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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
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  • Our Story
    I met Shaun after many trips to Jamaica.....and I never imagined that I would find the man of my dreams there. I admired him from a far for a trip or two before I caught his eye....and he introduced himself. He is very shy - and at first so am I. It was towards the end of my trip November 2010...so we only saw each other two times that trip. I knew instantly this man was different from any man I had ever dated...and he was the one I has waited for. I returned home and we talked every day on the phone. We had so much in common and I pretty much planned my next trip with in days of being home! I was so excited to see him. We spent the next year and a half making sure we knew eachother well enough and wanted the same things. I traveled to JA every 2 to 3 months to see him. Although this has probably been the hardest thing in my life to deal with....being far away from the man I love...It will be all worth it in the end. I came for a visit in March 2012 were I met some more of his family and he was on leave from work, so we spend every second of my trip together and on March 30th, in front of his friends and mine - he asked me to be his WIFE....and I said ABSOLUTELY!!

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  1. So this week he will have been here for 1 month on the 10th! I cant believe how time flies by! He is still loving it here in the US. Gets a little home sick at time, but I attempt to comfort him. We get married in 10 days...and I cant wait to spend the rest of my life with this wonderful man!

    1. MrBakersBride


      Awwwww! Early congrats! :)

    2. rohandlulu



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