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Posts posted by O&Z

  1. Good afternoon,

    ANY help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

    some info: I am a US born Citizen and my husband is a Canadian Born citizen with a Muslim name.

    We have started the process in March and just had our interview in Montreal on 11/29.

    At that time, they took his fingerprints and said he will be placed into Administrative Processing.

    I said to my husband, "It's because of your name" and the CO said, "she's right".

    So basically, I assume they are doing name checks and fingerprint checks, which is concerning because this will take forever due to the upcoming holiday season. He has absolutely no criminal history.

    The problem is, I am moving mid-January and obviously we were hoping to move together and finally be able to live together.

    I highly doubt that will be case now.

    I mentioned to the CO I am moving and now I will have to move alone. and she said he could have his passport back to help me move.

    But we left it there, because we thought it might expedite the process somewhat.

    On 12/5, my husband received a phone call stating he had a package at DHL and it was his passport with no additional visa paperwork, just the letter stating he needs administrative processing.

    neither of us requested the passport back.

    of note, his parents recently immigrated, but were born in Pakistan and India. Their AP took 9 weeks between February to April.

    I guess my question is:

    what are they doing during the AP?

    how long should we expect? He's not from a T country

    What does it mean that they sent the passport back of their own accord.

    Is there ANYTHING I can do?

    I contacted DOS and they said they don't know but it must mean they are not ready to issue a visa yet.

    Thanks so much!

    PS: I couldn't have survived this process without VJ and all the VJers for their priceless info!

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