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Status Updates posted by melissa-n-alfredo

  1. And the verdict is......petition APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Woohoo! Never thought I would be so excited, over an RFE.....but atleast I know now, that our case is being reviewed instead of sitting on a shelf somewhere :)

    1. Tintin and Mike

      Tintin and Mike

      hope it's an easy fix, good luck! :)

  3. Still just taking things, day by day. Next month, will make a year, that I have not seen my fiance. I miss him so much, but thankful that we are atleast able to communicate every single day. If all goes as planned, I should recieve our NOA2, the last of May or first part of June. I hope VSC doesn't continue to stall on the applications. I am ready to start the next chapter of our lives, in marriage.

  4. Muchas gracias M&M58.....ruego a Dios cada dia que nos sale bien los cosas y que nos siga dando el fuerza para siguir luchando. Tambien deseo todo lo mejor para ustedes.

  5. Well, finally updating my profile. I wrote out a very detailed story about us, just so everyone can see all we have endured. Hope you take the time to read, for it is a part of my life, that I will never forget.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. melissa-n-alfredo


      Thank you Melissa! Yes, we have definitely endured many sacrifices. I never really believed in soul mate's, but finding him, has changed that belief. So many things and time against us, but guess when things are meant to be, they will. We've been apart 7 months now, but still holding on strong.

    3. melissa-n-alfredo


      We talk atleast 2 times, every single day, since being apart. Many times I've wanted to give up, and just run back to him :( Yet, he has been my rock, thru it all. I know our future is much better in the US, my family (especially my disabled mother) needs us here. Thanks for your prayers, we need all we can get. Good luck, in your journey, as well!

    4. mp&mp


      Thats rough stay strong!

  6. Want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas! Congrats to all of you, who are with their partners, right now. Mine is only here in my heart and in my dreams. We WILL get thru this!!!

  7. Just doesn't feel like Christmas, without my love, here by my side :( We've known each other for 6 years and have been living together, as a couple for 4. Since starting the petition, I have returned to the US. 7 months without it him, has been hard. But Christmas has lost it's feeling for me , this year.

  8. Yay!!! My fiance now has his computer up and going!!! I love our phone conversations, but chatting and exchanging pics, always make me smile. I know I am one lucky woman, for sure!!! Daily calls AND computer chats, ahhhh yea :)

    1. Tintin and Mike

      Tintin and Mike

      great news, at least you dont have to spend anything on a new one :)

  9. I have found this website to help tremoundosly. But it is very aggravating to view comments from others on here, that seem to have chip on their shoulder. I thought we were here to help one another, and not acting like childish brats.....just sayin.

    1. melissa-n-alfredo


      I, too, am dealing with lots of stress over this process just the same of many other people on this site. But I feel if you are not helping someone, why judge them???? I mean seriously?! I guess some are so unhappy, unless they are putting others down. Sad life they must have, is all I can say.

    2. Tintin and Mike

      Tintin and Mike

      i had the same issues with them when i've started. ignore the high and mighties here. just keep asking question whenever you need to. good luck! :)

    3. melissa-n-alfredo


      Thank you! Good advice, even though it is sometimes hard to do. I think I did, however, handle the situation very well. Although, I was suprized to have been in the situation to begin with. I guess some people are never happy, unless putting others down. We will get thru this though, and I'll be so glad to put this all behind me. Have a wonderful day :)

  10. Change of plans, once again.....will continue with K1 visa, to learn our fate and then we will proceed to the Cr1 visa , if unsuccessful.

  11. Seems I am taking the wrong route in persuing a fiance visa. So, guess my dream is going to come true sooner than expected. Will return back to Mexico and marry the love of my life, then seek Cr1 visa :)

    1. sherryandyashpal


      I think thats a good idea and for me personally I wish I had done it the first time he'd be in chicago right now.. i'll be keeping an eye out for your posts too!!!

  12. Glad that I did not hire the attorneys that I had consulted with, before filing application. Seems like they gave me alot of false hope and information. Guess they were only looking out for their own gains (monetarily) instead of our case. I will fight this all the way and give it all I got!

    1. sherryandyashpal


      Hi I agree with what you said 100% and wish you the best !!!

    2. aguileralupita30


      good luck!!! do it all by yourself just be careful and read everything a thousand times.lol

    3. melissa-n-alfredo


      Thank you! But I am now learning that applying for fiance visa could be more of a hassle for me, instead of the Cr1, in our circumstance. Sad part, I've already filed and will now lose the fee paid. But thankfully, I am learning this very early in process. So I may save myself alot of wasted time and expense.

  13. Whenever I started this process, I felt I was well prepared and had a good chance of approval. However, after reading into some of the forums, I am starting to worry even more than before :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mich &Del

      Mich &Del

      Try not to ready to many, I got freaked out by them too. Just believe in your relationship and stay positive! Its hard but that's what we are all here for!

    3. Mich &Del

      Mich &Del

      Try not to ready to many, I got freaked out by them too. Just believe in your relationship and stay positive! Its hard but that's what we are all here for!

    4. melissa-n-alfredo


      Thank you for positive feedback. That does help us all. I am glad we have somewhat of a support group here. I am very confident in my relationship, no matter the outcome. I know will be together, regardless. But if I'm unable to bring him back with me, then I will be moving to Mexico. And that will break my mother's heart, being she is permanently disabled and very dependent on me.

  14. I got my acceptance from Texas Lockbock and was provided with reciept number. It said that I could track the entire process online, but I enter the number and it says not found :( I contacted USCIS and they said to send a message to the webdeveloper, still no response. Why is this?

    1. melissa-n-alfredo


      Is there a certain time period before being able to view this, or info is added to website. My acceptance receipt is dated 11-23-12. I'm lost, but so want to be able to follow the entire process online.

  15. This is going to be so hard, I know. I've been with my fiance since 2009 and this is our first seperation (distance wise). We lived here together in the US and his sister was diagnosed with cancer, so we made the decision to travel back to his hometown in Mexico. I had been looking into to the whole process quite some time, but never submitted the application til this month (after I returned to the US). I have recieve the acceptance notice,but that is as far as it has progressed. Again I ...

    1. melissa-n-alfredo


      Hmm, I wrote more on this status, but it isn't being displayed. How can I read the rest of what I wrote? I've also seen this happen on other people's page too. Any suggestions?

    2. velrich


      there is a limit to the number of letters you can post in this section. The other part was deleted because it was over limit.

    3. melissa-n-alfredo


      thank you for letting me know:)I am very new to this, so all the help and info is greatly appreciated!

  16. Just beginning the long process of the fiance visa I-129F. I hope all goes smoothly, as I am doing this on my own, without an attorney.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. aguileralupita30


      good luck on your Journey! and I am doing our process by alone without an attorney.

    3. melissa-n-alfredo


      Thank you aguileralupita30 and I wish you the best of luck, as well! This is a wonderful site, and I think this will help all of us here, to be connected with one another!

    4. aguileralupita30


      it is a great website! :) now the hardest thing to do is WAIT :/

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