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Status Updates posted by David&Xin

  1. i hope you have some good information today~.....

  2. Happy for u!

    BTW, did u connect congrassman or senator? we connected them since 3 weeks ago but no answer until now. i think October's fils's people did not do nothing wrong to the government.....

  3. Congrats really!

  4. gracias bella~

  5. por decir, tengo que llevar la buena conducta, pero no se si tengo que llevar el pasaporte o otra cosa tambien. ya que no lo tengo a mano ahora.

  6. No, cuales son los documentos que se piden para legalizar el antecedente despenal, que en mi caso es buena conducta.

  7. De momento no tengo mi pasaporte porque se lo llevo para la renovacion de visa de venezuela.

  8. Hola, Andrea, te acuerdas cuales son los que se piden por el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores para apostillar el antecedente? bueno, en el caso mio es la Buena Conducta.

  9. waiting game, it's very true, thank u very much!~i will probabaly transfer it to china, to wait this unpredictable timeline there.

  10. wow, did they give you interview date at first or second comunication or you ask for it? did you call them to confirm it?seems like the scary things always happen! well, i saw the couple MikeDan are still waiting the interview date, it is slower than before include after it came to Venezuela,a strange year for visa issue.

  11. and July 23 this Buena Conducta will be expired ( not apostillado but the due to same issued , half year valid only), this is the second Buena Conducta i applied, did not know it is possible that i have to ask for the third one...........

  12. i think you're probabaly just nervious, you are so cautious about every detail, you will be fine!. I'm still waiting NOA2, had already been 5 months 1 week, and still see July and August file,don't understand what's the problem. I think i have all the listed documents except the postillado of Buena Conducta, since i saw Andrea said it would be valid only for 3 months, can no...

  13. only one month before the day! happy for u!

  14. Hey, did u get any info from NVC? It seems like here is some part that better you track it by yourselves, like call NVC to see if they had already sent the documents to Venezuela USA embassy.

  15. ok, it's because of such a long time that we are waiting, i'm getting nervious, just want to make sure about those papers. 2 days had been past, hope you got the paper ASAP.

  16. May i know what's your RFE's question?

  17. i saw your comments of Visa, so, CSC actually is at Agu.not Sep. it is so sad.

  18. truely fast, truely lucky you, congratulations

  19. your case had been really fast. Good luck

  20. hey, may i consult you one thing? just want to be sure about the document that i have. About the Birth Certificate, Police Report, Unmarried Certificate, i have both of them translated in english and certificated at China District Notary Office(地方市级公证处), is it ok?

  21. JUSTICIA MUNICIPAL -ALCALDIA DE CHACAO, Plaza del Indio, i got the Buena Conducta from there, have no idea if i can do the apostillas or legalizas there at El ministerio popular para las relaciones exteriores.This is the only thing that i can get now; though several years ago

  22. Hey, happy for u ! at least you already have a exact date, but seeing how long had you waited make me feel painful, more than 10 months comapred to 2011, as 6 -8 months.

    So you received a RFE, about the divorce certification, is that your's or your boyfriend's?

    hope you are so prepared for the interview, April, does it mean that we probabaly would be at Aug? can not image...

  23. Hey, happy for u ! at least you already have a exact date, but seeing how long had you waited make me feel painful, more than 10 months comapred to 2011, as 6 -8 months.

    So you received a RFE, about the divorce certification, is that your's or your boyfriend's?

    hope you are so prepared for the interview, April, does it mean that we probabaly would be at Aug? can not think...

  24. hey, happy for u ! at least you already have a exact date, but seeing how long had you waited make me feel painful, more than 10 months comapred to 2011, as 6 -8 months

  25. Congratulation Sandris& Jim, it was so long for Venezuela cases,compared to 2011, but at least you already have a date, which is much better , i saw this morning here are still cases of June,no interviwe days yet,this delay make us crazy and sad, did not have plan for such a long wait

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