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Posts posted by CharliesAngel13

  1. Ok ive changed my name on my DL and will soon on my SS card but im unsure how to change my name on my passport (back to my maiden) and my K-1 file has my maiden name but my passport has my old married name on it wen i sent in the copy.. So my ? Is how to change names on passports and then do i send a copy of the new passport with name changed on it to b added to my file? Or wont it matter bcuz the divorce judgment indicates my name change?

  2. @ Shenzhen... Would u mind sharing your red flags? Just giving us a heads up? And to this thread in general... Wouldnt it b nice to have an employee on VJ just to respond to some of out concerns n maybe even share processing procedures? Id really like to kno how "July" petitions are still waiting but November petitions are being approved. Yet the processing times show "july" this is all to confusing.. Its like they just grab a file out of random and work on it that day not noticing others waiting in line for much longer times have not yet been touched? I mean, do they have an organizational system? And wat on earth is it if they do? Wat are the reasons for delays? Do they look at something on a certain petition and say to themselvez... "Not this 1 today" set it down n just grab a new file n process it? Should we draw rainbows & crosses on the file folder to grab attention? Or maybe a pic of a naked model? Lol i mean, what get files attention before others? Its pure chaos!! And so stressful for so many... Im stressed n i only just began! Lol

    And i meant an employee of USCIS... To join VJ

  3. And btw.. My first husband went to jail.. I stuck by him.. Idk ur situation as to why he went to jail but maybe u shuld have married him anyway... Then adjusted status n later divorced? If he was abusive then u culd have addressed it with immigration and in the US we have plenty of womens resources.. They would have helped with a legal advocate.. Also.. Speaking from an x DOC employee i kno u are allowed to marry an inmate... I dont kno of any state that prohibits it.. If his sentencing was for a long time that could have easily been arranged... U shuld have dun this all differently.. No matter wat the case was u could have dun it right... God bless u!!! U really need prayers at this point and an excellent attorney!!!

  4. US citizens generally have no issues getting a tourist visa into other countries.. Its other countries citizens that have to go threw hoops to get here (obviously) lol thats wat were all waiting on... Idk much about Korea.. But i can tell u its not needed to prove ur returning.. Everyones trying to come to the US not stay away in a foreign land lol ... Also idk wat u filed but a personal meet is necessary for k-1 visa's as well as many other types of visa's so u will have to go see ur partner before u can even file... The proof u met in person at least 1 time within 2 years prior to filing has to b sent in with the petition.. Have fun n take lots of pics.. Time stamped if possible.. And also keep all records..(flight itinarary, boarding passes, hotel receipts, ect..) may ur journey b blessed

  5. Ok thank u... Hes not 40 so that wont apply... Is there STD tests dun as well and if so, if they have documentation already for that proving everythings negative can it b used or is it new current tests required? He just had those dun, required for work, about 2 weeks ago.. I told him save the results but wasnt sure if he had to be tested again at the medical.. And N12,000 isnt to bad for the cost

  6. Can anyone tell me from experience what the "medical" entails? Ive read its just for immunizations, not sure if theres more to it then that.. My fiance is from Nigeria, does location change the requirments? Is there a physical involved or any STD testing done at this medical?

  7. Thank you.. Fake names, fake picture, not real sure how anyone can determine our visa on any of this considering they cant link it to our real identities.. Which from being in law enforcement for years before entering human services i learned to do. I never ever reveal my true identity on a public forum.. However it is and was great advice to not use the term husband or wife due to the scrutiny possible at the interview and i will use that advice from here on out. Thank u again for ur advice

  8. Thank u kindly.. I will be sure to have my fiance ready to answer any question about that so its clear that it was just a lenghty divorce but the seperation was along time ago. I very much appreciate ur advice.

  9. @ Darnell.. I meant that when i sent all of my paperwork to our attorney it was the same day my divorce decree was signed and dated by the judge due to the filing fee never being paid per court order by my x-husband... So the date on my divorce is litterally just a few days before my filing with the CSC uscis.. I dont know why that would be a red flag and its possible it would be. However filing requirements do not prohibit it and our attorney says it would not affect our visa and thats wat USCIS say as well..

  10. Yes thank you.. I appreciate the advice from all of you. I wish u all the best of luck and Gods graces as well on your journeys.. I didnt ask any questions or for advice but i should appreciate it never the less. I simply introduced myself and now im waiting to have my profile deleted. This type of forum is not for me. Waaay to much negativity and you have not had any such conversation with me.. Its all in my introduction to the site.. U r not one that posted about me having to wait.. nor were u corrected on my post.. And i didnt see her tell me to dbl check rules of my state thats not at all wat she commented.. Im confused as to y ppl r so eager to jump on my back but the one posting false information discouraging ppl gets the standing ovation.. Just wait til its u in my shoes.. Thats all i have to say...

  11. Well i do take advice from many.. Im a social worker and can guarantee u i have no chip on my shoulder. I actually believe the nigeriaor bust person displays that type of attitude therefore i responded in thus manner... I greatly appreciate this venue of communication with others goin thru the same process. As for advice, i paid an attorney for that, a visa specalist and aside from long waiting times i dont suspect any issues. My attorney as well as the USCIS both told me today that a 2 week waiting time between divorce judgments and filing is not accurate wen i called them in a panic after reading her post.. USCIS was the first i got a hold of.. Then my attorney returned my call n both confirmed the innaccuracy of her statement.. The other bad advice (opinion) she gave me the first day, another patron on this site corrected her when she rudely blurted out that Nigeria has an automatic OP after the interview.. (Also made me freak out) and was also confirmed to b poor advice and not true thru my attorney.. I just feel if u give sumbody advice.. Plz try and go on experience or factual basis... Dont just start talking to discourage ppl! Thats disrespectful in its purest form and rather ignorant.. But for all those on here kind and caring and supportive, i believe God blesses them for assisting others and for their comfort.. Overly opininated ppl that do carry a "chip" r destructive and not of any real help.. Sorry if i over did it on my response.. Im just here for the same reason anybody else is

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