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Status Updates posted by ncoffiwe88

  1. Didn't hear anything today I take it you didn't either :( trying to be strong, actually really cried today out of pure frustration this process is hell on earth but we all have to stick together. Hope you get your great new soon

  2. Didn't hear anything today I take it you didn't either :( trying to be strong, actually really cried today out of pure frustration this process is hell on earth but we all have to stick together. Hope you get your great new soon

  3. Another day gone by and still in AP :(

  4. So apparently the ceac website is unavailable until december? wth oh well guess i'll be calling them non stop

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. rohandlulu


      U been on my mind, I figured this is driving u absolutely insane... I know its sooooo hard. If u need to vent cuss or yell, ill listen :( try to hang in there..

    3. ncoffiwe88


      Im starting to become somewhat passive about the whole thing kinda like when they're done with it they're done. Thanks for the support its needed and much appreciated :)

    4. G&M


      girl I came on here to see if you heard anything back. it will be this week girl. just hang in there boo, its sooo worth it.

  5. Mehhhhhhhhh I miss my man havent seen him since may 2012 :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ncoffiwe88


      Feels like a lifetime I didn't plan another trip because we both thought he would have been here by now :( hopefully we will hear something next week

    3. rohandlulu


      I can understand that.. and u better than me cuz I have the hardest time with the distance and will plan on seeing mines every few mont.. til its over.. longer than that and I wudnt make it...u did it smart tho cuz its not cheap..the trips or this process

    4. rohandlulu


      My heart goes out to u...I can imagine how u feel..being so close feeling so far away at the same time :(

  6. They sent me the same thing ughhh they suck lol im praying for you though :)

  7. They sent me the same thing ughhh they suck lol im praying for you though :)

  8. Happy for those who have made it through the toughest part of their journey but its only human to be a little down about my own situation....Need prayers

    1. Jamaicancricket


      Hey now...this is not the toughest part of the journey. Trust me on that!! This is just an exciting part of the journey. But yours is coming. Hold tight and he will be here soon.

    2. G&M


      girl....yours is coming soon. probably next week. they are just slow as hell

    3. G&M


      girl....yours is coming soon. probably next week. they are just slow as hell

  9. Did you hear anything yet?

  10. This process is really starting to take me out of myself, starting to fell angry all the time at the fact that I have put everything into getting the man I love here and someone somewhere is taking their sweet #### time while we continue to suffer...Definetly getting to the end of my rope

    1. G&M


      me too!!!! me too!!! its driving me nuts...and noone understands

    2. ncoffiwe88


      I just received a response email from the embassy some lame excuse when I asked about the visa production they said "the applicant will be notified when their visa has been processed and delivered to courier" X( I know you said last week yours was still in admin processing and now its printed so maybe something by next week if not im gonna just stop checking it and have him do it because its starting to stress me

    3. rohandlulu
  11. Did your status ever say admin processing? Do they do that on every case?

  12. Does admin processing mean something bad?

  13. How do I check that?

  14. Hope to hear something soon really starting to get uneasy :(

    1. G&M


      girl, me too

    2. G&M


      Im glad its not just me...I know its them...slow as hell

  15. Nothing!!!! its driving us nuts lol I emailed the embassy and of course haven't heard back yet maybe Tuesday they will tell me it should be ready soon or some other bs lol I swear U really would love to go undercover and see exactly how long it really takes to have these visas printed lol probably like 15 mins I bet they're all in there with their feet propped up on desk...

  16. Mine did too and so did g&m crazy I guess we will all find out around the same time lol Stay strong and know it wont be as long as it has been

  17. Congrats on making it this far :) dhl is driving me nuts

  18. Congrats on making it this far :) dhl is driving me nuts

  19. Tomorrow will be bittersweet...another valentines day alone, but I know hes on his way :)

    1. G&M


      yeah mine sucked too....

    2. rohandlulu


      I hear y'all... I'm planning another trip soon... at this rate there will be nothing left to pay for the rest of this process lol. Smh.

  20. Shipment on Hold!!!! Finally some movement

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. G&M


      i wish it would just come the heck on!!

    3. G&M


      girl I was checking that number every 2 hours yesterday LOL

    4. ncoffiwe88


      Lol yeah I signed up for notifications on my phone and his plus email and I was still checking every couple hours lol Cant wait

  21. Hey just realized ur only like 3 hours from me lol

  22. Hey just realized ur only like 3 hours from me lol

  23. My baby dropped his passport off with no troubles ;) im gonna be wearing this tracking number out lol

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. G&M


      yeah it was the same thing for me. I typed in the number and it said not found. I guess it will only show up once they actually ship it from the embassy.

    3. G&M


      where in TN do you live?

    4. ncoffiwe88


      I live in middle Tennessee so Atlanta is only like 3 hrs from me

  24. Tomorrow my love is going to the embassy to drop his passport off so they can put his visa inside Yayyyy now lets see how long it takes dhl to get it back to him :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ncoffiwe88


      Thank you...your turn will be coming soon. It wont be real to me until I pick him up

    3. ncoffiwe88


      Thank you...your turn will be coming soon. It wont be real to me until I pick him up

    4. rohandlulu


      I can imagine how u feel.... all worth it in the end... And thanks ...even tho I'm less than three months in, I'm patiently waiting my turn

  25. Starting to wrap my mind around the fact that I will be seeing him everyday soon...I couldnt be more happy i know hes my destiny

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