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Posts posted by LMK74

  1. Hi All,


    I had my N-400 interview on Monday and just wanted to give my experience for anyone interested.


    My appointment was at 12.45pm. Got there about 12pm and just took a moment to breathe. I was confident that our case was good but I was worried about the civics questions.


    We went through the main doors and had to go through security. Of course there was a women who seemed surprised that she would need to show ID to get into a Federal building! So we were all held up while she dumped everything out of her purse. This kind of thing drives me crazy..why aren't people prepared? Anyway, finally got through security and then lined up again to show Interview letter. They ask for you all to have the letter ready to show. I was given a printed ticket with a number on and told to take a seat. It was interesting seeing so many different nationalities in one room.

    I thought I would be there for ages as there was loads of people in front of me. But pretty much at 12.45 my number was called. My husband gave me a hug and told me I've got this!

    I had to go up in the elevate to the 2nd floor. I had a panic when the doors open as there was no one there...just lots of doors. I stood there for a few seconds trying to decided what to do! Then a guy came out of a door and told me someone would be along in a second. The officer then came out, shook my hand and took the interview letter from me. She lead me into her private office. I immediately had to raise my right hand and swear to tell the truth. Once that was done, I took a seat and the interview began.


    First off it was basically confirming all my details, showing my passport, green card and state issued ID.


    We started with the Oral and Written tests. There was an Ipad in front of me. A sentence came up on the screen and I had to read it out loud. "Where does the President live?". I then had to write "The President lives at the White House". She apologized that someone had taken the pen to use on the Ipad so I would have to use my finger! It looked like a 5 year old had written it but all ok.


    Then the civics questions

    1) What did the Declaration of Independence do? This tickled me as I had to reply It declared the United States independence from Great Britain (I'm from Great Britain and normally reply with "your welcome!" but held my tongue!!


    2) What is one promise you make when you become a US Citizen?


    3)Who is the Father of our Country?


    4) What Ocean is on the West Coast of the US?


    5) Name one state that borders Canada?


    6) What is the capital of the US?


    When that was completed we then moved on to the N-400. I had made one mistake of entering a job wrong so she showed the error on the Ipad and i had to sign the screen to agree to the change.


    Then she asked me to confirm that all the details that would appear on the certificate were correctly spelt etc.


    We went through all the Yes/ No questions again.


    Then she confirmed that she was putting me forward as approved to her supervisor. Gave me a form confirming that I had passed all the tests and was approved.


    I should look out for the letter with the Oath ceremony date and time. To only fill out the questions on the back the day of the ceremony.


    We then had a little laugh about the Ipad and she walked me back to the elevator and shook my hand again.


    The relief I felt on that ride back down was huge! We started the original paperwork for the K1 fiancee visa in December 2012.

    Good luck to everyone with interviews coming up!!

  2. Hi All,

    As this website has been an unbelievable help to us in this very long drawn out process, I wanted to just post my experiences on getting a drivers license and insurance in North Carolina.

    U.K history - I passed my driving test in the U.K about 20 years ago (God that makes me feel very old!) but as there wasn't really a great need for me to drive as I lived in London...I just didn't bother and got the bus everywhere...far cheaper than having a car. I was added to my dad's insurance as a additional driver so I could take my mum shopping if my dad was busy so not much driving experience.

    I'm now married to my USC and living in North Carolina and we are going through the AOS procedure. There is NO public transport here so if you don't drive or have a car...you're not going anywhere. So I had to brave the car to start to get a life here. We managed to get a great deal on an old Toyota for me to have as a runaround. I started going out with my husband to practice driving on the right hand side etc.

    To get a N.C license, you have to have proof of insurance to take all the tests but I was a bit worried about how much this was going to cost after reading about some other peoples experiences with insurance. When I felt like I had studied the books and got to know the signs etc, we set out to try to get insurance.

    The biggest words of advice to anyone looking for insurance is.....shop around with every place possible....it ranges so wildly it's just crazy. My poor husband basically spent a day calling and explaining everything to each company...by about the 3rd place, he'd worked out to open with the line "Let me start by saying my wife is from the U.K...can you deal with that?".....some companies point blank would not deal with me!! Some didn't know if they could so had to call the underwriters to check....and some were fine but wanted to charge a fortune.

