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Blue Bianchi

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Everything posted by Blue Bianchi

  1. Adding my pleasant, quick experience updating my SS status: Walked in today at 9:05 am without an appointment. This was at the Louisville, CO branch. Masks and social distancing rules in place. Checked in at an electronic kiosk then took a seat. Chairs also marked so that clients don't sit less than six feet apart. My number was called after three minutes. I entered a hallway with chairs and counter windows. I stated my purpose for the visit which were: 1) to update my citizenship status, and 2) to apply for a new card because my present one has the DHS restriction on it. The clerk was efficient and friendly. I was a bit hard to hear her because of the acoustics of the hall. The woman behind me had a difficult case and she was upset and so even if I didn't want to hear her, everyone in the hallway could. I could also hear another lady down the hall, also a customer. The clerk asked for my driver's license and proof that I was a citizen. I gave her my naturalization certificate. I also had my passport and passport card just in case. She verified some of my information, and asked me to double check the information that would appear on my new SS card. She then gave me back my documents. Said my new card would arrive in the mail after two weeks. I was out of the SS office 30 to 40 minutes since I arrived. If I had known that a walk in was this easy, I would not have spend two hours total on the phone trying to schedule an appoinment. Take care everyone and be well! Blue Bianchi
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