhoa1990 P3: 4/10
    7. WT:TiffanyPL P3: 10/10
    8. WT:khanhbt_1989 P3: 21/10
    9. VJ:Nate-Phung P3: 22/10
    10. WT:lienhoanmy P3: 31/10
    11. VD:phantrang P3: 1/11
    12. VJ:janetnguyen P3: 3/11
    13. WT:sendabuon P3: 5/11
    14. VJ:Christian-HoaiThu P3: 5/11
    15. VD:Truonguyen P3: 5/11
    16. WT:xuannhivt P3: 11/11
    17. WT:nguyenphan P3: 13/11
    18. WT:Hiensunflower P3: 16/11
    19. VJ:EmilyFriday P3: 16/11
    20. VJ:WilliamLinh P3: 18/11
    21. WT:msgwen74 P3: 20/11
    22. VJ:BenLien P3: 23/11
    23. WT:thuydung P3: 25/11
    24. WT:Yuna.Charles P3: 26/11
    25. WT:thaolam P3: 27/11
    26. VJ:MandyTim P3: 4/12
    27. WT:Homi P3: 4/12

  3. VJ: Visajourney
    WT: Webtretho
    VD: Vietditru
    PV: Interview
    P3: Packet 3 sent

    A. HCM Interview in December

    1. WT:Me_subin P3: 10/8; PV: 5/12
    2. WT:Camphuong1985 P3: 8/8

    B. HCM Waiting for Packet 4

    1. WT:Ha-kiwi P3: 20/8
    2. WT&VJ:bella.8x/A-T P3: 20/8
    3. WT:tiffany2906 P3: 20/8
    4. VJ:LuuNguyen P3: 24/8
    5. VJ:MichaelQuyen P3: 24/8
    6. VJ:nguyenstar P3: 26/8
    7. VJ:AnthonyThuy P3: 28/8
    8. WT:Nav811 P3: 30/8
    9. VJ:HaoPhong P3: 30/8
    10. WT:NguyenDanThu P3: 3/9
    11. VJ:W-D P3: 3/9
    12. VJ:ThuyQuoc P3: 3/9
    13. VJ:NathanDiem P3: 3/9
    14. WT:PhiLuu P3: 6/9
    15. VJ:happyguy82 P3: 6/9
    16. WT:rachel_nguyen P3: 6/9
    17. WT:Mnhminhlinh P3: 7/9
    18. WT:Ryanmanhnguyen P3: 9/9
    19. WT&VJ:Hoachuoi P3: 10/9
    20. VJ:Peter-Hieu P3: 17/9
    21. VD&WT:quyenlamvlg P3: 24/9
    22. VJ:Steven-T P3: 30/9
    23. VJ:Emily-Hau P3: 3/10
    24. WT:myhoa1990 P3: 4/10
    25. WT:TiffanyPL P3: 10/10
    26. WT:khanhbt_1989 P3: 21/10
    27. VJ:Nate-Phung P3: 22/10
    28. WT:lienhoanmy P3: 31/10
    29. VD:phantrang P3: 1/11
    30. VJ:janetnguyen P3: 3/11
    31. WT:sendabuon P3: 5/11
    32. VJ:Christian-HoaiThu P3: 5/11
    33. VD:Truonguyen P3: 5/11
    34. WT:xuannhivt P3: 11/11
    35. WT:nguyenphan P3: 13/11
    36. WT:Hiensunflower P3: 16/11
    37. VJ:EmilyFriday P3: 16/11
    38. WT:msgwen74 P3: 20/11
    39. VJ:BenLien P3: 23/11
    40. WT:thuydung P3: 25/11
    41. WT:Yuna.Charles P3: 26/11

  4. VJ: Visajourney
    WT: Webtretho
    VD: Vietditru
    PV: Interview
    P3: Packet 3 sent

    A. HCM Interview in December

    1. WT:alyn0227 P3: 7/8; PV: 2/12
    2. WT:ebienxanh09 P3: 7/8; PV: 2/12
    3. WT:Me_subin P3: 10/8; PV: 5/12
    4. WT:Camphuong1985 P3: 8/8

