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Posts posted by gioyugo

  1. Well it's great that you have the internet! I would do some research and maybe see if there's any expat blogs or websites that can give you tips. Buying a stamp and posting a letter is probably the same as in the UK, just gotta find a post office :) Research your area online and find out what there is to do and see. When your hubby has a day off, have him take you around town to explore and see where everything is. Maybe even one day, when he goes to work he could drop you off in town - you could have breakfast and explore!

    [/quote I would make sure you share the same feelings with your husband and let him know how you are feeling.You do not want to go threw this without expressing your feelings.Im sure he would want to know.Also what i would do try to take some classes at a local school any thing that will keep your mind sane.Im sure by going out you will make friends.Does he have family near you? maybe go to your new family house.Im sure its noy easy but it will get better.

  2. I have a qustion me and my wife are almost done threw the visa journey we are just waiting on appontment.The ? i have is me and my wife decided to have the kids stay in colombia till they are done with school with the family they are 15 and 16 and asked us if they could stay in colombia for a little while so they can finish with there friends and my wife would like to have time to adjust to usa.I was wondering what paper work would i have to file for them.Do i summit another i30 for each child our is there another way of doing this without going threw the whole process again.Thank you for any help.

  3. As a rule of thumb, the NVC schedules interviews with most embassies during the first two weeks of the month for the following month. Bogotá has been hard to predict during the past year and half because every now and then they'll say they are booked and the NVC has to wait until the following month to make the appointment. I haven't heard of any delays lately so the NVC should be able to schedule January appointments during the first two weeks of December.


    I'm really hoping i hear somthing before i fly out to colombia for the holidays.This would make things so much better.I booked my flight with end of jan return that i can change.But by the sound of everything i would assume i should have a appointment scheduled by next week our the week after.I just hope its not in feb.But then again i love being with my wife and her family in colombia.

  4. In my case, the NVC would not tell me anything, so I proceeded to call the IV unit at the embassy in Bogota, they did not have a record of my case.The NVC received my DS-230 on september 17, on October 3, I received an email from the NVC with an interview date (on November 1st.) at the embassy in Bogota, the IV unit at the embassy did not know anything about this interview date until two weeks prior to the interview, I know this because, I tried to contact the IV unit several times, to have them correct my wife's last name which, was misspelled on the interview letter but, they said that they did not have a record of a case with my wife's name even though I had an appointment letter already. The NVC assigns the interviews unbeknownst to the embassy, seems that the embassy only finds out about a case when they receive the actual file.

    So im guesing that i should here somthing about my interview by 1st our secound week of dec.I'm just wondering how busy they are and hoping for an early jan date.But at least ill be with my wife for the holidays im flying out in 3 weeks and hoping ill here somthing by then.I plain on staying there till the interview date i just hope its not feb.

  5. Congrats!!! Its about time!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

    Do you have to still call to find out about the appointment?

    THANK YOU.from what the lady told me they sced.the 1st and 2nd week of month it all depends on the embassy and how busy they are.Im hoping bogata is not that full.Know i just wait but im hoping not to long

  6. I send the DS230 and all the supporting documents today, it should be there by tomorrow noon.

    I hope it falls straight to someones desk. The AOS got there Friday, I am going to wait till Wed. to call.

    Did they send an email when the AOS was accepted?

    yes the aos took 2 weeks to get approved but they never sent email to say it was accepted i had to call.This is the stage that takes the longest.because of holiday they say it takes longer.figure 20 bussnes days from when you send paper work in for them to complete your case and then they set appointment by 2nd week of month for following month if it goes past 2nd week then they set for following month .as of know all apointments are for jan and next will be feb.They did tell me dec is full and no more appointments till jan.

  7. Wow, I was really hoping you heard something by now. Have they at least accepted your AOS? Do they acknoledge that they received the IV package?

    How much longer do they insist you wait?

    Did you send your cival paper work in yet? And allien registration forms ?

  8. Next time you call ask specifically if the AOS was accepted since you sent that in a while ago also, I would think at least that should be complete by now. Best of luck, wishing you the best!!

    yes the aos was accepted they are just waiting to view my cival documents.they said should be by the end of week but im in the normal time frame.im keeping my fingures crossed and praying to GOD.JUST HOPE APPOINTMENT IS COMMING SOON

  9. Wow, I was really hoping you heard something by now. Have they at least accepted your AOS? Do they acknoledge that they received the IV package?

    How much longer do they insist you wait?

    yes showed paid 2 weeks ago they said that iv package not in system yet and could take up to 20 buisness days,once they accept iv package the case will be closed and then forward to bogata.I see yours is moving very fast in your time line that is gteat,They told me that i should call again on friday but im going to keepcalling till they close my case.very fustrated i thought i would have a date by this time,its almost end of month and want my wife to be home with me

  10. I DONT UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING WAS GOING SMOOTH.I sent my cival papperwork in on nov 8th i call in the morning and night and still no update and my case is not closed how long does this take.I follow other time lines and by what i see it should take 1 or 2 weeks I pray this will end soon

  11. Hang in there, Im sure you will get your appt soon. Im hoping you get a mid Dec. date, since I am about a month behind you.

    Did the IV package have tracking? When did they receive it?

    good luck.

    Hi they recieved it last week tue .i called today and nothing they said could take up to 20 days.I sure hope not but any day waiting for that galaxy 3 to beep for my email.every time my phone beeps i stop and pull over just to check.I know it will be anyday but im starting to go crazy :wacko:

  12. in my case, took them about two weeks and, they only gave me 28 days to prepare for the interview. Our interview was assigned by the NVC, not by the embassy. We had a scheduled interview and the embassy did not have any knowledge of it because they had not received the packet from the NVC. I know this because in the interview letter they misspelled my wife's name so, i called to try and correct this error before the interview, and the IV Unit at the embassy told me that they did not have any record of a case in my wife's name. We had to wait about two more weeks and then ask the IV unit to have the error corrected. So, be patient, you are in the last leg and I guarantee you, it is going to go fast! Good Luck!

    wow that is crazy what you went threw i could only imagine.the hardest part for me know is wondering if i should book my tickets for xmas because the closer you get the higher the price,plus if they say my interview is in middle our end of jan.i cant really stay that long with work and all

  13. It takes the NVC about two weeks to complete a case and then it's up to the embassy for the appointment. As of a few weeks ago if the NVC completed a case during the first two weeks of the month, the embassy would agree to schedule the interview for the following month, and if the case was completed after the second week of the month, the interview date would be a month later. Every now and then Bogotá will say they are booked and the person would have to wait two months after case completed instead of one but I don't think that has been the case lately.


    thank you.im trying to figure out if i should wait to book my tickets for xmas in colombia and wait it out with my wife there but i cant stay there for a long time with work and all.im going to give a couple weeks to see if i here anything before i book my xmas tickets just in case.

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