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Empress of Groovy

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Status Updates posted by Empress of Groovy

  1. Happy birthday to you!

  2. Happy birthday! I hope fondue is on the celebratory menu!

  3. Happy belated birthday! And only 28? You remind me of my cranky 70-year-old uncle! ;-)

  4. I just ate three pretzel rods.

    1. Peikko


      Why? Then again, why not?

  5. Today is the day of the mini-strudel.

  6. Oh no...I need donuts again.

  7. I should probably stop eating pastries.

  8. Thank you for the birthday greetings!

  9. Thank you for being the first (by two months!) to wish me a happy birthday! It was groovy--if lacking G&Ts.

  10. Perhaps we should name our daughter Cheez-It.

  11. Goodness! Thanks for helping to keep Joyce's timeless allure alive and relevant. You're one groovy babe with an impeccable sense of beauty and fashion.

  12. Congratulations to you and your man on his forthcoming 10-year green card! Paaaarty! (break out the Cool Whip!)

  13. Hi, Stacey! I hope that the interview went well. I was going to suggest bringing the officer a mint julep.

  14. Hey! I thought I was TIME magazine's 2006 person of the year! What the $@%%#!

  15. Congratulations on the arrival of Joshua Mini-pants!

  16. Yo! Thanks! And Joyce would graciously accept a giant tub of Cool Whip! Goodness!

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