    B. HCM Waiting for Packet 4

    1. WT:Ha-kiwi P3: 20/8
    2. WT&VJ:bella.8x/A-T P3: 20/8
    3. WT:tiffany2906 P3: 20/8
    4. VJ:LuuNguyen P3: 24/8
    5. VJ:nguyenstar P3: 26/8
    6. WT:Nav811 P3: 30/8
    7. VJ:HaoPhong P3: 30/8
    8. WT:NguyenDanThu P3: 3/9
    9. VJ:W-D P3: 3/9
    10. VJ:ThuyQuoc P3: 3/9
    11. VJ:NathanDiem P3: 3/9
    12. WT:PhiLuu P3: 6/9
    13. VJ:happyguy82 P3: 6/9
    14. WT:rachel_nguyen P3: 6/9
    15. WT:Mnhminhlinh P3: 7/9
    16. WT:Ryanmanhnguyen P3: 9/9
    17. WT&VJ:Hoachuoi P3: 10/9
    18. VJ:Peter-Hieu P3: 17/9
    19. VD&WT:quyenlamvlg P3: 24/9
    20. VJ:Steven-T P3: 30/9
    21. VJ:Emily-Hau P3: 3/10
    22. WT:TiffanyPL P3: 10/10
    23. WT:khanhbt_1989 P3: 21/10
    24. VJ:Nate-Phung P3: 22/10
    25. WT:lienhoanmy P3: 31/10
    26. VD: phantrang P3: 1/11
    27. WT:sendabuon P3: 5/11
    28. VJ:Christian-HoaiThu P3: 5/11
    29. VD:Truonguyen P3: 5/11
    30. WT:xuannhivt P3: 11/11
    31. WT:nguyenphan P3: 13/11
    32. WT:Hiensunflower P3: 16/11
    33. VJ:EmilyFriday P3: 16/11
    34. VJ:BenLien P3: 18/11
    35. WT:msgwen74 P3: 20/11

  5. VJ: Visajourney
    WT: Webtretho
    VD: Vietditru
    PV: Interview
    P3: Packet 3 sent

    A. HCM Interview in November

    1. WT:Lexuanthao P3: 19/7; PV: 19/11
    2. WT:Hoadai P3: 29/7

    B. HCM Interview in December

    1. WT:alyn0227 P3: 7/8; PV:2/12
    2. WT:ebienxanh09 P3: 7/8; PV:2/12
    3. WT:Me_subin P3: 10/8; PV: 5/12
    4. WT:Camphuong1985 P3: 8/8

    C. HCM Waiting for Packet 4

    1. WT:Ha-kiwi P3: 20/8
    2. WT&VJ:bella.8x/A-T P3: 20/8
    3. WT:tiffany2906 P3: 20/8
    4. VJ:LuuNguyen P3: 24/8
    5. VJ:nguyenstar P3: 26/8
    6. WT:Rachel_nguyen P3: 31/8
    7. WT:Nav811 P3: 30/8
    8. VJ:HaoPhong P3: 30/8
    9. WT:NguyenDanThu P3: 3/9
    10. VJ:W-D P3: 3/9
    11. VJ:ThuyQuoc P3: 3/9
    12. VJ:NathanDiem P3: 3/9
    13. WT:PhiLuu P3: 6/9
    14. VJ:happyguy82 P3: 6/9
    15. WT:Mnhminhlinh P3: 7/9
    16. WT:Ryanmanhnguyen P3: 9/9
    17. WT&VJ:Hoachuoi P3: 10/9
    18. VJ:Peter-Hieu P3: 17/9
    19. VD&WT:quyenlamvlg P3: 24/9
    20. VJ:Steven-T P3: 30/9
    21. VJ:Emily-Hau P3: 3/10
    22. WT:khanhbt_1989 P3: 21/10
    23. VJ:Nate-Phung P3: 22/10
    24. WT:lienhoanmy P3: 31/10
    25. VJ:Christian-HoaiThu P3:5/11
    26. WT:Ngocmymy
    27. VJ:BenLien

