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gayle blue

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Status Updates posted by gayle blue

  1. VJ friends Good Morning and Good evening :)

  2. my heart is UNSTOPPABLE :)

  3. election 2013...

  4. cast your vote....

  5. be strong...especially in waiting...aww

  6. today is the day...seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you :)

  7. we hope because we HOPE...we are never hopeless :)

  8. married and happy :)

  9. i'ts a great day....

  10. wassup downsouth?

  11. LOVE conquers all...so be always prepared to love :)

  12. How deep s your love?

  13. My God is ABLE :)

  14. safe and sound...yipee

  15. God bless us abundantly :)

  16. one message i am still thinking up to this hour was the one taught at Church yesterday. It says, "A Christian should be a hallelujah from head to toe."...awesome

  17. Life is Good...do'nt give up!!!!

    1. faith26


      Amen.. Simply because God is good sis and He will never give up on us.

    2. faith26


      God bless us sis.

  18. God cares so much..Thank You Lord for what we have today because of You

    1. faith26


      Amen. musta sis?

    2. gayle blue

      gayle blue

      hi sis, doing great here only because of God's faithfulness and love :)

    3. faith26


      good to hear that sis. I like your good spirit. You are blessed.

  19. level up...dont stay stagnant...

  20. live to believe impossibles....i am unstoppable!!!

  21. "Do you look at your failures as final, and not the backdoor to success? While God is working on our career, we are to work on our character."

  22. its a great morning in this side of the world. Happiness....nothing is impossible :)

  23. looking at visa journey and found out that i just became a junior member here...is that awesome? ahihihi,...

  24. "Perfect Time" or "Permissive Time"

  25. the joy of the Lord is my strength :)

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