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Posts posted by bingowashisnameoh

  1. OMG! its crazy, i've been looking at price tickets and its ridiculous, i don't know if its because american airline made that merger the prices r ski high.....I really wanna go see my baby its been 5 month since we saw each other.

    try budgetair.com i would encourage you to stay away from the major airline websites....unless it's a steal of a deal.

  2. Thank You everyone for the warm wishes...still some steps ahead of us but this is good....we wish all the best to those still awaiting their noa2 and beyond...collect data...share data...keep your elected reps in the loop about your case whether they are helping expedite or not...and communicate...its the only way the system will get better...thank you everyone :)

  3. There were around 15 approvals for VSC for the WHOLE week last week. There are roughly 200 unapproved petitions on VJ for Oct and Nov for VSC. It does not take much to realize at around 60 approvals a month, VSC will not get to December filers for another 3.3 months. That makes it August for December 2012 filers approvals at this rate (which has been going on for more than one week for VSC). Now, CSC will be working on January Filers very soon if you look at their numbers, after all, they have approved a large number of November and December and they will clear this lot within a few weeks. Well within the five month wait if you agree with the "zero" first month.

    Before people attack me for comparing the two centers, take a look at some old threads that are titled "CSC vs VSC" or somewhere along those lines when CSC had their temporary slowdown. My point is we have to be able to use another center's numbers as a measuring stick, if it is possible to churn out 20-30+ a day, then why not churn out 1/2 or even a third of this for the other center? 2-5 or even "zero" approvals for the day is just creating a backlog that is growing fast for VSC.

    We have been told at VSC that we can expect a five month wait...but the math argues otherwise. I count a roughly 9 month wait for VSC filers at their current wait time, and as I said, this slowdown, "crawl" has been current for more than just a week or two.

    first you have very legitimate concerns. Second, nobody should be attacking you whatsoever for questioning the efficiency of any government agency. My suggestion would be to keep monitoring as you are and I would also encourage you and everyone else for that matter being processed through VSC to call and call and call and write your congressional representatives...to keep the heat on them. Otherwise, for sure they will no doubt slip back into sleep mode; which is always unacceptable....collect data...monitor data, report data and keep them honest. It's the only way the system will ever improve.

  4. So I filed a I129F petition October of last year. I am still waiting for the news from USCIS but everything seems slow.

    It's going to be 7 months of waiting now this coming May. The online status says INTITIAL REVIEW and it hasn't change yet. Every time I call them they are very short with answers. So I have no idea what's going on with my papers. Anyone filed around Oct 2012 here? or Filed it in Texas Center? Can you tell me if this is still normal?

    I am an October filer too...and some have started coming through already for early October...yours as well as mine is coming. Please be patient. We have all done everything we can do to this point with Congressional contacts and organizing data. They got the message and are responding. That is very clear at this point. Seems a little ridiculous to be saying that now. However, my point all along was for them to be honest...be direct....and try to be as transparent as the system will allow. The data made everything transparent and our congressional representatives have obviously delivered the message because they have responded processing petitions regardless of past excuses..in the past now...nothing we can do now besides continue to monitor their progress...and as much as i hate to say it...wait...because now as opposed to the last few months, they are working on them which is all anyone ever was really asking of them.

  5. All,

    I emailed the Ombudsman office again, this time inquiring why November/December petitions at CSC are being processed ahead of August.

    Here is my response:

    "We were able to locate the issue that may have caused a few days’ worth of cases to be worked out of order. This was a result of the flood at the CSC a few weeks back. The cases in their file room were wet, and the whole file room was relocated. As a result, they didn’t have access to every case during that time. They believe they have now resolved that issue and are back on track starting today."

    You know though I find this very good news...my question is this....Why did they NOT put out a mass email or press alert and tell people what was going on??? Why put people who are counting on them to act responsibly and do their jobs through so much stress by NOT being direct??? This is the BIG issue I have. It is the lack of transparency. Otherwise, it looks like they are hiding something. However, I think people would have been pretty forgiving and accepting if they would have just simply said this is what happened. This is how we are resolving it....give us a timeline, apologize for the inconvenience and move on....how hard is that? DACA petitions, plumbing problems and not enough trained staff...it has been one comedy of errors after another.

  6. Yeah, I keep telling my fiancée " service for most things in the US is usually pretty good...except all the things we have to deal with to get you here". And she's like "ok, yeah, sure" :rolleyes:

    you literally made me just laugh out loud...hahhahahhahahah!!!!! same here...

  7. all I see in that response is another excuse...'we did not have enough trained people' which can now be added to the growing list of excuses. Who are these people??? These are the people representing the first American organization people seeking visas see and experience. They are the first impression of our government and our country. I am so embarrassed. What an EPIC FAILURE!!!

    thanks for the update though...we will see i guess...

  8. I stumbled across this link this morning. I want to make sure everyone understands the forces at work here and why this issue is much bigger than a K1 Noa2

    see the link.....DACA LAWSUIT

    This is being driven from the White House and head of the Department of Homeland Security. The next time someone weighs in and suggests to wait patiently, show them this article and also the link below; so they understand this is much more than a service center running a little behind schedule.


  9. Thanks for sharing your political opinion. I don't agree with it because you are factually incorrect. I contacted my "house republican" congressman a month ago and his staff has been the least helpful. My two democratic US Senators staff members have been very open and pro active. So, that's number one. Secondly, as you probably know, the USCIS is part of the Executive branch. House Republicans can make all the noise they want, but ultimately the Administration will do what it wants based on its own party support, which is substantial in the Senate and the House on Immigration reform. You have a somewhat naive view of how DC politics work. It's not as "black and white" as you seem to think it is. "Our issue" is really a systemic one that needs to be addressed from a bi partisan standpoint, because we're talking US citizens of ALL political stripes here that are being unfairly treated by the USCIS. So again, thanks for sharing, but I respectfully couldn't disagree more with your analysis.