  6. VJ: Visajourney
    WT: Webtretho
    VD: Vietditru
    PV: Interview
    P3: Packet 3 sent

    A. HCM Interview in November

    1. VJ&WT:TP-AT/enny0001 P3: 18/7; PV: 15/11
    2. WT:Lexuanthao P3: 19/7; PV: 19/11
    3. WT:Hoadai P3: 29/7

    B. HCM Interview in December

    1. WT:alyn0227 P3: 7/8; PV: 2/12
    2. WT:ebienxanh09 P3: 7/8; PV: 2/12
    3. WT:Camphuong1985 P3: 8/8

    C. HCM Waiting for Packet 4

    1. WT:Me_subbin P3: 10/8
    2. WT:Ha-kiwi P3: 20/8
    3. WT&VJ:bella.8x/A-T P3: 20/8
    4. WT:tiffany2906 P3: 20/8
    5. VJ:LuuNguyen P3: 24/8
    6. VJ:nguyenstar P3: 26/8
    7. WT:Rachel_nguyen P3: 31/8
    8. WT:Nav811 P3: 30/8
    9. VJ:HaoPhong P3: 30/8
    10. WT:NguyenDanThu P3: 3/9
    11. VJ:W-D P3: 3/9
    12. VJ:ThuyQuoc P3: 3/9
    13. VJ:NathanDiem P3: 3/9
    14. WT:PhiLuu P3: 6/9
    15. VJ:happyguy82 P3: 6/9
    16. WT:Mnhminhlinh P3: 7/9
    17. WT:Ryanmanhnguyen P3: 9/9
    18. WT&VJ:Hoachuoi P3: 10/9
    19. VJ:Peter-Hieu P3: 17/9
    20. VD&WT:quyenlamvlg P3: 24/9
    21. VJ:Steven-T P3: 30/9
    22. VJ:Emily-Hau P3: 3/10
    23. WT:khanhbt_1989 P3: 21/10
    24. VJ:Nate-Phung P3: 22/10
    25. WT:Ngocmymy
    26. VJ:BenLien

  7. VJ: Visajourney
    WT: Webtretho
    VD: Vietditru
    PV: Interview
    P3: Packet 3 sent

    A. HCM Interview in November

    1. VJ:MikeTuoi P3: 31/7; PV: 5/11
    2. VD:Dunglam P3: 6/8; PV: 7/11
    3. WT&VJ:Steveha P3: 6/8; PV: 7/11
    4. VJ:HamadChau P3: 22/7; PV: 8/11
    5. VJ&WT:TP-AT/enny0001 P3: 18/7; PV: 15/11
    6. WT:Lexuanthao P3: 19/7; PV: 19/11
    7. WT:Hoadai P3: 29/7

    B. HCM Waiting for Packet 4

    1. WT:alyn0227 P3: 7/8
    2. WT:ebienxanh09 P3: 7/8
    3. WT:Camphuong1985 P3: 8/8
    4. WT:Me_subbin P3: 10/8
    5. WT:Ha-kiwi P3: 20/8
    6. WT&VJ:bella.8x/A-T P3: 20/8
    7. WT:tiffany2906 P3: 20/8
    8. VJ:LuuNguyen P3: 24/8
    9. VJ:nguyenstar P3: 26/8
    10. WT:Rachel_nguyen P3: 31/8
    11. WT:Nav811 P3: 30/8
    12. VJ:HaoPhong P3: 30/8
    13. WT:NguyenDanThu P3: 3/9
    14. VJ:W-D P3: 3/9
    15. VJ:ThuyQuoc P3: 3/9
    16. VJ:NathanDiem P3: 3/9
    17. WT:PhiLuu P3: 6/9
    18. VJ:happyguy82 P3: 6/9
    19. WT:Mnhminhlinh P3: 7/9
    20. WT:Ryanmanhnguyen P3: 9/9
    21. WT&VJ:Hoachuoi P3: 10/9
    22. VJ:Peter-Hieu P3: 17/9
    23. VD&WT:quyenlamvlg P3: 24/9
    24. VJ:Steven-T P3: 30/9
    25. VJ:Emily-Hau P3: 3/10
    26. WT:khanhbt_1989 P3: 21/10
    27. VJ:Nate-Phung P3: 22/10
    28. WT:Ngocmymy
    29. VJ:BenLien

    No Timeline Updates
    -. VJ:JohnHoangYen P3: 25/6
    -. WT:Chị Kim Mai P3: 26/6
    -. VJ:TuanPhuong P3: 18/7

  8. More interviews in November

    VJ: Visajourney
    WT: Webtretho
    VD: Vietditru
    PV: Interview
    P3: Packet 3 sent

