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Status Updates posted by Louza

  1. This time next week I'll be in Cairo! So excited! Masr ya om eldonia :)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Louza


      Thank you T but like I said I'm still skeptical lol! The paperwork was sent out on Friday & received by the Embassy yesterday, so now we'll just play the waiting game :(

    3. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      Hopefully it won't take long and you will receive the good news soon! :)

    4. Louza


      I really hope so for the sake of my husband's sanity & mine.

  2. And I thought waiting for NOA 2 was hard.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      It is well my dear! It is coming, with the holidays lately there will of course be some added days onto processing times, hang in there!

    3. Louza


      *sighs* We hope so T. It's just that our one year wedding anniversary is in about 3 weeks & we don't want this to drag any longer. Now I am reading stories about not being allowed to enter the US at POE. O.o

      This process is going to make me lose my mind lol!

      Happy Thanksgiving to all of you :)

    4. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      Oh please don't sweat those stories, that isn't your portion! Don't be worried about something that isn't God's plan for you! :)

  3. VISA IN HAND! Nearly fainted when I got the call from the DHL office to pick up my passport today! Thank you God!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tintin and Mike
    3. Louza


      Thank you everyone! I appreciate the well wishes :)

    4. swehun


      congratulationsss..the wait is now over..Life begins..HAve a gr8 life ahead

  4. My case is still crawling to the NVC. Come on CSC send it out already!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Louza


      Huge hugs coming your way as well. Thank you for all the support :)

    3. dwheels76


      Think they both took the slow boat around the world. Instead of taking a right eatward think they went west. Probably in madagascar by now. LOL

    4. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      And hugs back to you!!! Thanks for your support as well! And dwheels...Madagascar??? Rotflmbo

  5. Remembering to breathe every once in a while. The journey is almost over & I can't wait :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Louza


      Thanks Tracy! I guess being nervous from this point onwards will be normal! But even with all the added anxiety I am happy! :D

    3. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      You're welcome! And don't forget to breathe :)

    4. Louza
  6. Patience is a virtue.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      LOL, it should have gone as I added you already, its a mutual agreement on the friend add. One requests and it happens! :) Yes positive thinking and proactive actions are what matter in this journey. And being a newbie means you are thirsting for knowledge, start reading up on Forum topics and guides that apply to you! And welcome again!

    3. Louza


      Ahhhh I see it now. The mutual friends thing lol. Yes I've been reading for quite some time now. It's nice to know I'm not alone during this whole thing..here's to hoping everyone's procedures are swift ones :)

    4. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      Amen to that! We just have to roll with the process :)

  7. Finally got our NOA 2! Thank you God :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      You're welcome! How excited are you??? <3 God is good all the time :)

    3. Louza


      God is great! We're both very happy & excited! Now my husband won't stop talking about the NVC processing lol! As for me I'm just trying to enjoy the moment. The long wait is officially over...I hope!

      Hope you hear great news as well!

    4. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      It's awesome how that excitement can literally be felt! And thanks, no news today, but it will eventually come. :)

  8. 10 of the 20 business days down, another 10 to go!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      Thanks! On angels wings for us both!

    3. dwheels76


      But I know you call EVERYDAY! I am just waiting myself. who knows.

    4. Louza


      Actually D I only called that one time when I was told it wasn't there & that was followed by my husband telling me it has been there for daaaays! Patience must have hit me on the head like a brick.

  9. Patience is cultivated in the storms of your own heart and mind - Christina Feldman

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Louza


      You know Tracy I was a real mess the past 7 days but for some reason my nerves have calmed down. I don't know, maybe it's the anticipation of good news? One can only hope :)

    3. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      Or maybe you have just accepted that this process is out of your hands and you must wait like the rest of us. It's a long haul, so just take it one day at a time! :) And claim that good news! I claim it for you!!!!

    4. Louza


      You're right T. Let's hope good news is waiting for all of us :)

  10. I wished all the DOS visa specialists were as nice as Matt *hmph*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Louza


      I know! Like at least let me finish my sentence!!

    3. GodsGift225


      I've heard about this "Matt" guy... LOL.... He must be very popular, I hope I get him when is my turn to call..lol

    4. Louza


      He's such a nice helpful person! Waits until you finish talking, answers ALL your questions with patience, what else can one ask for?!

  11. Praying I see the golden words "Case Complete" within the coming two weeks :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Louza


      Thanks T! What's the current status with your case?

    3. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      No word yet, am not worried, it's all in Gods time.

    4. kike732


      its all in GOD hands!!!!

  12. Think positive :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      Yes, even when it gets you down for a bit, pick yourself back up and continue shining! :)

    3. dwheels76
    4. Louza


      Shine, dance, express funky freshness...I'm going to do it all from now on!

