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Status Updates posted by Misha♥Jeff

  1. May I ask what your RFE was for?


  2. We are happy for all the June filers getting NOA2's. Hopefully ours will come soon!!

    1. arcangels


      Hi misha, try to check ur status on USCIS website.. it will come soon, goodluck !!

    2. -=Mai and Timmy=-

      -=Mai and Timmy=-

      goodluck to all of you guys june filers :)god bless us all

  3. Hi R & C. May i ask why you got your RFE?

  4. Welcome davendale, cool i lived there too last few years but now i live in las pinas.yes very soon for our NOA2.good luck

  5. YES! we hope that mai and timmy thank you cant wait,we are here waiting! hope everything's fine.hows your process?

  6. hi davendale we are june filers also from california and mindanao.where you from? with in this month i really hope we receive the NOA2 God helps.

  7. @TatTot thank you so much we pray for that,within this month.i hope the same way very soon for you and your fiance.good luck

  8. Hi Weng,

    Sorry to hear about your petition problem. You should post this on the main forum. You will get LOTS of advice for the entire VJ community.

  9. @ wengandcameron OH? bisaya pod ko pero dere ko sa las pinas nag puyo karon mag english nlnag ta ginagmay para masabtan pod sa atong fiance hehehe.nice meeting you too weng.me and jeff we look forward to have new friends here and in california.i prayed for that aproval i cant with. wish us good luck :)

  10. @ hello weng im good.yeah from california jeff said that sacremento CA 1 hour ride from him.this is cool cos maybe we can see each other soon in California.Yes we both WAITING but timeline pretty closer excited and nervous. where you live now? God bless every one

  11. hello weng and cameron. we are june filers too. from california and mindanao. where are you from?

  12. Congratulations on the NOA2...and thanks for bringing down the average time for the rest of us :-) We will be living in the East Bay once Michelle gets here.

  13. Thanks for posting your video on YouTube. You both look so happy!

  14. hi maryblane this is misha we both use this account.i live in las pinas and jeff from california. what about you? we feel the same way. too sad all we can do is to wait and pray :( but missing each other so bad. good luck to us.

  15. @Mai and Timmy: Yes, we are lucky that our timeline is shrinking quite a bit!!

  16. @mhinshep, michelle wants to spend christmas with her family. it will be a special christmas since she will be leaving her family after the holidays...bittersweet

  17. Hi Mai and Timmy. Thanks for the add. She is from Mindanao, but is living in Metro Manila now. Where is Mai from?

  18. Hi D&D. I see we are on pretty much the same timeline. I live in the SF Bay Area, not far from Vacaville. Good luck with your visa appication

  19. @R&D: If we are lucky, we can get everything wrapped up before Christmas. But I have a feeling that processing will have a lull during the holidays

  20. NOA-1 only took 4 days. Let's see if the rest of the process runs as efficiently

  21. Sent the I-129F today via FedEx. Now the clock is running!

  22. We are new here and will be applying for a fiance visa next week

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