    A. HCM Interview in October

    1. WT:Oxheobxgau P3: 11/7; PV: 28/10
    1. VJ:HaiLoan P3: 11/7; PV: 28/10

    B. HCM Interview in November

    1. VJ:MikeTuoi P3: 31/7; PV: 5/11
    2. VD:Dunglam P3: 6/8; PV: 7/11
    3. VJ:HamadChau P3: 22/7; PV: 8/11
    4. VJ&WT:TP-AT/enny0001 P3: 18/7; PV: 15/11
    5. WT:Lexuanthao P3: 19/7; PV: 19/11
    6. WT:Hoadai P3: 29/7

    C. HCM Waiting for Packet 4

    1. WT&VJ:Steveha P3: 6/8
    2. WT:alyn0227 P3: 7/8
    3. WT:ebienxanh09 P3: 7/8
    4. WT:Camphuong1985 P3: 8/8
    5. WT:Me_subbin P3: 10/8
    6. WT:Ha-kiwi P3: 20/8
    7. WT&VJ:bella.8x/A-T P3: 20/8
    8. WT:tiffany2906 P3: 20/8
    9. VJ:LuuNguyen P3: 24/8
    10. VJ:nguyenstar P3: 26/8
    11. WT:Rachel_nguyen P3: 31/8
    12. WT:Nav811 P3: 30/8
    13. VJ:HaoPhong P3: 30/8
    14. WT:NguyenDanThu P3: 3/9
    15. VJ:W-D P3: 3/9
    16. VJ:ThuyQuoc P3: 3/9
    17. VJ:NathanDiem P3: 3/9
    18. WT:PhiLuu P3: 6/9
    19. VJ:happyguy82 P3: 6/9
    20. WT:Mnhminhlinh P3: 7/9
    21. WT:Ryanmanhnguyen P3: 9/9
    22. WT&VJ:Hoachuoi P3: 10/9
    23. VJ:Peter-Hieu P3: 17/9
    24. VD&WT:quyenlamvlg P3: 24/9
    25. VJ:Steven-T P3: 30/9
    26. VJ:Emily-Hau P3: 3/10
    27. VJ:Nate-Phung P3: 22/10
    28. WT:Ngocmymy
    29. VJ:BenLien

    No Timeline Updates
    -. VJ:JohnHoangYen P3: 25/6
    -. WT:Chị Kim Mai P3: 26/6
    -. VJ:TuanPhuong P3: 18/7

  9. That is packet 3!! Packet 4 comes later.

    You dont mention photos, you need 2 of them for her and a copy of her passport as well. There are detailed instructions when you follow the packet 3 hyperlinks, read those.

    Yes, you can hand deliver, but the US Citizen has to do it in Citizen services. The CO walks it to the visa side.

  10. Minor updates for this week.

    VJ: Visajourney
    WT: Webtretho
    VD: Vietditru
    PV: Interview
    P3: Packet 3 sent

    A. HCM Interview in October

    1. WT:Hoaluly PV: 21/10
    2. VJ:RonaldDinh P3: 1/7; PV: 21/10
    3. WT:Monart P3: 5/7; PV: 22/10
    4. WT:Oxheobxgau P3: 11/7; PV: 28/10
    5. VJ:HaiLoan P3: 11/7; PV: 28/10

    B. HCM Interview in November

    1. VJ:HamadChau P3: 22/7; PV: 8/11
    2. VJ&WT:TP-AT/enny0001 P3: 18/7; PV: 15/11
    3. WT:Lexuanthao P3: 19/7; PV: 19/11

    C. HCM Waiting for Packet 4

    1. WT:Hoadai P3: 29/7
    2. VJ:MikeTuoi P3: 31/7
    3. VD:Dunglam P3: 6/8
    4. WT&VJ:Steveha P3: 6/8
    5. VD:Katienguyen P3: 6/8
    6. WT:alyn0227 P3: 7/8
    7. WT:ebienxanh09 P3: 7/8
    8. WT:Camphuong1985 P3: 8/8
    9. WT:Me_subbin P3: 10/8
    10. WT:Ha-kiwi P3: 20/8
    11. WT&VJ:bella.8x/A-T P3: 20/8
    12. WT:tiffany2906 P3: 20/8
    13. VJ:LuuNguyen P3: 24/8
    14. VJ:nguyenstar P3: 26/8
    15. WT:Rachel_nguyen P3: 31/8
    16. WT:Nav811 P3: 30/8
    17. VJ:HaoPhong P3: 30/8
    18. WT:NguyenDanThu P3: 3/9
    19. VJ:W-D P3: 3/9
    20. VJ:ThuyQuoc P3: 3/9
    21. VJ:NathanDiem P3: 3/9
    22. WT:PhiLuu P3: 6/9
    23. VJ:happyguy82 P3: 6/9
    24. WT:Mnhminhlinh P3: 7/9
    25. WT:Ryanmanhnguyen P3: 9/9
    26. WT&VJ:Hoachuoi P3: 10/9
    27. VJ:Peter-Hieu P3: 17/9
    28. VD&WT:quyenlamvlg P3: 24/9
    29. VJ:Steven-T P3: 30/9
    30. VJ:Emily-Hau P3: 3/10
    31. WT:Ngocmymy
    32. VJ:BenLien

