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Posts posted by Anja_and_Henry

  1. We never received an RFE for the medical, just the interview appointment letter for the AOS interview. Will they ask for a second medical at the interview or just for the vaccination sheet?


    The checklist says:

    A complete medical examination (Form I-693) and vaccination supplement in a sealed envelope (unless already submitted).

    We submitted the medical exam in 02/2006 in Germany at the visa interview in Frankfurt. The question is do I have to go again to see a doc or will they accept what they already have in my file?

  2. I'm finding this on the expatforum:

    "EAD is not required for self-employment. An IRS ITIN (Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)) is adequate for

    the tax issues, including applying for an EIN if needed. EAD is also not

    needed to act as an employer; you may hire employees and/or subcontract

    if needed.

    You may also work in self-employment with an EAD and SSN if you have

    one, of course."

    Hope that helps,


  3. Hi There,

    We are filing for AOS tomorrow I hope (finaly....) and I'm not sure about if I have to file for EAD or not. We own a company together in the US and I'm not going to be an employee, don't ever receive pay checks. Gues I don't need work authorization in that case? Anybody self employeed here as the alien?

    Thanks for the help, Anja

    Ok, Sorry that is a work prior green card question.....

  4. beim dem ganzen green card trubel hab ich glatt vergessen zu erzaehlen, dass ich bereits arbeite. in einem kleinen buchladen neben dem campus, der auf buecher von universitaetsverlagen speazialisiert ist. ist zwar nur halbzeit und nicht besonders gut bezahlt, macht aber spass, holt mich aus dem haus und gibt mir die moeglichkeit schonmal was zum einkommen beizusteuern waehrend ich nach einem vollzeitjob suche. das ist ein ziemlich gutes gefuehl.

    jetzt hoffe ich nur, dass das fbi sich beeilt und das in den naechsten wochen was wird! habs naemlich satt mich so zwischen den stuehlen zu fuehlen!

    sagt mal, wisst ihr eigentlich, ob ich mit meiner ead schon den namen auf meiner ss aendern lassen kann? weil dadrauf steht ja schon mein neuer name.

    auf jeden fall kann man mit der ead den fuehrerschein machen. das mach ich naechsten mittwoch. hab schon einen termin und finde das irgendwie ganz schoen nervenaufreibend wieder einen fahrtest machen zu muessen. nach fast zehn jahren fuehrerschein ist das doch etwas komisch! :unsure:

    Hallo! Musst Du wirklich einen Fahrtest machen? In Oregon und Washington gibt es seit kurzem einen Waiver - hingehen und license abholen... Erkundige Dich nochmal, gilt nur fuer Deutschland.

    Viel Glueck, falls es in Chicago anders ist. Anja

  5. Hi Zyggy,

    Two weeks ago when I went through the security check at a border town airport in Texas with my K1 and recently issued I-94 at the bridge, I asked the border patrol agent who checked my documents if I'd be allowed to fly from that aiport (within the 25mile border) to any other airport in the US (i.e. Dallas or Houston) once my I-94 was expired and my AOS was pending. His answer was that I had to get a new I-94 to be able to do this, even if I hadn't left the US and had a pending AOS. He said that I would not be allowed to board the plane to go beyond the 25 mile limit if I didn't have an unexpired I-94. My question is, what should people do in this situation? Would it be better to show a US drivers license as ID to avoid questioning by the BP agents? what if you don't have a drivers license?


    I think you should ignore him - I traveled many times within the US via airplane with an expired I-94 (about 180 days now).

  6. It must be some kind of a grey zone - I will file for EAD but I will not be my own employee and I will not employ people for now. I guess that the IRS and USCIS are not working together - how come so many illegals are filing and paying taxes and have no status in the US? I'm going to ask a laywer if a work authorization is needed in my case. I have a SSN, that should do for the IRS?


  7. The biggest problem about not adjusting is (for me anyway) not to be able to travel outside the country, outside is not the issue it is coming back - it will not happen and you have to start all over again.

    Second problem is that you can not work and we kind of all need to work I guess. Or can you get an EA without AOS?

    I have no clue about how illegal people are that are out of status and when at the longest you have to file for AOS.


  8. Hi There,

    Anybody here self employed?

    I'm finding this on the expatforum:

    "EAD is not required for self-employment. An IRS ITIN (Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)) is adequate for

    the tax issues, including applying for an EIN if needed. EAD is also not

    needed to act as an employer; you may hire employees and/or subcontract

    if needed.

    You may also work in self-employment with an EAD and SSN if you have

    one, of course."

    Is this discussed somewhere, leagal bases?

    Cheers Anja

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