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Status Updates posted by Sheniece

  1. Couldn't wait hubby arrives tomorrow, will be one of the best feelings in the world!

  2. Hubby's visa packet arrived at DHL in Montego Bay 9:56 am

    1. velrich


      so he will be leaving soon then.. good for you!

    2. Sheniece


      Yea, thanks Tomorrow is his arrival so excited .

  3. My hubby got approved, I also attended interview with him which was a plus! Currently at the airport waiting for my flight to depart until he gets actual visa in hand!

  4. Currently at JFK waiting on my departure for hubby's interview Monday, going to make the best if the short time I'm with my love!

  5. Cant wait our son is in jamaica, left with his uncle to stay with his father until i arrive on Saturday... still counting down 6 days, to go until his interview

  6. Hubby's medical today, counting down for my trip and his interview date.... 12 days until my travel and 14 days until his interview excitedddddd!

  7. Hubby's medical April 15 and interview 20 days away :-)

  8. Well my application started off with the Vermont service center, & they 3months afterfowarded it so I feel it should be left the way it is!

  9. Thank You ,Not sure , but they sent my case to a New York field office , because the said they were over loaded with work at the VSC.

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