    As we have breakdown cover with AAA, we called them at the beginning....for a 1998 truck and a 1996 Toyota...they wanted $1958 for 6 months....I nearly passed out!! I was scared that that was going to be the amount we were looking at. We called various other places...$1000....$600 then finally we called Geico...they said the foreign license was fine as I was going to go for the N.C license and ended up giving us a quote for 2 people, 2 vehicles both insured on both vehicles for $181 for 6 months........it was something to do with adding me on after and not doing the insurance for both of us straight away....I didn't really understand...I just liked the $181! The guy was great on the phone and explained that I needed a DL-123 form as this is what the license agency want to see as insurance proof. You have to request this form and they send it out to you, but it's only valid for 30 days and is numbered so you can't switch insurance while you're in the process.

    We also called Allstate as we wanted to do a joint auto / home and they came up with a great deal for both together so we might well go for that instead.

    Anyway on the insurance subject....call around and always ask for all the discounts you can get.

    I finally felt kinda ready to try for the license so we called Geico and they sent the form out. So last Thursday I drove to the license agency. I was so nervous that I had to do all these tests and take someone out on the road.

    A man went through all the paperwork I needed, I took my passport for photo id and date of birth, my marriage certificate to show name change, my social security card in my married name, my NOA for the i-485 to show my address and that I was allowed to be here, my EAD card, birth certificate and the DL-123 insurance letter. He gave me a number and then I waited. Finally got called up. The lady was quite stern and gave me back my U.K license as she said she didn't need that. She then went about filling out loads of computer stuff and looked at all my paperwork. Then it came up that it needed a secondary check as I was a non USC, so she photocopied all my stuff to send through to Raleigh to confirm everything was good. Then the tests began:

    Firstly, I had to look into a machine that has the letters like you're having an eye exam, I read the lines fine.

    Next up was basic road signs so I had to explain what they meant...all good.

    Then there was just the outline of the signs, I had to tell what the sign was and what it meant...i.e Octogan sign is a stop sign....passed again.

    Then she set me up on a computer with headphones. I was then given 25 questions out of a pool of 100 to answer. You have to get 20 right (80%) to pass. While I was waiting, 3 people failed this test....oh dear....but I passed with 20 right and 2 wrong. Basic road rules really.

    Finally she said ok, you've passed all of those so let's go out on the road now....the bit I'd been dreading! My husband gave me a wink as we passed him. Took her out to the car and she asked me to get in. She then asked me to turn on each indictor, brake lights etc to check the car was roadworthy...then she got in and explained that she would give me directions and then ask me to do various things.

    We went out and went to intersections and lights etc then we went to a quiet street where she asked me to do a 3 point turn which went great, then I had to reverse in a straight line until she told me to stop then finally a emergency stop....then back to the test place. We pulled up and she said you did great, now lets finish the paperwork. I was so relieved!

    Back in to have my photo taken and I was given a temporary license as N.C doesn't issue the license straight away. They check if you have any criminal history first then issue it. She gave me back all my things and sent me on my way. I was so happy and got a big hug from my husband.

    So now I just have to build my confidence up to drive and off I go to investigate this beautiful state!

    Hope this post helps anyone thinking of going for their license in North Carolina.

    Lynn x

  3. I'm thinking that I'm going to leave everything as well. When I moved out of my apartment I was lucky enough to sell all the big furniture to the new owner so that helped a lot. Now I'm at my parents till I find out so am gradually getting rid of dvd's, cd's etc as they won't play in America. I'm going to aim for 2 suitcases with clothes and paperwork etc. I've been on a healthy lifestyle building up to this new life so have actually got too small for most of my clothes now.....thats just asking for a clothes shopping trip when I get to America!!

    After travelling around New Zealand and Australia for a year with just a backpack...its made me realise that you really don't need all the stuff.

    Go with a new start and just keep the personal things as a reminder of your old life.

    Good luck!!!

  4. My fiance is about to leave his house in London for his interview. Luckily, he is about a 20 minute walk from the embassy so there's no stress about transportation. As it's at 8am, it'll be midnight for me and I plan on staying up until he gets home to call me and tell me how it went.