    No Timeline Updates
    -. VJ:JohnHoangYen P3: 25/6
    -. WT:Chị Kim Mai P3: 26/6
    -. VJ:TuanPhuong P3: 18/7

  11. Congratulations to those who received visa approvals since last update.

    November interviews are now being scheduled it seems for July P3s.

    VJ: Visajourney
    WT: Webtretho
    VD: Vietditru
    PV: Interview
    P3: Packet 3 sent

    A. HCM Interview in October

    1. VD:Uyen P3: 25/6; PV: 15/10
    2. WT:Hatuyen777 PV: 15/10
    3. WT:joely.pham90 PV: 18/10
    4. WT:Hoaluly PV: 21/10
    5. VJ:RonaldDinh P3: 1/7; PV: 21/10
    6. WT:Monart P3: 5/7; PV: 22/10
    7. WT:Oxheobxgau P3: 11/7; PV: 28/10
    8. VJ:HaiLoan P3: 11/7; PV: 28/10

    B. HCM Interview in November

    1. VJ:HamadChau P3: 22/7; PV: 8/11
    2. VJ&WT:TP-AT/enny0001 P3: 18/7; PV: 15/11
    3. WT:Lexuanthao P3: 19/7; PV: 19/11

    C. HCM Waiting for Packet 4

    -. VJ:TuanPhuong P3: 18/7
    3. WT:Hoadai P3: 29/7
    4. VJ:MikeTuoi P3: 31/7
    5. VD:Dunglam P3: 6/8
    6. WT&VJ:Steveha P3: 6/8
    7. VD:Katienguyen P3: 6/8
    8. WT:alyn0227 P3: 7/8
    9. WT:Camphuong1985 P3: 8/8
    10. WT:Me_subbin P3: 10/8
    13. WT:Ha-kiwi P3: 20/8
    14. WT&VJ:bella.8x/A-T P3: 20/8
    15. WT:tiffany2906 P3: 20/8
    16. VJ:LuuNguyen P3: 24/8
    17. WT:Rachel_nguyen P3: 31/8
    18. WT:Nav811 P3: 30/8
    19. VJ:HaoPhong P3: 30/8
    20. WT:NguyenDanThu P3: 3/9
    21. VJ:W-D P3: 3/9
    22. VJ:ThuyQuoc P3: 3/9
    23. VJ:NathanDiem P3: 3/9
    24. WT:PhiLuu P3: 6/9
    25. VJ:happyguy82 P3: 6/9
    26. WT:Mnhminhlinh P3: 7/9
    27. WT:Ryanmanhnguyen P3: 9/9
    28. WT&VJ:Hoachuoi P3: 10/9
    29. VD&WT:quyenlamvlg P3: 24/9
    30. VJ:Steven-T P3: 30/9
    31. VJ:Emily-Hau P3: 3/10
    31. WT:Ngocmymy
    32. VJ:BenLien

    No Timeline Updates
    -. VJ:JohnHoangYen P3: 25/6
    -. WT:Chị Kim Mai P3: 26/6

  12. Only minor updates below, hopefully next week the November schedule opens up.

    VJ: Visajourney
    WT: Webtretho
    VD: Vietditru
    PV: Interview
    P3: Packet 3 sent

    A. HCM Interview in October

    1. VD:Tuoiju P3: 9/6; PV: 4/10
    2. WT:Thaoherbe P3: 18/6; PV: 7/10
    3. VD:Uyen P3: 25/6; PV: 15/10
    4. WT:Hatuyen777 PV: 15/10
    5. WT:joely.pham90 PV: 18/10
    6. WT:Hoaluly PV: 21/10
    7. VJ:RonaldDinh P3: 1/7; PV: 21/10
    8. WT:Monart P3: 5/7; PV: 22/10
    9. WT:Oxheobxgau P3: 11/7; PV: 28/10
    10. VJ:HaiLoan P3: 11/7; PV: 28/10