    When you say '(our issue) is really a systemic one that needs to be addressed from a bi partisan standpoint, because we're talking US citizens of ALL political stripes here that are being unfairly treated by USCIS.' .....yet label the post factually incorrect and suggest I am naive to how DC politics works; it seems a little counterproductive to me.

    I think anyone who read the initial post should understand I was suggesting approaching House Republicans because they are more likely to help; as opposed to every single one will help you 100% of the time.

    I am happy you found a Democrat to help you. That is wonderful news. I think if you go back and read the initial thread you will see where I mentioned to reach out to all, but not be surprised if some of the Democrats do not help you. It is not naive to assume the purpose of the Dream Act or to question authority or anyone who made any decision whatsoever in regards to how the DACA petitions would be processed; especially considering you-yourself admit there is a systematic problem that effects everyone.

    I absolutely agree this is a systematic problem that needs addressed from a bipartisan standpoint and in a perfect world it would be. I would absolutely love to see it. But until I see someone step up and admit they made a mistake, until I see someone make a stand and declare the system is not efficient or until I see someone demand more transparency; hoping for this to be addressed from a bi partisan standpoint in todays political environment seems pretty naive to me.

  10. This is NOT True. K-1's being eliminated or 2 to 3 years for approvals. The Goverment is going to take your money and let you Petition and you have the right to.

    Bear in mind: With No RFE (s) which is the OP's case it looks good. If there was a RFE the time period is out of even Congressional hands. It's not a picture perfect World and I feel your frustration. Waiting... and waiting and waiting.

    The process has'nt changed from 2 years ago as someone said: It is the same. The reality is USCIS Guarantees NOTHING. (Estimates only and they mean little in words and you should know that. You have the right to Petition but after that you are going to be just another person among many doing the same)

    I know it's hard to be patient but please try, you can't do more than that but stay in constant contact with your love(s) and keep eachother strong.

    I never meant to offend the OP but just tell them the truth. It's not a battle or challenge. It's a waiting game. I have seen in the past where as VJ members write not getting approved and then I see after a week getting their NOA2.. I hope OP this happens to you as well. Tim

    Under 'normal' circumstances i would absolutely and unquestionably agree with you. However, when you were getting approved...there was no Dream Act and there were no DACA petitions cutting the line and bogging down the system. That is what all of this is about. The bottom line is the DACA petitions need to be separated out of the system and dealt with on their own and by themselves, without being prioritized over people who have been waiting longer. Everyone has their personal opinions on the current immigration debate i know. But that aside, this is simply about something external being added into a system; that the efficiency was in question to begin with but accepted. I am only speaking for myself, but i agree with you that the noa2 will come when it comes. However, as zipline mentioned earlier, there is a larger issue here that needs to be addressed that is larger than our NOA2. With further immigration discussion on the horizon and the situation that has presented itself here, I kind of feel like we have a responsibility to shed some light on it. Otherwise the situation is only going to further deteriorate.

  11. Friday, I posted a list of Congressional Committees and Subcommittees and their chairpersons in this link...www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/424527-congressional-contacts/page__p__6147803__fromsearch__1#entry6147803....

    I have noticed Friday and throughout the weekend that some people have come away from making those contacts less than optimistic. Please do not take it personally and understand that there are politics in play on the DACA-K1 issue. I realize some have warned against turning this into a political debate and I would reaffirm those warnings.

    However, I would suggest..and I do understand this is a deeply personal issue to all of us; keep in mind the facts of what has taken place and when possible try to step away from the emotional effect and look at it logically.

    The facts are this. DACA's criticisms in the political arena is that it is an attempt by Democrats to draw more voters because those folks filing those petitions are likely to vote Democrat when they are legally eligible. So if you you live in a state like Texas, Florida or California please do not be surprised if you walk away from your local Democrat Congressional Representative and they did not seem to help. This issue to them is a very small part of the overall puzzle for them as try to move their own agenda forward.

    Instead, I would suggest refocusing your efforts on the contacts I provided in the link; specifically at 'HOUSE REPUBLICANS'. Anyone who pays close attention to the news would know that on this specific issue; if there is anyone who is likely to help our cause, it's House Republicans. I would reach to all, but at the end of the day do not be surprised to find out this is where a majority of our help is going to come from. It's not a state secret that the President's current relationship with House Republicans is extremely COLD.

    None this has anything to do with anyone being Democrat or Republican or pro or anti Obama. This is our issue and this is simply the political lay of the land right now. I just wanted to point that out.

    I really think where the real pressure is going to come from to turn this tide in our favor and get some better movement is from House Republican Chaired Committees. Just my opinion. So if you live in an area and are represented by a House Republican and either a House or Senate Democrat, I would definitely urge you to reach out to the House Republican first.

    I hope this helps.

  12. Stop the nonsense and start preparing for your fiancee to arrive. You have a lot to do.

    The process is not broken, the process is not designed to answer the anxious questions of every petitioner. So stop it. You will only become more frustrated and accomplish nothing to help your fiancee.

    You will get a notification in the mail when the petition is approved.

    allow me to help you redefine nonsense: (as per Mr. Webster) foolish or meaningless words or actions....(kind of like your post) or the current perception of efficiency in government.

  13. Hi Everyone ! Like all who have seemed to fall into the abyss from July through October, I am wondering what is the correct time that a service request is accepted and what type of action does that trigger? Also, is this the same thing my Congress person's office would do? It may be a good idea for everyone who is out of the range of when they should have been processed to put in a request. Maybe the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

    try this thread...best of luck. http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/424527-congressional-contacts/page__p__6147803__fromsearch__1#entry6147803

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