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Status Updates posted by meanddimpu

  1. 221G - Delayed, but not denied.. CO wants us to submit secondary evidence of her birth before granting visa. Done and wait continues for few more days :(

    1. stlMac



    2. DVV


      why did they ask for secondary evidence for the birth?, wasn't your first evidence issued by the govt or local municipal authority?

  2. Approved... yay!!! thank god..

  3. Approved... yay!!! thank god..

  4. Hi, Our timelines are same. Just curious, did you expedite your K1 somehow or just got your RFE under normal processing? Just trying to get an idea on this painfully slow process. Thanks for any help.

  5. Today is our 3 months anniversary and my baby is still away.. :( :( :( I miss her sooooo much.. C'mon VSC...

  6. oh NOA2, where are thou??? :(

  7. Labor is day for those who work hard. C'mon VSC, start working.. Pretty pweese with cherry on top!! :( :((((

  8. Tomorrrow's my baby's birthday and she is thousands of miles away from me!! Grrrrr!!

    1. Carlos1986


      I know the feeling, on Sept 21 will be our 1 year marriage anniversary with my wife. 2,500 miles away. Hang in there.

  9. I hate this waiting period... Getting depressed by the minute :( This is a horrible feeling..

  10. I hate this waiting period... Getting depressed by the minute :( This is a horrible feeling..

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