      I swear you guys, my NOA 2 came when I least expected it to..we just have to be patient, I know it's hard but it's better than stressing 24/7.

      I'm sure if I don't hear anything by next week I will start crying lol!

  13. And this week was the week! On the 18th day Case Number finally received!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Louza


      Thank you my dear :D

    3. lolo5


      congratssss...3o2balyy lol

    4. Louza


      Hey lolo thanks w ameen insha'allah :)

  14. Well that's a year's worth of text messages & call logs down the drain! :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      What happened Louza?

    3. Louza


      My cell phone was acting up so I took it to be checked out. My main problem was Viber wasn't working & I use it the most to call my husband in the US...anyway he the guy had to wipe everything (restored factory settings or something) & reinstall all my apps...he only backed up my contact list & told me there was no way to back up my texts.

    4. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      Ugh!!! That does indeed stink!! But when you gather your evidence just include on the cover letter why you have none for that time frame. It happens!

  15. Waiting to wake up from this nightmare.

    1. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      It will happen! Stay focused on the finish line, not the race. Big hugs :)

    2. Louza


      Always love reading your wise words. When I updated my status I was a mess, now I am a bit calmer. Thank you T xoxo

    3. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      Glad you are feeling more calm. You're welcome my dear! Xoxo

  16. I really do hate needles!

    1. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      I am not a fan either, pray, breathe deeply, relax your muscles and look away. It's harder on you you if you tense up the muscle. I am assuming of course you are talking about shots, but it helps in all situations where needles are concerned. Are you going tomorrow? I will pray for you :). Many blessings Louza!

    2. Louza


      As always thank you for your awesomeness Tracy. I went & got my shots yesterday. Even the doctor commented on how tense I was..but thank God it's over & I got my results :)

      Hope all is well on your side.

    3. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      Congratulations on getting it done!!! All is well here dearie :)

  17. Another day, another headache.

    1. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      Another day is just one less spent apart my dear! Keep holding on! hugs

    2. Louza


      So true & thank you as always for being supportive! We were given some good news by our lawyer today & it seems the journey might be over soon for us!

    3. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      Yay for good news!!!! And ya know I am here to support, we all need that! :) <3

  18. If one is lucky, a solitary fantasy can totally transform one million realities - Maya Angelou

  19. 15 of the 20 business days down, another 5 to go! Come on NVC give us some good news soon!

    1. dwheels76


      Plz Lord in both our cases let it not be 15 or 20 business days but rught now Lord. Come on now. ;-)

    2. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      Praying for your good news!!!! :)

    3. Louza


      Thank you ladies for the positivity...very much appreciated :)

  20. Hoping that this week is the week!

    1. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      Continued prayers for you!!! Lets see this done, In Jesus name, amen!

    2. Louza


      Thanks Tracy! What does your new username mean?

    3. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      It says....Yoruba mans wife, lol...had to get help with it, cause I dont speak his language yet :). If you ever see me say 'oko mi' that means my husband.....

  21. I can't believe it's August already. Is it just me or has 2012 gone by super fast?

    1. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      Nope its not just you! It has gone by so fast!

    2. Louza


      Hoping to spend New Year's with our significant others!

    3. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      I am just waiting to spend a lifetime :). But I hear ya, the sooner the better!!!!

  22. Viber please stop giving me a hard time!

    1. GonYet


      Hello I have a question if you can help me... why I can not summit any comment or create a new topic? why I can not upload pictures on my profile? why I can not send emails to any member? can you help me with that? Thanks


    2. GonYet


      Hello I have a question if you can help me... why I can not summit any comment or create a new topic? why I can not upload pictures on my profile? why I can not send emails to any member? can you help me with that? Thanks


    3. Louza


      Hi GonYet...I think you should ask one of the moderators why you can't contribute to the forum. Sorry I can't be much assistance to you with this because I am just a regular member & from the moment I registered I didn't have any problems posting...so hopefully a moderator can help you.

  23. My I-130 did a Houdini!??

    1. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      What did you find out??

    2. Louza


      Absolutely nothing! I was talking to my husband earlier & he kept telling me how his attorney keeps reassuring him that she's on top of it & that we shouldn't worry & these things take time. My response to all that was: Nope! My petition disappeared into thin air! That's the only explanation!

      You said it somewhere...you need to laugh to get through this nightmare.

    3. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      Yes laugh away Louza, laugh away, its better than the alternative :). It will turn up, just keep the faith and stay proactive!

  24. I'm losing hair everyday because of you NVC!

    1. Iyawo_Omo_Yoruba


      Give it all to God! He is doing what is exactly right for you in your situation! He is creating the perfect timing for easing through this process! (((hugs)))

    2. Louza
  25. Initial Review blue spot, oh how I loathe you!!!

    1. jazzyjois
    2. Louza


      And when I stare at it long enough it moves up & down my screen :(

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