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Status Updates posted by Ewill

  1. Yeah.. we'll see, maybe we'll end up moving to Denmark instead, only because the whole process is faster.. its such a pain in the butt! :)

  2. Oh and I've tried to make a timeline but for some reason the computer wont let me..

  3. Oh and I've tried to make a timeline but for some reason the computer wont let me..

  4. Actually no, I'm still in the States right now but going back to DK in about 10 days, my husband isn't coming with me unfortunately. So we gotta start this immigration process soon!

  5. Actually no, I'm still in the States right now but going back to DK in about 10 days, my husband isn't coming with me unfortunately. So we gotta start this immigration process soon!

  6. Sorry, not sure why my comments show up twice on ur profile..

  7. So you guys are moving to the States then? :)We are still in the process of figuring things out.. we got married oct 6th

  8. Hey! So ur spouse is from Denmark?

  9. Hey! So ur spouse is from Denmark?

  10. Actually I am the Dane lol :)

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