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    Rachel+Anthony reacted to Kathryn41 in K-1 Wife vanished after receiving conditional green card   
    I'm sorry some people have been so judgmental of you in these circumstances. Certainly, that is uncalled for and inappropriate.
    Riogan gave you some good advice as did Vanessa. File for divorce, change the locks on the house, get a new phone number, get new email address, make sure her name isn't on any sort of joint accounts or anything like that (I suspect you have already removed them, but just in case you haven't . . .), and when the divorce is final send a copy to USCIS (include her name and A#), explain that she abandoned you the day she received her green card and that you do not believe she was honest in her reasons for getting married in the first place. Include details and any documentation you have in a straight-forward, non-emotional way.
    Another possibility instead of her planning this from the start (which she could have done as well) is I wonder if she really believed the 'myth' that all Americans are wealthy and the streets are filled with endless opportunity here in the US - and was disillusioned when she got here and realized that she wasn't in for the 'easy life' she had hoped? Her demands for money, for 'address', for prestige and such really seem to indicate that these may have been her real motivation for getting married, and when they didn't materialize, any love she did have for you also went out the window with her disappointment. Regardless, she did leave once she got her conditional green card and that does give you a bit of an advantage.
    She needs to file to remove conditions on her green card either in 2 years or once she is divorced. It is in your best interest to get divorced rather than waiting out those two years. She will have to prove that she entered the marriage in good faith and that the two of you lived in an honest marriage - her sudden departure once she got a green card does not do much to prove her 'good faith'. I think you can expect that once she discovers she needs evidence of her 'good faith' she might try and come back, professing her love, professing her willingness to try again - and will show up just long enough to get what she needs, and then take off again.
    If she does go back to Europe and remains there for an extended period of time (over a year) without special permission to be outside of the US, that too would work in your favour. If she tries to re-enter she may find that her green card status has automatically been revoked - especially if they have your divorce and documentation of your suspicions on file.
    The most important thing for you to do is to move on with your life. You were willing to work on a marriage with this woman, but it didn't work out. It may be that she planned to leave from the beginning, or it may be that she became disillusioned with the reality of the US when she had expected much more. For whatever reason it was, I am sorry it didn't work out and encourage you to do what you can to protect yourself if she is a 'schemer', or to just move on with your life if she was 'real'. Once you are divorced, the immigration problem is hers. She will have to prove her integrity; she will have to prove her account. (You may wish to include copies of the police 'no action' records for when she called the police to the house with your report to USCIS. If you provide them it will look better than if she provides them, if there was no action taken. You then get to include your version of the story and that will be on file).
    Good luck to you, and again, I am sorry for what you are going through, and that you have been subjected to some inappropriate judgmental comments on this forum.
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    Rachel+Anthony reacted to Greg3070 in K-1 Wife vanished after receiving conditional green card   
    Hold on, first off the hearing officer only asked how things were going. I said fine. So shoot me! I didn't profess a list of wonderful events or claim she was an angel. I was asked how things were and I said fine. The rest of the hearing was about standard questions like criminal history, nothing was asked about the relationship. I thought we might be discussing our counseling but that was never discussed. So I didn't go in and say anything about the marriage being good. I just showed we got married, shared a bank account and lived together. All true at the time. What did I say wrong?
    As far as my daughter goes, we talked about the problems since it first began. My daughter wanted to try to make this work. I offered her the ability to go to a friends house any time she wanted too. She chose to stay with her step mom hoping things would get better. They just never did. I do care for my daughter. She and I have a very close relationship and she knows if she has a problem I will fix it. She had a list of friends ready to take her in while I was away. it was her choice to stay and try to make it work.
    Some of you talk as if I saved a rapist or child molester. All I did was go to a hearing I was asked to attend by the government. No, I didn't go out of my way and say..."she is a ######!" Is this what some of you believe I should have done? If I was going to do that, then why bother going at all. I should have just kept working. I was told by a USCIS phone rep that in order to qualify for the exemption to staying married, my wife will have to show evidence of abuse. How true that is I don't know.
    I really had just hoped for some insight from others who had something similar. I don't need a lecture about how to interact with women or hear what a bad father I am. I know I'm a good father. I'm sure if I was to see each one of you in your relationships I could point out some serious illogical behavior. We don't need to insult each other about how we react with women (or men for the ladies). It's a well known fact that some of the stupidest decisions are made when it involves love. Why else would we spend thousands on a ring, spend countless hours in the mall and watch movies about love instead of a good football game. Seriously, we all have probably done it. If you say you haven't, I think you are a liar!
    I gladly welcome anyone's response if it is to offer advice or experience. Please keep your lectures to yourself. I do take care of my daughter and she was never in danger.
    Thank you for your replies.
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    Rachel+Anthony reacted to Sandra G. in K-1 Wife vanished after receiving conditional green card   
    You married a brat, and she is nuts. You should apologize to your child for what she went through. Your child should always come first!
    As soon your wife is homeless she will try to come back again.Do not answer her emails,phone calls. File for divorce or annulment and move on.Hug your child today like there is no tomorrow.
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    Rachel+Anthony reacted to rlogan in K-1 Wife vanished after receiving conditional green card   
    You have no rights insofar as stopping her removal of conditions. You're going to get divorced, and she will apply on her own. She'll succeed on the basis of having entered the marriage in good faith, accomplished by virtue of you attending the interview and testifying under oath that all was just fine. So you can't change that story now having sworn to it previously. It will just look lika a bitter ex-spouse lying.
    She doesn't need to prove abuse to get conditions removed.
    The thing to do is get cracking on the divorce. Just get it out of the way in the most expeditious means possible. Forget about the manipulative ####### she has been pulling and will continue to pull so long as you let her. This kind of predator is going to find another mark soon enough. In terms of your future, recognize that you have a personal defect - the same one I had for almost all my life - and that is letting people take advantage of you. Saying one thing and doing another. Next one who tells you the first lie - run like the wind.
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