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Status Updates posted by zinebjalil

  1. My wife interview was very short she got ask 5 question how we meet, do you speak english, do I send her money, and do she have my 2012 tax return, my wife had our wedding album and a bunch of evindents and they did not look at anything inshallah all will be good for you both

  2. As salaam ailaykum how can I help you I will do what I can inshallah

  3. what to be A sponsor for my wife aunts what do I need to do and what i864 form do I need to fill out

    1. zinebjalil
    2. hayam


      It isn't clear your question. Is her aunts already got a visa or what? what was the visa that she apply for? like was it only a tourist visa or what? So if it is only a tourist visa you can only fill out the I-134 form & if it is an immediate relative visa so it should be the I-864 form. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. Because for my parents to get a 10 years visa I only did the I-134 but for my husband I did the I-864. o if you are not sure what to do you can fill out both of th...

  4. Is everything ok ? I'm sorry to hear about what happen inshallah don't give up things will get better

  5. Inshallah I will be going to my wife in moroccco this sunday flight leaves saturday and inshallah she will return with me. May Allah bless you all and bring joy and your love ones home to you ameen

  6. Thank you so much alhumdulilah

  7. May allah bless us all to have the same success


  8. ALHUMDULILAH VISA APPROVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    6am and I'm jumping on my bed

  9. Any last minute adivce can my wife get translator and answer questions in english

  10. Ok thanks the count down is on

  11. Tomorrow is the day inshaa allah


  12. Do anyone know can my wife take a big album that's full of picture ?

  13. Do anyone know can my wife take a big album that's full of picture ?

  14. What is best language for my wife to do interview in

  15. Thanks you so much

  16. Yes our interview is the 20 of november and I'm going inshallah the 24

  17. Please forgive my all over the place posting I'm still trying to figure this out

  18. Thank you inshallah I will make dua for you. I just got my plane ticket on friday

  19. My wife want to know all the papers to bring. When I read the interview letter it says the consulant have all she need from nvc, only medical and passport she need to bring. Is this true or do she

    needs my taxs form and get all her papers again because my and me is confused thanks for the help

  20. anyone have any tips for moroccan embassy

  21. anyone have any tips for moroccan embassy

  22. Thanks for adding inshallah will all get our interview soon

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