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Status Updates posted by GABY Y LUIS

  1. Wow what a great way to start the week woke up this morning to find out that my case has been APPPPPPPPRRRRROOOOOVVVVVVVEEEEEEDDDDD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD YOU'RE TOO GOOD. Did expect this until the end of march beginning of April.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GABY Y LUIS


      Thanks everyone this feeling is comparable to the day when I got engaged.

    3. Taung & ATA

      Taung & ATA


    4. orlyclaudia



  2. What's on your mind?Hey guys I received great news today I got my alien registration number I should expect an approval any time soon. Woohoo

  3. Hey guys I received great news today I got my alien registration number I should expect an approval any time soon. Woohoo

  4. Hay dios mio ayudame en esto momentos tan dificiles que estoy pasando lejos de mi ser amada. te pido por todos los que esten pasando por esto mismo en esto momento. danos paciensia, comprension y entenimento. senor mio te doy gracias por dejanos ver la luz de este dia y te pido que todos pasen un buena noche y que puedan ver la luz de manana.

  5. Hey everyone today I received my RFE letter and what they are requesting is the intent to marry letter. Ok now that's taken care of but my question is if its ok for me to send more evidence such as pictures etc...?

  6. hey i was reading on the forum about your interview. im sorry that things didnt turn out as planned but hold on strong that with god's help nothing is impossible. i also have a question about what is AP???

  7. does anyone know what kind of RFE they might be requesting. I want to get a heads-up just to be prepared???? any help is appreciated.

  8. hey everyone today I received a texted. I got my heart racing super excited thinking it was NO2 approval but it turned out that its RFE.. i'm a little bummed but still positive to know that they were atleast looking at my case. con dios por delante todo va a salir bien.

  9. wow i'm so sad. i just checked today the uscis website and they just updated the processing time link and the Vermont office is processing the cases from june 4, 2012 they just processed 8 days of applications within a month. this can't be man.

  10. hey all my vj dominican members I just created this page. I'M SUPER ANXIOUS BECAUSE ITS BEEN 4 MONTHS AND STILL NO NOA2 :-( HOW MUCH LONGER????

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