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Status Replies posted by Dave'sGal

  1. We now have case number yayyy, after the file was shipped Nov.2013

  2. Your story made me smile. I am happy that you found the security you needed. Have a great wedding and good luck on your journey!

    1. Dave'sGal


      Thank you, Velrich! Only one month left now...

  3. So I'm trying to decide if we are going to do the K-1, K-3, or CR-1. Any advice or suggestions would be helpful. We DO want to file for his daughter simultaneously. I hear it can be a pain to bring children afterwards. Not to mention the baby mama drama once my "yardie" marries a "Yankee"! lol

    1. Dave'sGal


      Uuggghhh! Trying to figure out how I'm gonna plan a wedding, even a modest one, in Jamaica while in America! Sounds doable...in theory!

  4. Application Approved! Thank you Most High

    1. Dave'sGal


      Wow! So it was approved in like 6 months? How did you guys meet? Do you have children? I'm just trying to figure out how it happened so fast.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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