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    nortop reacted to TBoneTX in Denial of 485 after marriage, serious answers only please   
    One offensive post removed, along with one quoting.
    Magdalena: It is inappropriate posting behavior to be rude to people who desire further information in order to help you. What's clear to you might not be immediately clear to others. If you continue to be rude or impatient, you risk having your thread locked. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
    on behalf of VJ Moderation
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    nortop reacted to MacUK in K-1 big problem   
    Please forgive my cynicism but really? He got all the way to the interview stage with his previous application without noticing anything about fiance or intent to marry?
    If I were you I'd be concerned about how this would look to a complete stranger whos job it is to seperate legitimate cases from fraudulent ones.
    To a stranger it would probably appear that he knew all along that his previous application was a fraud but at the time same sex marriage visas weren't an option. Did you know him at the time of this previous application? I think the consular officer would be thinking if the previous application was to be with you all along and now is that possible to do the honest way.
    As unjust as those previous rules may have been to discriminate against same sex couple, they were the rules at the time and should have been adhered to, even if not actually respected.
    I wish you all the luck but I think you have a struggle ahead of you.
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    nortop reacted to enlijoe in Advice Relationship HELP   
    Even that being that case do you wish to put yourself in a situation where you know almost no one, you have no job, and you are completely dependent on this person? Yes if things go bad you may recover. But is that where you want to be?
    There is a very big risk that is being taken but either person when entering into this kind of relationship or agreement to marry someone from another country and have then move to a new country. It is bad enough within the same country just separated by a long distance.
    If you have droughts now, what is going to change latter? Yes I know it always hard to give up on a relationship. But once again you need to think about you, and if you do not trust this person then you should be looking at why that is.
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    nortop reacted to christeen in can i request a second drug test?   
    Yes, passive inhalation can trigger a positive test.. It is not a false positive as you were exposed to it even though you did not personally or directly inhale... I am so sorry! It is an uphill battle for you for retest because you cannot after all say "I think it was being around smokers at my mad birthday party". You will most likely incur a 1 year ban and have to undergo drug tests every 3 months. Unfortunately, I think it might also void your ESTA and thus VWP (but that I am not certain of, you can still try). Unfortunatly, some decisions we make have very real,and very terrible consequences... I wish you the best.
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    nortop reacted to LIFE'SJOURNEY in can i request a second drug test?   
    This topic has been discussed every 3 months on this board, and every 3 months everyone acts as if they have never heard of drug testing being done, or " not my country" only the countries that all informed people wants to assume it shopuld only happens to. I have said this many times from my last 7 years on being on this board, DRUG testing is done in every country, some are lucky and some are not so lucky.
    Please refer to this link, from 10/2013 http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/459903-denied-fiance-visa/
    The nasayer can say what they want, but I iknow for a fact that drug testing is done in ALL countries. Not just undeveloped countries as some on this board wish to believe.
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    nortop reacted to del-2-5-2014 in can i request a second drug test?   
    (1) And this knowing full well that you are in the middle of immigrating to the US where marijuana is illegal and you have your SO waiting patiently for you for the past months?
    (2) Did you participate in the process at all or just left it to your USC to do? Research is the key step to any process that one is unfamiliar with.
    1 year ban plus all the other expenses during the year. If I were your SO I would be livid at your callousness. You're from the UK and not from some improvished 3rd world country where information is lacking.
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