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Status Updates posted by Demmy

  1. AP and Work Authorization Approved!....it's a good Friday

  2. I see you got approved, Congratulations!

  3. I wont be quitting the site lol! I will help where i can. All the very best.

  4. After a total of 18hours of flying, i finally arrived at the POE. It was very smooth and seeing my baby there was the happiest moment i've had, in a very long time

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. andy ngeci

      andy ngeci

      thanx 4 getting back to me. i will talk o him bout that...dont quit this site please am sure i will keep needing your help. :-)

    3. clive7832


      congrats and welcome to states.

    4. Demmy


      Thanks Clive7832!

  5. Hello, thank you for the kind words. I'll definitely keep in touch, be blessed!

  6. Hello, i replied to your message. Apologies for the delayed response.

  7. VISA Approved!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. beebee


      congrats my dear!!!!!! i am so happy for you....cant believe the day has come and gone.....you are so lucky only 3 questions...gud for you....welcome to the US....and keep in touch...

    3. beebee


      congrats my dear!!!!!! i am so happy for you....cant believe the day has come and gone.....you are so lucky only 3 questions...gud for you....welcome to the US....and keep in touch...

    4. Demmy


      Thanks beebee. I'm glad that part is over, hope all is going well with you. I'll definitely keep in touch. Be blessed...

  8. Sasa girlie, thanks. No worries things went okay. A big congratulations on your wedding. Email some pics please. I'll drop you an email soon.

  9. Congratulations on the NOA2!

  10. I got my answer, thanks!

  11. Thanks for the hint, i'm going to Muthaiga first thing Monday morning, kurauka!

  12. Thanks for the add, Mrs. Prince. Hope you get a speedy approval!

  13. Thanks for the add Erikalovescrippy!!

  14. Got my NOA2 today! yay! Need your help on the next step.


    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Demmy


      I'm happy for you...all the best with the rest of the process.

    3. G & Oxy

      G & Oxy

      Yaaay, Congratulations dear :)

    4. G & Oxy

      G & Oxy

      Yaaay, Congratulations dear :)

  16. Thank you, its such a relief. My timeline was saying, approval will be on March 12th

  17. Ok... checking!


  19. Hey just read your post and we are exactly in the same boat. Mine also visited almost two years ago, he is in the army as well. Lets share experiences on this.

  20. Hey hello, i can see we both have the same timelines. Hopefully we can share experiences as we go along the process. All the best in your journey

  21. "The rewards for those who persevere far exceed the pain that must precede the victory." - Ted W. Engstrom

    1. beebee


      love this quote allow me to share it...

    2. beebee


      love this quote allow me to share it...

    3. Demmy


      By all means.....share it :)

  22. You are welcome G & Oxy, thanks for the best wishes.

  23. Hey G & Oxy,

    Thank you so much and you are welcome, i saw your posts and they are very helpful. I'm three months into my journey, takes alot of patience oah!

  24. God is good and Mr.NOA2 is coming soon. I'll be waiting on you. VSC speed it up! i miss my baby.

  25. Hello, i would like your advise on the whole NVC to the consular process. Do they ask for the police certificate? And is the police certificate the same document as Certificate of good conduct? Generally i would like to know what requirements are contained in the packets. Your response will be appreciated. Thanks

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