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Mike Bowman

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Posts posted by Mike Bowman

  1. So again it means I am finished... I can't go to court for it ? I am gonna loose my child and all...

    Some of the loan I got from my home country and others from friends which they transferred into her account or by western union and other similer ways. I have all the proofs. She paid her bills from my credit cards including her taxes.

    I talked to one if the attorney and they said i may have some possibilities. It's not a fraud, she is also trying to get some money from friends or family or a co signer for loan. But yet no postive news.

    Is that I am really ###### up or I still have some hope ??? Do I have any parental rights or not ???

    All the money is in her account through Western Union? This is NOT good my friend! I think she pulled a fast one on you. You need a DNA test. This baby may not be yours but someone elses that you could be paying for. This whole things should real shady!!!

  2. Ok my girl is reading on her Ukrainian sites and over worries about EVERYTHING! So the new thing is now that in Ukraine she is saying that K1 applicants need to take some sort of culture (as in virus) exam, wait 6 weeks, and if it comes back clean she can get approved for her visa after all the other stuff involved. Here's the catch. She's reading that the hospital is showing good examinations but lying about the analysis. Then the doctor stamps her passport with some sort of "non approval" then the girl can basically never get a visa. So now she's frantically worried this is going to happen to her. As if this US consulate approved hospital needs to be paid off in order for the approval to go through. She said that she has read girls who got denied but took the analysis to another doctor and they said there was nothing wrong with it. On top of this, a 6 week wait? Anybody know anything about this? I suggested she get a duplicate travel passport, get her own analysis done, and go from there. That way if some doctor tries to BS her she has a backup travel passport with no denial stamp on it and can tell if the doctor is lying or not. She talks about how the US Consulate changes the rules every time she goes on the site, but yet, when I go on there it always looks the same....Some closure would be nice....thanks

  3. I also am in the same situation. Received my NOA 1 on March 8th, 2013 and its April 1st, 2013 now and haven't received my hardcopy yet. I'm seeing where it's not too important to have and I rechecked my paperwork and I have the correct address listed. Maybe this is a new paper saving thing they are doing by not sending the NOA 1? I'm worried because I may not receive my NOA 2 if I haven't got my NOA 1 in the mail. I will call this week. My case says also "Initial Review".

  4. sunshine55 I spoke with a lawyer and he said the same thing. He told me they know people can have thousands of pages of Skype chats and the consulate won't bother to read any of it. I have all the calls recorded but he told me they won't watch those either...the thing about the video calls it shows where I met her dad and brother and wheres shes met my whole family through Skype. He told me to mention you have these videos and if they want to see them have them ready. It was more the flight stubs, flat or hotel receipts, pictures, and calls. Which I have everything plus some ready to go. I'm hoping 2 times visit with an itinerary showing another trip on March 13th is enough. I go to Ukraine 2 months So I hope I have enough evidence to support our relationship. I've read stories with people having way less and still got a visa. So keeping my fingers crossed.

  5. Ok i think Im going to leave the answer as "YES" and let the consulate sort it out. Just because I didn't use the tour aspect, I think they will say it's still a marriage broker I just didn't utilize that option to meet my girl. I'd rather deal with blah blah blah for 20 minutes then be denied by not telling the truth. I just got my girls info in the mail today so will be submitting my K1 next week. I'll keep you guys updated on the outcome. Thanks everyone for the information. Just when I think I have all basis covered another question comes up with no easy answer. That's what VJ is for! I'm hoping for a speedy visa. I'd like my girl to be here by December.