    B. HCM Waiting for Packet 4

    -. VJ:JohnHoangYen P3: 25/6
    -. WT:Chị Kim Mai P3: 26/6
    1. VJ:TuanPhuong P3: 18/7
    2. WT:Lexuanthao P3: 19/7
    2. WT:enny0001 P3: 19/7
    3. VJ:HamadChau P3: 22/7
    4. WT:Hoadai P3: 29/7
    5. VJ:MikeTuoi P3: 31/7
    6. VD:Dunglam P3: 6/8
    6. WT&VJ:Steveha P3: 6/8
    6. VD:Katienguyen P3: 6/8
    7. WT:Camphuong1985 P3: 8/8
    8. WT:Me_subbin P3: 10/8
    9. WT:Ha-kiwi P3: 20/8
    10. WT&VJ:bella.8x/A-T P3: 20/8
    11. WT:tiffany2906 P3: 20/8
    12. VJ:LuuNguyen P3: 24/8
    13. WT:Rachel_nguyen P3: 31/8
    14. WT:Navy P3: 30/8
    15. VJ:HaoPhong P3: 30/8
    16. WT:NguyenDanThu P3: 3/9
    17. VJ:W-D P3: 3/9
    18. VJ:ThuyQuoc P3: 3/9
    19. VJ:NathanDiem P3: 3/9
    20. WT:PhiLuu P3: 6/9
    21. WT:Mnhminhlinh P3: 7/9
    22. WT:Ryanmanhnguyen P3: 9/9
    23. WT&VJ:Hoachuoi P3: 10/9
    24. VD&WT:quyenlamvlg P3: 24/9
    25. WT:alyn0227
    26. WT:Ngocmymy
    27. VJ:BenLien

  13. VJ: Visajourney
    WT: Webtretho
    VD: Vietditru
    PV: Interview
    P3: Packet 3 sent

    A. HCM Interview in Sept/Oct

    1. VD:nguyenrinny P3: 7/6; PV: 20/9
    2. VD:Tuoiju P3: 9/6; PV: 4/10
    3. WT:Thaoherbe P3: 18/6; PV: 7/10
    4. VD:Uyen P3: 25/6; PV: 15/10
    5. WT:Hatuyen777 PV: 15/10
    6. WT:Hoaluly PV: 21/10
    7. VJ:RonaldDinh P3: 1/7; PV: 21/10
    8. WT:Monart P3: 5/7; PV: 22/10
    9. WT:Oxheobxgau P3: 11/7; PV: 28/10
    10. VJ:HaiLoan P3: 11/7 PV: 28/10

    B. Waiting for Packet 4

    -. VJ:JohnHoangYen P3: 25/6
    -. WT:Chị Kim Mai P3: 26/6
    1. VJ:TuanPhuong P3: 18/7
    2. WT:Lexuanthao P3: 19/7
    3. VJ:HamadChau P3: 22/7
    4. WT:Hoadai P3: 29/7
    5. VJ:MikeTuoi P3: 31/7
    6. VD:Dunglam P3: 6/8
    6. WT&VJ:Steveha P3: 6/8
    7. WT:Camphuong P3: 8/8
    8. WT:Me_subbin P3: 10/8
    9. WT:Ha-kiwi P3: 20/8
    10. WT&VJ:bella.8x/A-T P3: 20/8
    11. WT:tiffany2906 P3: 20/8
    12. VJ:LuuNguyen P3: 24/8
    13. WT:Rachel_nguyen P3: 31/8
    14. WT:Navy P3: 30/8
    15. VJ:HaoPhong P3: 30/8
    16. WT:NguyenDanThu P3: 3/9
    17. VJ:W-D P3: 3/9
    18. VJ:ThuyQuoc P3: 3/9
    19. VJ:NathanDiem P3: 3/9
    20. WT:PhiLuu P3: 6/9
    21. WT:Mnhminhlinh P3: 7/9
    22. WT:Ryanmanhnguyen P3: 9/9
    23. WT:Hoachuoi P3: 10/9
    24. VJ:EthanThu P3: 17/9 Sydney consulate?
    25. WT:alyn0227
    26. WT:Ngocmymy
    27. WT:enny0001
    28. WT:quyenlamvlg

