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Posts posted by Nodozz

  1. I thought the Captain Kirk thing was funny. I even went back and reread the post. :lol:

    Seriously though....,,... who cares about all the periods.....,,..... and commas.....,,..... Scotty....,,,,.... beam me up!! :rofl:

    No seriously though, good thing the Hep B was caught. Unfortunate to hear, but at least it can be controlled. Just keep supporting her, and loving her. Remember, in sickness and in health. You had some nice comments earlier from people. Just ignore the grammar nazi's please.

  2. Hershey's cheap?? When I think of American chocolate I think of Hershey's. If I send or bring chocolate it will be Hershey's and Hershey's only. Hershey's is delicious.

    Now excuse me while I check to see how my Hershey's stock is doing. ;) Seriously though, Hershey's only for chocolate.

    SPOT ON!! Hersey's to the grave!

  3. Well they can buy any of that stuff in the Philippines, standard gift and they love it is Toblerone Chocolate Bar, never give Hershey's candy or they think your cheap. Get some flowers for Nanay.

    Never buy Hershey's candy cause they think you're cheap? Please tell me you're kidding?! I've sent Hersey's kisses, Hershey's assorted chocolates before, and I've never been called cheap! Then again.... I probably wouldn't know it if her family called me cheap anyways. Damn language barrier!! :lol:

  4. If your fiance is in Manila you can try St Raphael travel. They have a special K1 rate with Philippine Airlines. You can get quotes through yahoo messenger. Their screen names on on site. I have never used them but if I purchased i was suppose to Xoom the money to my fiance and she would go in person to buy ticket or they have a bank to bank option. They dont accept credit cards from USA. They do need your K1 Visa # to buy ad it is a special rate.


    To give you a idea I was quoted a flight on PAL for Dec 6 from Manila to San Francisco. Total price was $685 oneway all taxes included, including the 1620 pecos Philippine travel tax which is about $40. The cheapest I found anywhere else in the USA was $852 and that did not include the 1620 Pecos tax.

    Thank you... I'm giving the website and Xoom a look over. I'm just not sure how far in advance she be in Manila. I do like the prices for PAL though. Thanks!

  5. Your question is sort of confusing. Are you referring to a "travel visa", or a "Visa Credit card". I've never heard of an airline asking for a travel visa. What they normally ask for is your passport number and it's country of issue and date.

    Now are airline or travel agency such as Expedia would ask for a credit card to pay your airplane fare. You would normally be asked for a "Visa", or "Mastercard" credit card.

    That's weird.... it made sense to the other people that answered the question before you. No I'm clearly not talking about a VISA CC#?!?! :thumbs: If you had read the whole question it might have helped you decipher my confusing post. Sorry I'll be more clear, but yes... Philippine Airlines site asks for a "travel" visa #, issuance date, and yes...... passport info. Now that you mention it, I'll try inserting my "credit card" visa # in there instead... we'll see what happens. hahahaha. Thanks for the ... never mind. :bonk:

  6. So my fiancee had her interview at the USEM in Manila today. Final result: Approved!! Yehey!! :dance:

    The interview actually lasted about 2-4 mins. However.... she was there for a couple hours waiting for her number to be called.

    Here's the 5 questions that were asked...

    1. How many times did I visit her?

    2. If I was married before?

    3. Do I have any children?

    4. What do I do for work?

    5. Has she ever been abroad before?

    That's it?!?! We studied so many questions, and that's it?! Grrrr! I guess less is better anyways. :bonk:

    After the questions, the Lady interviewer smiled, and said "You're approved."

    Thank you to everyone who helped out with our questions about forms, and the whole process.

    I know for a fact without this site, and without your guys help, this would have been much more difficult. Thank you a million times over!


  7. Just thinking... why be there for the medical? If you you're gonna go there, go there for the Embassy interview?! That will really help your cause. If you are gonna go there for the medical tho.... remember.... NO SEX before the medical. :bonk: It will throw you guys off your timeline. She'll have to be pregnancy tested. Even if it's the night before. That will set you guys back. Keep it in the pants holmes! Good luck n Congrats ahead of time!! :thumbs:

  8. The interview should require the same as well. Our pics weren't time stamped either. On the back we stuck a label, because we didn't want the ink to smear. Then just labeled who, where, and when. It's probably best to send updated pics of you as a couple if you have them. If not, just send the originals labeled on the back. You should be fine.

  9. Usually the easiest and best route from Philippines into United States is a flight with no lay overs. Philippine airlines would be your best bet. From Manila to SFO. I know it's a little more expensive, but at least you wont get stuck in Narita. ;)

  10. Hmm... This is gonna be a tough one. These are things you need to know for full disclosure purposes. Remember that once you're approved they will want a letter from your employer stating how long you've been employed with them and what your salary is. Then you need the bank info to prove it. So hopefully there's some other freelance people that can guide you, but it's probably best to call Uscis and ask their assistance to be sure. Good luck.

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