    Will report on the outcome and on how his attempt to self-sponsor goes!

    I'm waiting for my interview date so I'm even getting nervous for other people as well now!!

    Good luck and fingers crossed for you both!!

    Let us know :-)

  5. Hi All,

    Here's my experience of the medical with a little pointer regarding immunzations that might be useful to know...if only I had known I might have saved myself an additional £30 charge.

    I had my medical at the Bentinck mansions on 13th September at 2.30pm. After coming up from Devon and wondering around Oxford Street in the rain...I decided to go in to the building at 2 to get out of the rain. The girl on reception was very professional and took all my paperwork etc. I got the second medical form to full out in the waiting room. After about 15 minutes I was surprised to hear my name being called as it wasn't even 2.30 yet but off I went. First stop was with the nurse to talk through the immunizations list. I'd gone to my doctors the week before to double check I had everything I needed and to get my record. I found out I hadn't had the mumps jab as a baby so I was given the MMR jab with the booster in a months time. Anyway as far I was concerned I was fully up to date with all my jabs....well no apparently not. She started to say about the Tetanus jab so I said 'oh I'm good as the doctor told me that once you've had 5 of them...you're good for the rest of your life'. She agreed with me but then pointed out that this is the rule for the U.K but apparently in America you're supposed to have a tetanus shot every ten years!! So of course with my luck...my last tetanus jab was over ten years ago so I had to have another one. I decided that I would just pay the money so that I could get the up to date certificate from them. I might have to have paid at my doctors I spose as I would have been requesting a jab I didn't need to have here? Anyway had that and ended up with 2 sore arms from the MMR and Tetanus!!

    Finshed up with the nurse then pretty much got picked up straight away to go and have my Xray....lots of leaning on a x-ray plate looking like a tea pot and taking a big breath! Waited around in my stunning blue dressing gown to see my chest pop up on the computer screen. She pointed out my nipple bars were looking good!! Also said that at a quick glance everything looked fine. I was then being lead back to the middle waiting room when out popped the doctor and took me straight into the next room!!! It was a real whirlwind which I was grateful for as it gave me no time to think about anything!

    I had the middle aged South African lady doctor who was very nice. She started going through my medical form which was pretty much all no's apart from one night in hospital from having my tonsils out. She then looked at my passport and asked me if I'd lost some weight? I said yes just a little....she said it looks more than a little so I said well yes actually...I'm up to 39kg lost so far!!!! So we had a good chat about that and the health benefits of it all. I did still get loads of questions about it though..."why did you start losing weight?" "was it health related i.e High blood pressure etc?" "how fast have I lost it as there could be a problem with loose skin etc". I then got weight and height taken then moved over to the couch. Tested my eyes, ears, mouth then she asked me to remove my jeans as well and lay down on the couch. I then had a blood test, blood pressure and my pulse taken. She felt my neck for lymph nodes then listened to my chest and back for a while. She then asked if she could examine my breasts so I said ok....wasn't too bad....wasn't quite sure where to look though!! Then she asked if she could peak down below....it literally was just me pulling my knickers back and she nodded and said thats fine. Then checked my skin and general look around. Then said ok thats all fine, you can get dressed now. She took me back to the main waiting room and said i would be called again in a few minutes. It was much nicer sitting in there with it all done than before! Then got called back to the window where I was given back my police certificate etc. She then explained the immunization certificate and to keep it safe for AOS. So as long as I don't hear anything by end of day on Tuesday I'm all good and my results will be with the embassy by Wednesday. I was back out in the rain 40 minutes after the process started. Such a relief to have had it done and be another step completed on this very long journey!

    I've attached a photo of the doctors...hope it comes out ok.

    So a message to anyone getting ready for their medical....check that tetanus....don't get caught out like me!!! And its really ok....now the interview...I'm bricking it for that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Lynn x


  6. oh geez thats typical!

    Isn't it just!!! When I want my post to fly like the wind so things would move a bit faster....nope...its snail mail but when I think "oh that'll be a couple of days at least"....there basically the next day!!!

    Fingers crossed for delivery tomorrow and then I can concentrate on what the medical will be like next week!