  14. VJ: Visajourney
    WT: Webtretho
    VD: Vietditru
    PV: Interview
    P3: Packet 3 sent

    A. Interview in Sept/Oct

    1. VD:nguyenrinny P3: 7/6; PV: 20/9
    2. VD:Tuoiju P3: 9/6; PV: 4/10
    3. WT:Thaoherbe P3: 18/6; PV: 7/10
    4. VD:Uyen P3: 25/6; PV: 15/10
    5. WT:Hatuyen777 PV: 15/10
    6. WT:Hoaluly PV: 21/10
    7. VJ:RonaldDinh P3: 1/7; PV: 21/10
    8. WT:Monart P3: 5/7; PV: 22/10
    9. WT:Oxheobxgau P3: 11/7; PV: 28/10

    B. Waiting for Packet 4

    -. VJ:JohnHoangYen P3: 25/6
    -. WT:Chị Kim Mai P3: 26/6
    1. VJ:TuanPhuong P3: 18/7
    2. WT:Lexuanthao P3: 19/7
    3. VJ:HamadChau P3: 22/7
    4. WT:Hoadai P3: 29/7
    5. VJ:MikeTuoi P3: 31/7
    6. VD:Dunglam P3: 6/8
    6. WT&VJ:Steveha P3: 6/8
    7. WT:Camphuong P3: 8/8
    8. WT:Me_subbin P3: 10/8
    9. WT:Ha-kiwi P3: 20/8
    10. WT&VJ:bella.8x/A-T P3: 20/8
    11. WT:tiffany2906 P3: 20/8
    12. VJ:LuuNguyen P3: 24/8
    13. WT:Rachel_nguyen P3: 31/8
    14. WT:Navy P3: 30/8
    15. VJ:HaoPhong P3: 30/8
    16. WT:NguyenDanThu P3: 3/9
    17. VJ:W-D P3: 3/9
    18. VJ:ThuyQuoc P3: 3/9
    19. VJ:NathanDiem P3: 3/9
    20. WT:PhiLuu P3: 6/9
    21. WT:Mnhminhlinh P3: 7/9
    22. WT:Ryanmanhnguyen P3: 9/9
    23. WT:Hoachuoi P3: 10/9
    24. WT:alyn0227
    25. WT:Ngocmymy hơn 1 tháng
    26. WT:enny0001

  15. VJ: Visajourney
    WT: Webtretho
    VD: Vietditru
    PV: Interview
    P3: Packet 3 sent

    Dates are day/month

    A. Interview in October

    1. WT:Thaoherbe P3: 18/6; PV: 7/10
    2. WT:Chị Kim Mai P3: 26/6; PV: 15/10
    3. WT:Hatuyen777 PV: 15/10
    4. WT:Hoaluly PV: 21/10
    5. VJ:Ronald/Dinh P3: 1/7; PV: 21/10
    6. VD:Uyen P3: 1/7; PV: 21/10
    7. WT:Monart P3: 5/7; PV: 22/10
    8. WT:Oxheobxgau P3: 11/7; PV: 28/10

    B. Waiting for Packet 4

    -. VJ:JohnHoangYen P3: 25/6
    1. WT:Lexuanthao P3: 19/7
    2. VJ:HamadChau P3: 22/7
    3. WT:Hoadai P3: 29/7
    4. VJ:MikeTuoi P3: 31/7
    3. WT&VJ:Steveha P3: 6/8
    4. WT:Camphuong P3: 8/8
    5. WT:Me_subbin P3: 10/8
    6. WT:Ha-kiwi P3: 20/8
    7. WT:bella.8x P3: 20/8
    8. VJ:A-T P3: 21/8
    9. VJ:LuuNguyen P3: 24/8
    10. WT:Rachel_nguyen P3: 31/8
    11. WT:Navy P3: 30/8
    12. VJ:HaoPhong P3: 30/8
    13. WT:NguyenDanThu P3: 3/9
    14. VJ:W-D P3: 3/9
    15. VJ:ThuyQuoc P3: 3/9
    16. VJ:NathanDiem P3: 3/9
    17. WT:PhiLuu P3: 6/9
    18. WT:Mnhminhlinh P3: 7/9
    19. WT:Ryanmanhnguyen P3: 9/9
    20. WT:Hoachuoi P3: 10/9
    21. WT:alyn0227
    22. WT:Ngocmymy hơn 1 tháng
    23. WT:enny0001
    24. VD:Dunglam

  16. There is a separate thread on this site to track the DHL packages, maybe you can search for that. The physical files used to be sent quite fast before, not sure about now. Our transfer from Singapore to HCM took 2 months but that was sent via diplomatic pouch. The CEAC site can be wrong at times, so go with what the consulate is telling you.

