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Dan Y Cati

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Status Updates posted by Dan Y Cati

  1. Waiting for my fiance....she's in the consulate doing her interview right now. NERVOUS!

  2. Hope things go well on your interview!!!!!

  3. Good luck today!!!!

    1. Izula87


      Thank you!! it helped!! ;)

  4. El próximo mes estaremos en Juarez!!!!

    1. Dan Y Cati

      Dan Y Cati

      Y al final, estaremos juntos en EU.

    2. Dan Y Cati

      Dan Y Cati

      Y al final, estaremos juntos en EU.

  5. We can make our appointment for the interview in Juarez!!!!

  6. The consulate in Juarez keeps saying the petition has not arrived. Seriously? It hasn't arrived in 2wks time? Not buyin it.

  7. Got the Invoice # and beneficiary ID... now the question is, after we fill out the ds-260 and 156, can we make the interview appointment before receiving the invitation letter? Does that hold some magic appointment # also????

  8. Petition left for Juarez from the NVC yesterday. Each day a little closer to what we both want more than anything.

    1. lovelylovegia


      yes u are im so happy for you i hear after the noa2 everything goes by much faster :)

    2. Dan Y Cati

      Dan Y Cati

      Yes...atleast after a week or 2 you get new updates. Gives you a next goal! You atleast are working towards something instead of sitting around and waiting. This week we will call Juarez to see when it has arrived, and then take it from there.

    3. Dan Y Cati

      Dan Y Cati

      Yes...atleast after a week or 2 you get new updates. Gives you a next goal! You atleast are working towards something instead of sitting around and waiting. This week we will call Juarez to see when it has arrived, and then take it from there.

  9. Well, there are some steps left to go, but finally hearing something is amazing. I hope you two are next also Mai and Timmy.

  10. Recibimos el NOA2!! Qué emoción!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Dan Y Cati

      Dan Y Cati

      Processed in VSC. I called about a week ago asking why I had not heard anything yet and was told they were working on July's applications. Thought we wouldn't hear anything until april.

    3. Dan Y Cati

      Dan Y Cati

      Processed in VSC. I called about a week ago asking why I had not heard anything yet and was told they were working on July's applications. Thought we wouldn't hear anything until april.

    4. Cesi


      Awesome, Congratulations!! :)

  11. Recibimos el NOA2!! Qué emoción!!

    1. M&M58



    2. Dan Y Cati

      Dan Y Cati

      Muchas gracias!! Felicidades a ti por tu visa!! Que emocion!!!!

      Pues a mi prometido le dijeron que la solicitud ya habia salido ayer hacia Juarez, asi que ahora tendre que esperar un poco creo...pero ya sabes estamos desesperados, ;) muchas gracias por tu comentario y exito en esta nueva etapa ...

  12. Just got the NOA2 today by text!!!

  13. Just got the NOA2 today by text!!!

  14. Still waiting for NOA1 in the mail.

  15. Still waiting for NOA1 in the mail.

  16. Still waiting for NOA1 in the mail.

  17. Got the NOA1 at 1:00am! Now a little longer of a wait begins...

  18. Got the NOA1 at 1:00am! Now a little longer of a wait begins...

  19. So I should be expecting the NOA1 in about 2wks. I guess.....

  20. Well, good new is that the package arrived in Dallas!!! Hoping to see the NOA1 soon!

  21. Waiting for NOA1....come on!

  22. Sent out the K-I129 this morning. Fingers crossed that everthing goes well. Feel all crazy anxious, like I forgot to put something in there or forgot to sign something........

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