  7. They did it. I called Royal mail concerned... but they said not to worry, they don't like keeping embassy mail in the local office, so they try again either later or the next day smile.png

    I paid for next day delivery.

    Thanks for that....I'll keep my fingers crossed for tomorrow then. I'm sure my papers would be much happier living at the embassy than the sorting office!

  8. Same thing happened to me, except I totally forgot yesterday was a holiday! lol

    I checked it again this morning and they re-delivered mine. Yours shouldn't be far behind!

    Just a quick question...did you have to call or do anything to rearrange the delivery or did they do it? Was yours to be signed for or normal post?

    I did 2nd class signed for....


  9. Morning everyone,

    Just a quick question if anyone can help.

    I posted my packet 3 forms back to the London Embassy on Saturday 31st August. Now I knew it was Labor Day in America so the embassy would be closed....so I chose Royal Mail Signed for 2nd Class....figuring that then it wouldn't get delivered until maybe Wednesday or Thursday. Well I thought I'd just check the Post Office site this morning to see where the packet was at......and how typical is this....they attempted to deliver it on Monday!!!! If I wanted it to fly through the postal system...it wouldn't have but the one time I want it to take a few days....!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Anyway of course there was no-one there to sign for it so they have taken it back to the sorting office. I tried to do a redeliver form online but it wants names and addresses etc of the person receiving the packet.

    The question is...does anyone know if the embassy will arrange for all the post to be redelivered themselves as I'm sure they must have had more than just mine turn up wanting a signature yesterday?

    I'm worried that my forms will just sit in the sorting office and then get returned to me.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!

  10. Guys,

    Just as an update now, as of Sunday 1st Sept, the new DS-260 will replace DS-230 Parts I & II and DS-2001. Info on the embassy website:


    Link to DS-260:


    Hi all,

    I received my letter from the London embassy today saying that they had received our K-1 petition and so I now need to fill out all the forms etc...so I go on to the link to check i had filled out all the forms etc....then I see the notice regarding the DS-260 form starting from the 1st Sept..........

    Now by the time i get the forms in the post...It'll be after the 1st September....do you think I can still send off my DS-230 part one etc that I have spent loads of time filling out.....or do I wait and go through filling all the new DS-260 form out?

    My fiance is worried they will reject the DS-230 form if I send that...........

    One thing after another.....

    Thanks for reading!

  11. Thanks for the update. We were transferred to Texas as well, and got approved on July 23rd but still haven't gotten any email that they sent it to NVC. Now I'm starting to get paranoid that we'll be one of those cases that get lost and sent to NRC or something

    I'll keep my fingers crossed for you then....hopefully you'll get that email soon. There seems to be no pattern to follow while going through this....someone gets approved before you etc.

    Are you going to start calling the NVC anyway in a few days?

    I just want this all sorted and to see my fiance's face as I come through arrivals :-)

  12. Did you get an email saying that it left TSC and was being forwarded to NVC before you got the case number? Was just wondering cause I haven't gotten my case number yet, but also no email


    We got approved July 24th and had been transferred to Texas beforehand. Got the email to say its been despatched to the NVC yesterday. Will give it a few days and will then start calling for that case number......

  13. If this is the same as what happened to my case.....

    I got the same message back in May to say my case was transferred to another office....I was at Vermont and it was sent to Texas. This was because Vermont were falling behind the estimated timescale so they batched up December and half of january filers and sent them off to Texas. We still had to continue waiting and I wasn't approved until July so didn't really make it any faster.

    So I would think yours means that they've sent another load off to another office. Keep track on here and you'll probably see loads more people around your date range that get transferred as well?

    Good Luck!

  14. Today marked 6 months since our NOA1 and we still havent heard anything. No RFEs or anything. By going through the case numbers on the uscis website, every single I129f case for a long way either side of us got approved at least a month ago, most a lot longer ago. Is there anything we should do? Any other February 1st filers out there in a similar situation??


    We waited 196 for our approval....it'll get there....and then it's the best feeling so far in this journey....such relief....then you start on the next stage of waiting!!

  15. I got the exact same RFE on 7/25. I'm sure that i did have my pictures inlcuded in my i-129F submission and they met the requirements of passport photos and less than 6 months old. Maybe they got lost during transfer? Anyway, Have you got approved yet? Good luck to us all


    Sorry to hear you got the same RFE as us...it's a pain and a delay when I don't think it's anything we've done wrong! I think something happened to the photos....like you say...either lost in the transfer or they've damaged them while sorting through the case.