  6. Man this is confusing. I paid to chat with her for 20 minutes then we set up a dinner date and exchanged information. That simple. I didn't do a tour which AnastasiaDate says they do background checks on all tour members. I'd rather put it on the I-129F, then to not, only to find out Anastasia is in fact a Marriage Broker...by definition, even though I didn't use it for such purposes. Elena's Models is exactly the same as AnastasiaDate. If they are complying with the IMBRA I think that would qualify them as being an IMB. If not, why comply? To me it reads as if AnastasiaDate is acting "In good faith" to prevent scams and abuse but not an IMB, they just follow the rules to hype their site up. I'd rather get asked a billion questions about an IMB and bring a printout of the Anastasia IMBRA I posted earlier. Then let the consulate decide since its very vague. I want their site to say "We are an International Marriage Broker" in plain English but it doesn't say that at all...only they are an internet dating site. Because they have all this IMBRA stuff on their site it's making me very confused. I think better safe than sorry then them calling me a liar and my girl gets rejected for her visa over stupidity.

  7. Lena and Igor Im really confused now...you are saying AnastasiaDate is NOT a marriage broker then I would exclude #19. BUt...Im seeing this on their website:

    The first priority of AnastasiaDate is and will always be the protection and wellbeing of its members. As an American-owned company, AnastasiaDate is subject to and fully compliant with the International Marriage Brokers Regulation Act (IMBRA), a US federal law which regulates U.S. based International Marriage Brokers (IMBs).

    IMBRA’s primary focus is the regulation of IMBs and their assistance with introductions, relationships, marriages and particularly the exchange of information between American citizens and foreign nationals.

    The Federal statute forbids direct dissemination or facilitation by an IMB of personal information using any of its services based on speech or other forms of communication. This includes AnastasiaDate’s E-mail service, Live Chat or other service where the assistance of a translator is used. IMBRA also requires background checks on all members traveling to Russia & CIS with AnastasiaDate.

    In order to safeguard the AnastasiaDate community and help abide by IMBRA, AnastasiaDate requests that all members using her services refrain from the exchange of personal contact details when communicating with ladies other than directly.

    This looks like they comply with the IMBRA....if they aren't a marriage broker, which they never say THEY ARE a marriage broker...only an internet dating site. So I'm baffled and want to be correct on my I-129F. I don't think it would matter if I left the information in box #19.

  8. Thanks baron555! I keep trying to tell my girl that its normal for men to go through an agency. To be honest when I decided I wanted a Russian or Ukraine girl I had no clue where to begin looking. I tried yahoo chat but its all computer generated messages just like it was 10 years ago so I found AnastasiaDate about 11 years ago and just looked around. Its on the pricey side so I didn't take it serious until last year when I can afford to use it. Of course there are any other ways now that I'm hearing about being cheaper but I went with what I knew. But that question #19 sticks in me and my girls head and we're hoping it doesn't hinder trying for a Visa...as for the marriages it will be USA first then Ukraine later on. Getting the Visa is more important at the moment.

  9. Vanessa&Tony - Ok AnastasiaDate arranges tours to other countries but only to meet women who could become a potential wife. I opted not to go this route as they look "weird in every way". But you pay to chat or email, etc. I chatted with her for a full 20 minutes before agreeing to meet for dinner and got all the Skype, phone numbers etc after that.

    As for her being a scammer. Hardly...this one anyways. The original girl I went to go meet was definitely one. Always complained of no money, always going out and buying things with "no money"...all that. When I went to go spend 5 days with her..different flats, I paid for everything. She had many places she wanted to see and go out to eat at. None expensive. But after 2 days all she kept talking about was how I wasn't like a Ukraine man and told me this was not going to work out...fair enough...still had a great time. I met my current girl the last day I was there. She never ask for money. I've met her whole family, shes met mine. Says she will sign a prenup, I always stay in the same flat with her. Shes quit the agency. Told me all the ins and out of how the agency worked. I've met a lot of Ukraine women now and 95% are in it for money. My girl seems to not care at all other than being in love and wanting a family. I want the same. We keep in constant contact all day everyday. She knows my schedule I know hers. We have over 2000 pages of Skype conversations and I have no clue on how many calls...too many to count. When I was in Ukraine she didn't go anywhere or do anything but take care of me, cook, clean, and more cleaning and cooking. Age difference isn't great...only 9 years I'm 36 shes 27. I don't see any red flags. The sweetest girl you can ever meet. The first girl I could tell within a month something wasn't right. I suspicion was correct. Trust me...I've done all the testing I possibly can with my current girl and I have tried to find red flags and theres none. Shes truly the perfect woman in my eyes.