    Original Justice Record Check # 2 is needed at the interview, so you have time.

    For HCM, you can order it at the Justice Department on Pasteur street. It takes 1-1.5 months to get it.

  17. DOS number is useful when the case actually gets to the embassy, your case essentially has left NVC and heading to the consulate in Vietnam.

    You will have to wait for the physical file to get there.

    Did you get the case number from NVC? That is an important step. Its something like, HCM2013xxxyyy After you have that, pull it up on the CEAC website,


    It should say, In Transit. If they didnt give you a case number, you need to call NVC again. Once the case gets to the embassy and been logged, it will say Ready.

  18. Combined the posts of Dodi and Darnell and added some comments for this summary:

    For the NVC:

    K1's are not tracked through the AVR, EVER. They are processed like an immigrant visa, but they are NOT immigrant visas, so they fall into a completely different class of their own. Therefore you need an operator. To get there:


    Press 2 for Non-Haiti-Related issue (Please note that this will probably change after some time)
    Press 1 for English
    Press 5 for an operator

    When to call NVC->
    NVC Human™ will know a bit on an I-129F -
    --when it arrived to NVC
    --when it left to US Embassy
    -- the Embassy Casefile Number.

    For DOS:

    This is where you will be able to find out if your case was received at the Embassy/Consulate. They will not see your case in their system until the NVC has logged it in and applied a case number to it.

    1-202-663-1225 (Effective Monday, September 9, 2013 use (202) 485-7600 )

    Press 1 for the Main Menu
    Press 4 for Foreigners Applying To Come To the US
    Press 2 for Immigrant Visas (yeah, yeah - we know they're not really)
    Press 3 for Family or Employer Based Visas
    Press 2 for Fiance(e) visas
    Press 0 for an Operator

    When to call DOS->
    then Dos Hotline Human™ knows
    --when it arrived at US Embassy (maybe)
    --when the casefile was opened
    --when the Packet 3 was sent out (if your country still does this)
    --when the appointment date is set
    --when the packet 4 was sent out
    --interview results

    In my experience, DOS have more knowledgeable operators, however, if you get a bad one, just try again. You can tell a bad operator, when the dates they give you dont match what you have been tracking on the CEAC site. If you see a date change on CEAC status website, DOS will know why.

    For Vietnam HCM Consulate:

    You can find all the details of your case once it has been logged by the Embassy/Consulate. They will not accept phone calls or emails for visa inquiries.

    Use the inquiry form located here to place an inquiry, response time is usually next day:

    Critical examples of when you need to use this inquiry
    --long wait and no update from embassy
    --did not receive packet 3
    --did not receive packet 4
    --check interview date

    --get appointment letter

  19. BatonRouge Bill: The "Cliff Notes" version is located right on this site, see here:


    I-864 is not used for K-1, use I-134 instead.

    The forms at the embassy stage dont need to be notarized(note: please read the links I posted earlier for specific details), the forms in packet 4 are signed by the beneficiary mostly. There is a notary right at the embassy(expensive). You do plan on visiting your fiancee? attending the interview?

    If you want to DIY, then actually read the links I posted, if you are working full time, 12 hrs/day or running a business full time or have other commitments consider hiring a lawyer in vietnam to put together the paperwork for your fiance. ($750-$1250)

  20. HaoPhong: You attached a link to essentially Packet 3. (K Packet Instruction) The OP is looking for Packet 4 details which are in the K appointment package link and the various forms on the page I provided. (see my earlier post)

    I hope someone from Hanoi chimes in as well, because my post only applies for the Ho Chi Minh Consulate. Most of the Packet 4 stuff is going to be the same, but there are going to be differences:

    ie. where to get photos, where to do the medical, where to pay the visa fee, etc.

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