    Anyway what will be will be! We got the RFE on the 2nd July...hard copy turned up on the 6th July. I then had to post off my passport photos on the 8th July. My fiance (USC) finally got to send the evidence back on Monday 15th July. We got email to say they had received them back and were carrying on with the review on the 19th July (Friday).....then an anxious wait....till I woke up on Thursday 25th to find an approval email dated 24th July!!!

    So delayed us maybe 3 weeks but we got there in the end......196 days later!!!

    Good luck with yours and hope you get the same happy result! Now on to the next stage........................

  16. I went over to see my Fiance in May and went prepared with all sorts of evidence like letter from my employer etc. My fiance emailed me the receipt and I printed that out as well. I was so nervous!! But all they did was ask why I was visiting and how long was I there for....then stamped my passport and I was on my way. I think if you have all the other things as a back up then you should be fine?

  17. Hi,

    Just wanted to see if anyone else had received the same Request for Evidence that we did....

    We were transferred from Vermont to texas in the May transfers. Got a Request for Evidence on the 2nd July and received the paper copy on the 6th July.

    They are requesting more passport photos? We made sure we provided one passport photo for each of us with our names on the back, placed in a bag and placed behind the G325A. I have rechecked the USCIS website to check this is still correct...it is.

    Anyway the RFE says



    *Using pencil or felt pen, lightly print the name on the back of the photo

    *Enclose the photos in a paper envelope

    *Staple the envelope to this notice when returning it to this office

    I wonder why they want more photos? Also do you think they want photos from both of us or just the petitioner or just me? It's a good job I got some more done the last time I was there but still have to get them sent to my fiance before he can get it all sent off.

    More delays....

  18. Morning all,

    Can i get some clarification please?

    We are one of the many people that have had our case transferred from Vermont to Texas on the 29th May 2013. Still undecided if this is a good thing or not after reading most of the posts on the subject.

    Anyway....our timeline was originally Vermont....which then after reading people saying 'update your timeline to Texas'....I changed it to Texas...

    But am now reading others saying it should stay to the original service centre as it mucks up the figures???

    Do I have Vermont or Texas as my service centre on our Timeline?

    For selfish reasons I want it to say Texas as that makes our estimated approval jump forward to end of June....whereas Vermont was 15th July.....

    Any thoughts????

  19. So glad you had an easy entry!

    I too was worried about arriving in the US while applying for the K1.....

    I had letter from employer, proof of dentist appointment etc and I walked up to the man In Charlotte North Carolina...he asked reason for visit, how long I was there for then just said "4 fingers of your right hand" etc and stamped my passport!!! I walked away quite shocked and then ended up standing at arrivals for a while waiting for my boyfriend as I'd got through so quickly!!!

    Luck of the draw maybe but I was very happy!!

    Good luck in the future


  20. Hey, just wanted to say thanks for the update. It's so nice to hear of people that get through this long process and finally get to be together and happy. The wedding photo was lovely.

    Here's to a happy future for all of us!


  21. Hi All,

    Just thought I'd add my experience on visiting my boyfriend while waiting for the K-1 visa. I was really worried if there was going to be any problems at POE but my worries weren't necessary! I flew from London Heathrow on Saturday and flew in to Charlotte North Carolina. I got called up to the desk to a very laid back looking officer. I gave him my passport which he flicked through. He asked me the purpose of my visit so I said I was there to visit my boyfriend. He nodded. Then he asked how long I was staying so I said 2 weeks. He nodded again and then did the 'four fingers of your right hand' etc......I hope he didn't notice how much my hands were shaking! Then he stamped my passport and waved me on my way. So relieved! I'd even landed an hour early so was standing waiting for my boyfriend when he walked in the airport. Very happy to be out of the airport and on our way home.

    I went prepared though with our NOA1, a letter from my employer stating when i was due back to work and even a dentist appointment card for my return. I cannot wait till I'm going through POE for the last time with my K-1 visa (fingers crossed).

    Good luck everyone xx

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