  10. StephAnn2012 So you're saying that I can leave question #19 blank? If they ask how we met I will say through AnastasiaDate....will they think I'm lying because I'm not understanding the difference between Marriage Broker and what you call a normal dating site. The last thing i need for USCIS to think I'm lying. I've been trying to find info on the web if AnastasiaDate is an IMBRA but can't find anything. I need some clarification please. Thanks

  11. Ok Mrs. Childs I have read most of that before. The second part of the IMBRA was helpful too. I already had question 19 filled out. My girl doesn't have a criminal history so I'm suspecting it won't be a problem. My concern is the amount of negative press and scams from AnastasiaDate.com website.

    Harpa Timsah I've informed her lying is not the way to go that our USCIS, I'm sure, are very clever people. This is not even an option I'm considering.

    Brc - We want to do 2 weddings, one in USA and one in Ukraine. That way both of our families get to share in the experience. I've been told by many that getting married in Ukraine first can prolong any Visa for close to 2 years. Like everyone, we want this process to go as fast as possible. We've gathered the paperwork up for 2 months now and finally have everything! I'm up for submitting the K1 and Im not near as worried about meeting on AnastasiaDate.com as my girl is. I can't blame her as she has given me the dirty low down on how the site really works. It's 99% used for girls to make money for the business and themselves. AnastasiaDate has a very bad rep as I'm lucky to have a found a great girl from it but that wasn't without meeting others first and realizing the scams involved. Just glad I didn't spend $10k-$20k like you hear some pay. I was fortunate to find her on my first trip after meeting another girl that did not work out. Getting married in Ukraine isn't out of any question. All stories I read where people get denied a Visa its because of something or another was wrong. We're doing everything correct and have a ton of proof to back up our relationship.

  12. So my girl calls me up about 3am NY time and is completely worried about us having met through a marriage broker...ie. Anastasia.com. She is reading stories on Ukraine and Russian forums where most girls are getting denied Visas due to being found on one of these sites. If anyone knows anything about these sites, your chances of finding a good, honest, quality girl is very slim. It is full of scammers, fake profiles, and girls who chat to make money for a living. Obviously the USCIS knows this. My girl said she would even sign a prenup to prove shes not in it for any money. Her and I are in love and I'll be making my 3rd trip to Ukraine in a few weeks. I wasn't worried about it but shes getting me worried now because it specifically ask on line #19 Please provide any information if you met through a marriage broker. I don't think this would be signaled out for nothing. She wants to not mention it but our Skype conversations are flooded with talking about it and I told her a sure fire way to get denied is to lie....just say we meet through a marriage broker, provide all the correct paperwork and keep our fingers crossed. She afraid we will get rejected on that basis alone and recommends getting married in Ukraine first. I told her by the time we can plan a wedding and I get back over to Ukraine, after this upcoming trip in a few weeks, it will prolong any sort of Visa because we will still have to wait 6-9 months. I'm suggesting we do the K1 Visa and see what happens. By the time of her interview I will have seen her 4 times over a week each time....I need some help in this from people who have met their girl through a marriage broker. I think only a few countries do this widespread...Ukraine and Russia being two of them. I need something to tell her to calm her down. Shes reading a percentage of 50% rejection rate on girls from marriage brokers....that's not good in my eyes. I told her that many factors can cause someone to get rejected such as income requirements, incorrect paperwork, not enough proof of relationship, maybe even ages of the the couple (ie, girl is 18 and man is 60+) I know the marriage brokers have a bad rep because girls only chat to make money and never have any intention of finding a foreign man. Its a billion dollar industry in Ukraine. So I need some recommendations before I submit this K1 next week...thanks

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