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Posts posted by Shelly11

  1. I am writing this because I wish when I was going through this, someone else that had did. I hope to give hope to someone.

    First, the best news of all, my oath ceremony is scheduled for 1-14-15 here in Houston. I am beyond happy and I want to thank Visa Journey for this forum. I could not have done it without your assistance.

    My journey stated in 2008 when I met my future husband at a friends summer cook out. It was love at first sight....I know how cheesy that sounds. My husband is tall, handsome and really sweet (or so I thought). We got married in May 2009 and I found out his true colors shortly after. This is not a sob story so I will shorten this part - he was in an out of jail and I just couldn't handle it. We had our daughter June 2010 and now everyone, my family included judged me and said horrid things. I never set out to be a single mom but here I was...with no family here to assist. My whole world just seemed to fall apart. I started listening to 'WILL SMITH WISDOM' and other encouraging words. Looking back I don't know how I did it but between working full time and being a single mom, I completed my education and got a good job. I divorced by husband and ROC via a divorce waiver in April 2012. It took 23 months, 3 RFEs, 1 inforpass and 2 biometric appointments to approve my case but they did. That was April 2014.

    I moved to Houston shortly after. I wanted to get a fresh start on life. I love America!!!! This is the only place I know that you do this! I bumped into this guy a good friend of mine tried to introduce me to several years before. At the time I met him, I was going through a tough times, including a divorce shortly after, the ROC process, I was juggling a single mom life, school and I had no place in my heart for a relationship. So I pretty much pushed him away but the poor guy pursued me for years, relentlessly. I finally decided to give him a chance and boy I should have done it sooner. He is an amazing man and he loves my daughter 100% It's almost as thought the universe repayed my patience. I am now engaged and the best part is this July 2015 I applied for N400 via a the 5 year rule. I interviewed Dec 2015, I got my oath letter 3 weeks after and now my oath ceremony is in less that 2 weeks.

    I want to encourage everyone that has going through problems in your marriage and the immigration process. Hang in there. Do not give up. Stay away from trouble, pay your taxes and be a law abiding citizen. With time, your dreams will come true. Now the American dream is in my grasp. I am very excited to be completing this process but I never take for granted what it took or forget others who are still in the struggle.

    Keep that head up and remember, the sun will always rise again.

    Be blessed <3

  2. Nothing to worry about. I was in the same situation. I got married, I loved him and we had a daughter. But things just didn't work. He was a different man from the one I married so I divorced him. Worse, I has to remove my conditions via a divorce wavier. That was a small hell, it took a small forever but hey. So you are already better off that I was :)

    I applied for citizenship under the 5 year rule July last year. My marraige was never even brought up and I am taking my oath this month.

    You will be just fine. Just apply under the 5 year rule, make sure you always pay your taxes and stay away from trouble :)

    You do not have to inform USCIS of your divorce in the sense that you have to call and report it. However, during the N400 process, you will have to indicate your marital status. Also when you get the oath letter, they will need to report any changes since your N400 interview.

  3. I lived in the US several years before I met my husband. It didn't work out and we got divorced. I filed under the 5 year rule. The officer did not ask any questions regarding my ex-husband. I had brought everything with me just in case they did though. The officer was super nice, the nicest person I have ever come across this whole time with USCIS. And yes, I was approved. I am waiting for information on the ceremony

    I'd say be prepared but I wouldn't loose sleep over it. 50% marriages end up in divorce so you are well withing normal.

    Smile, you will be okay

  4. Wait? You were told that your wife must take up your last name? That is NOT TRUE. In the US, there is no such requirement. I never took up my husbands last name.

    I am wondering if the question was misunderstood. There is no legal name change required when changing a last name after marriage. So say today I married Mr. John Smith. I can take up his last name without having to legally change my last name. But there is no requirement to change my last name to Smith.

    Hope that helps.

  5. I was not aware that they can CALL let alone call to reschedule an interview via a phone call. I believe in showing up for the interview regardless. If not for anything, just to have it on record that you did show up.

    But since that didn't happen here, I would call them. If you can, please try and remember the name of the officer. I would also check your phone records for the number, day and time they called.

    It could be that this was one of those emails that auto generate and does not mean that anything is wrong.

    The best part is this is not AOS or ROC where not showing up could be the beginning of the end. You will be okay

    All the best :)

  6. I have a lil one and I know how difficult a pregnancy can be. So please try and take it easy. You will be fine.

    I honestly wish you would have waited. I think officer felt that this situation is a little messy and the officer was bound not to approve you right away. But I do not think that that equals to a denial. It just does not look good to say the least. You have a right to move on with your life. But if i was you, I would begin with a divorce. Uncontested divorces filed directly with the court are not very costly and do not take that long. Check with your county clerk..

    Besides that, starting off right in your next relationship right makes the court fee worth it. Many states would consider a child born during a marriage as being "born of that marriage". It opens you up to your ex coming back to cause havoc in your new family.

    I am glad you were honest though. Hopefully, things work out for you. For now, focus on your unborn child. As a mother, that is more important than anything.

  7. You are not going to believe this but please respond only if you are offering something meaningful.

    We watched in horror as our neighbor took their daughter back to their home country before their AOS was approved and without advance parole!!!!!

    After a divorce, it looked like each parent took one child. The father left with the 13 year old daughter and the mom was left with the older child who refused to join her father. The father had never filed any case so he cannot come back. He had overstayed his visa and I believe that earns him a 10 year bar from entering the country. Anyway, the mom has remarried and obviously choose to stay in the US. She had already filed AOS for their daughter but the father took off with the daughter! This was 8 months ago and their AOS has not been approved yet. The 13 year old is still in their home country. She hates it there (ofcourse, she came to the US when she was a year old - another reason none of us can begin to understand why anyone would buy a one way ticket. But who am I to judge). The mom came to ask us if we would know any way we can help or any advise. I do not have any.

    I think she is thinking that once their AOS is approved, she will just go to their home country and come back. But I am concerned because the daughter left without advance parole. Or is she exempt from that because she is a minor. The poor lady is stressed out beyond belief. Any advise?

  8. I have a friend that is facing deportation. Even when placed on deportation, that process in itself can take years. So it is not like you are required to leave next month. There are many court sessions and it is really up to the judge.

    This happens quite a bit. For example,my cousin AOS was initially denied because USCIS claimed that they had not received the RFE documents on time. Fortunately, she had requested for tracking information when she mailed these. So she provided this to them and they took their denial back.

    I'd tell you to contact an immigration lawyer.

    I know I did not help much. But I atleast wanted to give you some encouragement. I would be trembling right now if I was denied even though it is not your fault. So I can only imagine what you are going through.

    Keep your head up. Weigh your options and remember that while this feels like the end, it is not. I like the idea of contacting your congress person though. But talk to an attorney asap. Hang in there :)

  9. SHELLY11..........05/23/12......05/25/12......07/07/12....05/17/13....--/--/--..(Divorce)(RFE received 12/12, responded 03/12)(Interview notice 04/05, schedule notice 04/30)

    4-18-14 APPROVED!!!!

    23 months after I filed my ROC, interview and two RFEs after, I got my approval letter. The card will be printing in 3 - 6 months.

    I have seen people say there is something wrong with an applicant if it takes to long. Not so. Some cases do really fall between the cracks. I am an outstanding citizen, educated, never have been in any kind of legal issues and me and my ex husband have a 3 year old. Yet it took almost 2 years to approve.

    I hope this gives the next person hope. You're day is coming. Hang in there

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