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Posts posted by irishgirl73

  1. Give me one GOOD reason why not?

    Because I wish to deny happiness from as many people as possible.



    I'm with the Agent on this one--as someone who met and, yes, fell in love with her sweetie online.

    I would never have agreed to file the I-129F without meeting Ewen first. I wanted to see him, have him stay in my house for a while, go grocery shopping and visiting my parents with him. And I don't know how anyone could really think that they could hack a marriage without doing this for even a little, even once.

    The requirements aren't ridiculous. They don't stipulate that you have to have spent a certain amount of time together, or lived together. You have to meet. Once. If it's for 12 hours or 12 years, they don't care.

    I feel the opposite-If I hadn't met my man I wouldn't be sitting here miserable missing him, I wouldn't have applied for a petition that is taking FORVER to approve..........I would have been better off having never met him. I would have met someone a little more "geographically desirable"

    I am kidding-hope everyone knows that :D

    Pax-I totally agree with ya!

  2. I also submitted hotel receipts, car rental receipts, boarding passes, copy of passport to show travel dates. I don't think pics are that important...........why did I send in 5????? I don't know :blink: but believe me I wish I had kept it much more simple.

    Whatever you can show that will prove you have in fact met-that is what they want!!!!

  3. I sent in 5 photos of us together(here in the states & in Ireland). I sent in photos taken over the past two years. I haven't heard anything from them yet so I think someone must have a crush on me or my man :P and has our pics on a desk somewhere(we are such a cute couple).

    I would try your best to get some photos, if it is impossible.......I am sure there are other ways you can prove you have met.

  4. Always answer honestly. I filled out the forms for my fiance.............he was denied entry here in Philly a year a go for overstaying on the vwp 2 days. He was also denied a b-2 visitor's visa for not having strong enough ties to Ireland. when the time comes for his interview interview, he will be able to explain the denials & hopefully will not have a problem.

    Never lie to immigration :no:

  5. Thanks guys ;)

    It is so hard going through this process & unfortunately friends & family don't always understand. I am so grateful to all of you b/c you know what this process is all about. Whether it be an I-129 or I-130, whatever-we are all going through it together & it sure does help to have people to talk to.

  6. thanks for that info

    I called & unfortunately my case in under some sort of "review". My congressman was great he called me back first thing this morning & told me the news. I hope I won't have to wait the few months he told me I would.

    I am praying to hear something soon

  7. It has actually been 62 days-vsc is processing cases in 30-45 days. As of yesterday I was allowed to inquire b/c they are processing cases dated 1/8 & mine was rec'd 12/8.

    Mostly everyone going through vsc has been approved in record time-EXCEPT us. People that applied in late Jan have been approved. Either way-I am upset b/c it is taking this long. I may wait another week, it may be another 3 months-I am pissed & hurt & rightfully so.

    Thanks evryone for your kind responses. I am really upset & hope that I calm down soon :(

  8. I am a wreck-I just can't believe this happened to us. We have had a really hard year(he got denied last march). I just thought that we would be together in a few months & now this. I honestly don't know how much more heartache I can stand. Maybe now that my congressman got involved the will do the security check quickly? I can stop checking my e-mail now b/c there won't be an approval there :(

  9. I just got a call from my congresswoman's office-vermont told her that my case is under some kind of administrative review..............can't stop crying. I just don't understand why this happened to us?

    he said it may take another 90 days :crying:

    I don't know how much more of this ####### I can deal with-how do they decide who gets investigated? my man was denied entry last year but it wasn't a big deal. I have no criminal record-so #######?????????

  10. I called uscis this morning & just got off the phone with my congresswoman-thay said I should have called a month ago(I could scream) anyway, they agreed that I have been waiting way too long at the vsc & they are looking into it as I type(well at least I hope so). They seemed great about it.

    I hate to come off like I am moaning about 65 days when I know people have been waiting much longer, but for vermont-65 days IS a long time. And for me every day away from my man is one day too many.

    thanks for the kind words & good vibes everyone :yes:

  11. You have to put n/a or none in ALL places where it applies. Don't leave anything blank.

    A# would refer to your "alien fiance" if they have never been here before or had a visa, they won't have one so put n/a. That is what I did.

    As for how you met-it seems most people put a brief response-I put that "we met a wedding in Dublin, Ireland Aug 2003" then I attatched a supplemental page.

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